How to fix Mystery Heroes

isnt the point that BOTH teams have fun? Not just the team with 5 mercy’s and a bastion.

No logic…


The last change they made to how the gamemode was played was the removal of suicide switching, correct? This is something most people were on board with, as suicide switching simply didn’t align with the principles of the gamemode. The changes being considered in this thread would take the game in the opposite direction, which many wouldn’t consider as improvement.


Though an individual game can be frustrating when you win one round and then find you have all snipers against 3 tanks, a bastion, and two Mercy’s, I don’t feel the point on mystery hero’s is to win, it’s too learn new heros when maybe you have a chance to practice someone you don’t usually play against other players who are not destroying you with their mains, usually. But, I feel like it would be improved is the hero rolls were closer to what people play the most by choice. There are far more games with bastion, for example, in mystery than I find in qp. If there was a way to increase the odds of getting more popular heros and less odds of getting less popular heros.

I also am curious about how the hero’s are randomized. It seems like some maps favor certain hero’s and if your team is struggling with those hero’s it doesn’t help when you get the same one 3 times.

No. I play a ton of mystery and while it does suck going up against an impossible comp, that’s just the nature of the beast. It doesn’t always work out this way, but when, after a few deaths, your team suddenly has a comp that can break the “impossible” enemy comp, it’s very satisfying to turn things around. KEEP MYSTERY RANDOM PLEASE. You want to change stuff GIVE US A ROLE QUEUE IN COMPETITIVE so I don’t have to work with 4 support mains +a dps main in every comp game, ty.


Run a poll. Don’t let a vocal minority change your decision, ask the playerbase as a wole and find out what the majority of players actually want.
(I’m guessing the majority of players don’t even visit the forums.)

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Just remove no Limits from MH. Also yeah make it so every team has at -least- one active healer and tank at a time.

What about lowering the chances of getting a duplicate hero, but still allowing it to be possible.

That way you get the best of both, you still get the “broken comps” every once in a while, but it’s slightly more balanced.

Leave the wonky comps. The real issue is ult efficiency and snowballing. As soon as one team gets a balanced comp, they build their ults, and the match snowballs.

The mode needs to allow heroes to keep 50% of their ult upon death to reduce the snowballing from the winning team.

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As soon as one team gets a stacked comp

Fixed that for you

That argument doesn’t work. CTF is arcade only and look what they did with Lúcio.
I can say the same thing you said here about Lúcio in CTF and it will hold as much weight at your argument would.

Mystery heroes has always been a anti-fun mode because of the horrible RNG. If they are going to balance CTF(Not just comp CTF) they should also balance all the other arcade modes.

Normal CTF is supposed to be as fun as the other modes but one of the most fun aspects of it was removed. If it happens to one mode, then all other modes should be changed accordingly as well.

Have a mystery heroes that forces a random 2 DPS, 2 Tanks, 2 Support. Could call it “Quick Play, but good”

The comp doesn’t even need to be stacked. All you need is enough healing/tanking to increase survivability enough so your team can build ults.

Ideally, remove the stacking. Really, that’s it. You no longer balance around multiples of heroes, and it really shows in MH (triple mercy effectively made the enemy team leave), and I think that kind of make up should be in custom games instead.

But if that’s no good. Can we please, please, stop how three people spawning at the same time get the same hero? I’ve seen it enough now that I no longer think it’s a coincidence.

We already have “no limits” for that.

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I think broken comps can be fun if there’s a consensus in the team picking them. Getting a broken comp randomly though that just feels terrible. A legit comp not only has a higher chance of winning, but has a higher chance of maintaining their advantage through the map. On the crap comp’s side the plan is basically to die and reroll until you get something useful (ie a healer). Also since you know how bad it is when you have a crap comp, every time you die as a member of a good comp you feel like you wasted a good roll and probably screwed over your team.

There’s no shame in things having a bit of structure and the RNG being pseudo RNG rather than true RNG. The funny broken comp moments people like to romanticize come at the cost of misery the rest of the time.

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I feel like my biggest problem with Mystery Heroes [it’s the mode I play 95% of the time] is not directly the hero stacking or the role stacking or ultimate disadvantages. It’s the way it can kill my optimism which generally ends up being due to a combination of the 3 former points. Largely after struggling, once you finally think you have something to deal with the comp, the other team uses their ults to send you back to rng and goes back to dominating without them.

I wonder about the maps sometimes, are specific maps less friendly to Mystery Heroes specifically by being more steamroll-able for either team depending on initial comp. Mostly the assault maps perhaps.

Also what about a random events on occasion to try play into the pure oddity and refresh moods like every now and then a round spawns where 1) it’s a control point map one round to complete and 2) everyone is the same hero picked from a pool based on the map chosen [like a Roadhog or Lucio only match would always be on the Illios well or Nepal sanctum, while maybe Pharah would only be on Lijiang control center/night market with slightly more enclosed spaces to encourage more on point air battles. And for heroes that are harder to fit into a CP mode, have an arena elimination match spawn with people locked into say, Symm, Torb, or Bastion. While it’s true this could be a mode on it’s own, I think it could work really well being woven into Mystery Heroes as a refresher.

Please do something with mystery heros. Its the only mode I play to get my boxes.

I love the mode as it forces people to play heros they normally wouldn’t or use heros in situations that are not ideal.

I hate losing to RNG because the other team got 2 mercys or 3 zaryas.

I am in favor of no hero stacking and also in removing/reducing playing on 2CP maps. I feel the defense side has too much of an advantage on those maps.

Yeah, Jeff - 5 Mercys and a Bastion…in opposite team…often…when u got ur healer…your first healer this match… 10 sec before match end…with ur lose…

The only change I would like to see to mystery heroes is preventing duplicates of heroes.

Why not everything?

  • No Hero Limits was initially individually balanced at launch. You couldn’t run double Lucio speedboost amps, you couldn’t do 6 Mei’s for instant freezing, and can’t run double Torb armor.
  • Since Sym’s rework, the balance of No Hero Limits has been completely ignored. 6 Shield Gens could stack on top of each other, but all of the above balances stayed in place.

You should just tap into both sides of this and get the whole spectrum;

  • Mystery Heroes “Limited” w/ 1HL or 2HL
  • Mystery Heroes “Pure” w/ No Hero Limits

and further;

  • No Hero Limits w/ full ability stacking
  • No Hero Limits w/o full ability stacking

And whichever version is the most popular/receptive, run that in Arcade.

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