How to fix Mystery Heroes

Is mystery heroes designed to make you characters you rarely play? I tend to get stuck with Winston and Bastion. Not that I don’t like them or The concept of the game trying to show you other characters play styles, but for me it’s frustrating getting them repeatedly rather than a character I’m either good with or just simply ok as.

Especially Doomfist. I’m a trash Doomfist. Can someone give me tips on him? I was really excited for his reveal but I’ve never had a good game with him.

They tried that when they used to cycle between Mystery, No Limits, and Total Mayhem in Arcade. I imagine significantly more people played Mystery than the other two, because Mystery has become a permanent staple.

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Nobody likes losing, so they should make everybody win every game.


correct! exactly what i said

*Moderation note - removed unnecessary language from post

If you don’t want to put in logic to enforce some rules, then just give us ult percentage carryover, so its not an ult streamroll.

No. The point of the game mode is to allow people to get randomly assigned heroes. I just had a Mystery Heroes game mode where the enemy team got four tanks and two Anas. My team hardly got any healers until the end of the second round/third round. It was not fun. Mystery Heroes is reliant on RNG. You don’t decide if you win. The algorithm does. And you can do nothing about it. That’s not “fun”. It’s endlessly frustrating and makes the mode not even worth playing.

The wacky comps can stay in No Limits, where they belong. A logic system would really make Mystery Heroes a better game mode.

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Just had a game where the enemy had two winston, two moira, a dva and something else that doesn’t really matter at that point. That was within like 1-2 deaths. I left the game because really what’s the point?

Jeff, please make this new mode soon. Mystery Heroes is by far my favorite mode in Overwatch, but there’s so much room for improvement it’s not even funny.

For the love of god, at least remove hero-stacking. I can’t take it anymore. Losing hope.


Why not Have a Make it vote?

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Eh, I’ve got no problem with all-support teams provided there aren’t duplicates.

While it’s frustrating not to get a healer I don’t think forcing one is going to be a good idea and I can see it leading to a lot of problems.

It’s only really RH, Mei and S76 and as long as there’s only one of each it’s not really a problem.

Something like that could be somewhat useful as an enemy Pharah can be extremely troublesome if you have no ranged heroes. I’d extend that to include a Widow or Ana.

I’d go further and stop any duplicate heroes. Sometimes it’s not an issue, other times it’s horrific (like 2x Orisa/bastion combos or stacking Symms/Torbs) and with such a large and diverse roster of heroes there’s no real need for duplicates any more.

I think it should be more like maintain 50-75% (in points though, so no building up an easy ult then dying to get a better ult), that way you’re still somewhat punished for reckless play but aren’t too heavily disadvantaged.

That would be incredibly difficult in-game to implement, but it would be nice it resurrected players were changed at the end of a round again.

With the above changes I don’t think this would be necessary.

so I got stuck in a “slightly balanced mystery heroes” today - 8 different tanks in a row. It was the least fun Mystery Heroes I’ve ever been part of.

So, there’s a TON of discussion going on about how to fix mystery heroes, but is there ANYTHING being done behind the scenes? or is this all empty talk?

then its not mystery.

I don’t mind the broken comps, tho they can be aggravating. It has made for some interesting and exciting closing seconds of rounds when you finally get something that can beak that comp. What annoys me is when I get the same hero multiple times, like 3 out of 5 respawns. The only thing I would add is something like you can’t be the same hero in the last 5 respawns. And maybe a way to pick either a map or gameplay type.

Just do SOMETHING, test changes (PTR?) and take feedback…
Maybe poll players with significant time in the mode that has an absolute ton of complaints yet also remains popular because of its casual nature.

Christ, improvements are so slow with this development. Things just gets left as they are for months and years because someone on the team said “but random good lel?”.

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Here’s how to fix EVERY Arcade mode…

Move the 3 weekly loot boxes to QP.


NOW, all of the people playing Arcade will be the people playing it for the fun modes and not for farming loot boxes.

Go ahead, argue with me.

Most people get their 9 wins and skulk back to QP, and you know it.


I agree. I like MH and occasionally Deathmatch, but I’d rather spend more time in QP and get those boxes there. Then you’d probably have fewer quitters in MH who know that the steamrolls don’t usually stop.

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junkertown… opposing team gets 2 orisas and 2 bastions. are you kidding me.

Don’t spawn 2x of the same hero.
Maintain ultimate charge on death.

just this 2 changes and the game will be so much better!


Nobody likes losing, so they should make everybody win every game.

And this is EXACTLY the reason people want it changed to be not Mystery Heroes.