How to fix Mystery Heroes

The only thing that really needs to be fixed is the hero stacking. I don’t see many players in game that like the hero stacking because it causes one team heavy frustration.

Removing that alone would yield a higher percentage in having a more balanced team but still retain the capability to have wonky comps.

Or at leats limit the stacking to 2.

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They are synonyms, but okay.

I would also like to see some percentage of Ult charge carried over after death. After losing it is really hard to win another team fight when the enemy has Ults in their pocket. Maybe you can keep 50% of your Ult charge when you come back.

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Mystery Heroes 2-2-2 mode!

the mode is fun because I don’t know what I will play next. Its not the number of heroes put out at the same time please don’t listen to that feedback especially when mystery heroes is the only mode that isnt 1v1 most of the time on arcade and its absolutely horrendous when luck isn’t on your side. Its what heroes are being bunched together in one comp that makes it fun because it wouldn’t happen otherwise.

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I posted this on the Reddit thread that links here, but I may as well post it here too. Pretty much an opinion piece on Mystery Heroes, but I felt like sharing.

Long post, TL;DR at bottom, but I’ve given this a lot of thought in the past few weeks actually.

I feel as if Mystery Heroes is never going to be as good as it once was. I’ve been playing since launch, and I’ve always been one to advocate Mystery Heroes being a permanent mode before arcade ever existed. I have played a lot of Mystery Heroes.

In case people don’t remember, one of the biggest reasons people liked Mystery Heroes at first was because it was a great way to practice new heroes (ones you don’t play, I mean) without feeling like you’re letting your team down when you under perform, not to mention it forced you to try new heroes you may have been reluctant to try.

Mystery Heroes works best when there is a lower chance that any given player is using a hero they are super comfortable with. It is more fun when you have to try and make do with what you have, and what little knowledge you have of how your hero works.

So, why do I say this does not work anymore, and why will Mystery Heroes never be the same? Simply, because the average player playing Mystery Heroes (or just Overwatch in general) knows too much about the heroes and how they work. “But it’s still RNG! It’s still wacky-team-comp vs. wacky-team-comp!” you may say. Unfortunately, that’s often not the case.

Gone are the days of teams getting decent comps, but then people really can’t play them to near-full efficiency because, “Sorry team, I don’t know what I’m doing with Reinhardt.” Your wacky team of three Junkrats, Symmetra, Zarya, and Soldier had a chance in those days. Not so much anymore. The average player nowadays who doesn’t even play Reinhardt that much can use him well enough to keep his 2-2-2 comp from dying.

What seems to happen a lot, and is likely why people complain about “getting stomped” in Mystery Heroes, is one team will get this 2-2-2 comp (or something close enough, as long as you have some tanks and a healer maybe), and the other will not. Getting a good comp in Mystery Heroes seems unlikely, but think about how much you die in one match. It’s going to happen far too often still. One team will get something that works, and the other never will. The challenge can be fun, but not if you have a 5-10% success rate of beating these solid team comps with your 6 dps comp.

Yes, you can have matches where both teams have decent comps, but eventually players are going to die. Typically, the team that got the decent comp first will have ults and then they’ll wipe out the other team’s decent comp, and then you’re back into the same situation of trying to beat their great team with 6 Hanzos or something.

And that’s where maybe some fixes can come in, because you can’t tune down the average player’s skill level. I do think a controlled Mystery Heroes could be better. I think it can be smart and not force 2-2-2 or something, but if no one on your team has gotten a tank or healer in a while, then more priority can go to that when someone respawns. It’s a band-aid solution, as I still don’t think it’s ever going to be as fun as it once was, but I do think it’s time for it to evolve a bit. I am unfortunately starting to fall out of love with Mystery Heroes and it does kind of sadden me.

TL;DR Average player can use most heroes well enough nowadays that when one team gets a decent comp they become near unbeatable. Enough people die in most matches that decent team comps are not even that rare.

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“Slightly Balanced Mystery Heroes” would be utterly fantastic. I would play the crap out of that.

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Please give us an LFG/LFP interface. Something like in WoW RBGs, but not just for group leaders. One where players can list themselves to be chosen by group leaders as well.

We need “help wanted ads,” i.e. group leaders looking for players. And we need a list of resumes i.e. “monster jobs” i.e. players listing that they are currently looking for a group.

I’d like to actually see that. Incorporate the logic version of mystery heroes and see which game mode gets better numbers.

Give us a permanent lockout eliminations mode and put mystery heroes in the daily rotation. I think a lot more people will be happy not to have that as the only viable option to get arcade mode done each week. 3-6 man lockout elim is really the most fun of any arcade mode, imo. You ALREADY have a “for fun broken comp” mode in “no limits” matches, so mystery heroes doesn’t really fill that void.

I disagree, and I personally dislike this argument.

I am fairly good with over 15 heroes. I can play them at an above-average level.

I can’t do much against 4 D.Vas and 2 Mercy on the enemy team. Yeah it’s supposed to be broken, but to the point where you get screwed…lol.

I don’t think anyone wants there to not be hero stacking. No one with reasonable desires, anyways lol. But we’re asking for there not to be 4 healers, or 4 tanks, or 4 bastions, while you get 4 doomfists and 2 torbjorns when you have to attack.

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More mystery heroes would be cool as long as the original mode stays.


Just get rid of the hero stacking…it’s the only thing that really wrecks the game mode…would still be quite random without it


I’d love to an adjustment to the suicide fix made earlier. I see people take advantage of the suicide rulings to escape a fight and stay the same hero. It feels like a cheap way to stay on a hero you play well as when you would have otherwise have died and moved on to a different hero.

In my opinion the game should force people to switch heroes if you’ve fallen or killed yourself within a set amount of time after a fight. This would also fix issues with soldiers, Pharahs, and Zaryas accidentally, or purposefully, dealing final blows to themselves to remain that specific hero.

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I still love hero stacking in Mystery Heroes. Makes the game mode stupid, but fun to me personally.


Honestly the fun of mystery heroes is seeing if you get an overpowered comp that wipes the floor such as 3 dvas and 3 healers. I wouldn’t want the game to auto balance itself every death.

The only frustrating thing about mystery heroes is working very hard and carefully to get ult, then you die from a stray junkrat grenade and lose it all…it leads to behaviour such as ulting when you usually shouldn’t, because you might lose the ult at any second. More frustrating when you respawn as the same hero and your ult is back to 0%


Many “broken” comps are beatable, they’re merely an uphill battle. You just need a bit of coordination and patience. Sometimes your team needs to suicide into a key member or 2 then they fall apart. Not every comp needs to be beatable with your current one.

Good suggestion

I have 69 hours in mystery heroes, but would probably play less if the nature of the game changed in such a way. If you’re facing a stacked comp, it’s definitely hard to beat, but doable. I have over a 50% win rate with each hero in that gamemode (ranging from 54% to 78% with 2-4 hours on each hero). I think that having played the game, I understand how to deal with those steamroll comps, and there’s no reason why others can’t too.


I would absolutely play “Slightly Balanced Mystery Heroes.” Any attempt to create a more fun and less oppressive environment within that mode would take my full attention.