How to fix Mystery Heroes

You need to make something in the middle. In Quick Play, people just do whatever. Arcade is all about silly rule sets. I personally don’t think CTF should be in Arcade mode.
Maybe make an unranked competitive mode so players can learn the importance of synergy and team comps.

I don’t how why but when I play mystery hero I keep getting same healers and snipers whom I don’t usually play. I play mystery hero for trying out other hero. Yes. But it’s kinda defeats the point when RNG pick the same hero over and over.

But that’s the issue. If a team stacks, the other team loses.

I think if the losing team had access to ults, they could counter the hero stacks. The snowballing comes from the combination of superior comp + ults.

But it starts with superior comp. That’s the issue. You don’t say “how do we stop the rock from going down the hill” at the bottom of the hill. You say it at the top.

It’s a fun mode, my go-to for arcade lootboxes, but key issues make it an awful experience every 4th or 5th game.

You don’t need to force character roles to spawn, just a few key fixes and it’ll be much better.

  1. Max of 2 of a single hero with reduced chance (50/75%) of getting the second.
  2. Keep 50% of ULT charge from previous life.

You’re welcome, Jeff.

Drafting heroes - Picking from 3 random sounds fun, would be worth a temporary test or for a separate game mode.

I was thinking it would be neat to have a new “mystery modes” section outside of arcade, where you could have

“Mystery No limits” - same as it is now
"Mystery Limited" - Mystery hero with 1 hero limit
"Mystery FFA" - Mystery deathmatch (I want this so bad!!)
“Total Mystery” - Mystery total mayhem

Instead of “total mystery” you could have a rotation of game modes same as arcade has now, where you apply the mystery formula to other modes OR you could put the “1v1 mystery mode” there

At least then you could get some stats on which version (no limits/limited) people prefer. It would also free up a space in Arcade for something else.

(just make it so you can still unlock the arcade loot boxes there)

The problem is that too many game modes spread the player numbers. I’m already frequently waiting several minutes for games, which are often backfills on top of that.

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One idea I’ve had is a variant where the game picks counters to the opposing team, or specifically the heroes that killed you in the last life. If you die to genji, you are more likely to get moira, winston, or symmetra, if you die to Pharah, you are more likely to get D.Va, Soldier, or Ana.

Another thing I’d like to see is symmetric mystery. 6 random heroes are chosen, and each team gets those 6 heroes for the match. It may need to be restricted to just control maps, or certain heroes may need to be excluded from asymmetric maps.

I can understand that logic.

I think though that the broken comps aspect comes from no limits really as that was the original “broken comps” mode haha

Ive said this too friends as well, you really shouldnt be able too get more than one of the same hero in mystery heroes when you can bassically do the same in no limits. The only difference is that mystery heroes is defined by random selection where as no limits is chosen selection. I do think a line has to be drawn somewhere though…

When you get put against double orisa double bastion and double mercy then you might as well leave the match because you wont break that defense unless the orisas go afk lol.

or my personal favourite which annoyed me too no end, Double pharah, double mercy, Widowmaker, Torbjorn.


A lot of people use mystery heroes to learn how to get better at heroes they never play without fear of being called out for playing something they suck at. It is hard to learn how the game works and how a hero works when you have a totally stupid composition as heroes don’t really work in a vacuum. I would say the solve is to leave mystery heroes how it is and make a new mode 222Mystery Heroes. Potentially you choose a hero type at the start of the game (tank/supp/dps) and you get matched with others who choose complimentary heroes. Or you just randomly allocate so there is always 222 on a team. That way the people who want 6 bastion comps for funsies are happy as their mode still exists, and the people who just want to practice and learn also have somewhere low stress to learn. Let’s be honest, no one who is beyond the meta of 222 is really learning from these games anyway, so 222 is not going to be eliminating the people who want to play 4 tank or whatever.

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Jeff, my main gripe with Mystery Heros is like you said, multiple mercys are a PAIN to fight. One of each hero only but randomized.

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It’s the best game mode to me too, but placing a 1HL on each team would make it even better, IMO. Even two of a single hero on the other team can be an absolute fun-killer if that hero is, say, Mercy, Torb, Orisa, Symmetra, Widowmaker, Zarya . . . I mean, just that list right there is too many.

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I disagree on this, but that’s because one of the best things about Mystery Heroes, IMO, is how it teaches you to value your hero’s life. “Don’t die unnecessarily” is a lesson that people never seem to learn in QP, but MH teaches it quite well.


Seems pretty clear to me. The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the one concept here.

Can you sometimes get whacky and fun team comps once in a while? Sure.

However, does it more often than not just lead to frustrating games for the majority of players? Most definitely.

Not sure why you are torn here.


while you are at it, make a mayhem mode with regular health pools. the larger health pools makes the games a chore at times and you dont really get much of an impact with the shortened durations

Yeah I agree with Jeff here, it’s a very hard line to see.

In one sense, ya, I can definitely say from experience, it’s been frustrating to play against team-comps that get more balance (ie. getting no healers against a team comp that has healers).

On the other hand, it is just arcade, and it’s not meant to be taken seriously (not to the point of intentionally throwing). The whole point of it is RNG madness. So I understand why the devs don’t want to change it.

Holy crap. This idea is great.

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call it “Mystery Comps”

there is this really cool game mode called No Limits, maybe it could replace MH instead of getting NL once a week.
IN MY OPINION No Limits is way more enjoyable, because I have control on what role I want to play (ie. a healer when we dont have one), and countering 5 mercys and a bastion is more manageable when I can pick something that is useful in that situation