How to fix Mystery Heroes

Why fix something whats not been broken. mystery heroes works as intended

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git good against double Orisa Mercy Zen pocketing Bastion while you playing Symm.

grow some brains please

With all due respect, Jeff, the way Mystery Heroes is now, It. Is. Insufferable. Those ‘wacky’ comps you talked about? They will either be crushed down by an actually balanced comp, or a cheese comp, or they will be the crushing comp, because whoever has the better comp early on will steamroll the entire game. I just went up against two dvas, two orisa’s, a mercy, and i think a genji, while my team was full of squishies. How is anyone suppossed to have fun playing with that? If we want stack comps, we can go to No Limits, or a custom game. Not to mention, its already “Not-So-Mystery Heroes”, since there are pleanty of players, myself included, who have noticed that the “randomness” tends to favor heroes we hardly play as. One round, I died four times, and I got Doomfist, Zen, Doomfist, Zen, precisely in that order, and guess what? I barely ever played as Zen, and have hardly used Doomfist.


I don’t believe that the randomness favours heroes you hardly play as, that would just be confirmation bias kicking in. Just as often as I get Widow/Genji/Mercy who I don’t play as, I will get one Zen, Moira or Hog after the other, three of my favourites.

But the only changes it truly needs are (IMO of course)

  1. Partial ULT charge kept between deaths to prevent steamrolling with ULTS on only 1 team
  2. Preventing duplicate heroes, which will by itself improve the odds of better comps as the match progresses. If you start as 6 Offense characters, when someone dies it’ll be very unlikely (2/21 chance if you count 27 heroes) that you get another, and around 65% that you get a tank or support rather than ~50% for non-tank that the chance is now (offense+defense heroes).
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It’s not even a question of fun or unfun…the hero stacking breaks the game…

You take a game that’s supposed to be random and instantly take out the randomness because it pretty much dictates the result…furthermore it can dictate the result regardless of the skill of the players involved who should be the sole determining factor in who wins a match or loses…

You want to talk fun? Nothing is less fun than rounding a corner at the beginning of a match and seeing a comp in front of you that you know is going to take a miracle to deal with…it can essentially render an entire match pointless

Prime example:

A few days ago I played a game (kings row attack) and from the get go the enemy team had 2 orisas and 2 dvas…by itself that’s already a tall task because in mystery heroes you can’t just switch to counter this…you have to hope for counters to present themselves…I get a magical dva bomb to actually kill the two orisas and they both came back as torbjorn…AGAIN yet another tall ask…my team who is doing an amazing job dealing with this nonsense eventually manages to kill 1 torb and then the other…guess what…they came back as double dva…in addition to one that was still left over from the beginning…so all our effort that resulted in outplaying the other team is rewarded…with yet another practically impossible scenario (3 dvas)…

basically it didn’t matter how well we played we were never going to win that match…and that should not ever be a given in a game like overwatch

And lastly…and I’ve said this many times…taking away the stacking will not make the mode any less random…it’s still “mystery heroes”…it just puts the end of the match directly in the players hands…as it should be


The constant steamroll games over the last week with nothing but stacked characters is getting tiresome.

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There’s a difference between losing because you got outplayed and auto-losing games due to the matchmaking or “random” teams that are almost unstoppable due to their comp.

With 27 heroes there’s still plenty of space to create random comps, and no reason to allow for duplicates especially when games can often be decided entirely based on how lucky a team is.

As it stands, I still haven’t seen a logical reasoning for allowing duplicates other than “but we like the craziness” from a very small few. Let’s just completely ignore the fact that duplicates were removed from every other game mode because it wasn’t a good design, and that the one mode that promotes silly stacking (No Limits) was so unpopular that they virtually removed it from the game entirely…


I like the idea of not having duplicates, and keeping ult charge.

I’d prefer to see multiple different tanks, DPS, etc. in a team, than duplicates of some. It doesn’t feel very fun to me if any team has multiple Mercys or D.Vas, for instance. Having some variety in things sounds better.

Keeping ult charge would prevent the undying team from steamrolling through, just because they have their ults from not dying. Causes quite a bit of frustration to die with ult full, just to lose it. Multiple times.

I don’t think MH would need more balancing than that. The heroes would still be random-ish. Just no duplicates. Dying wouldn’t feel so crushing either, if ult charge is kept.


multiple heroes needs to be removed, any “triple” heroe is either complete cancer, or completely useless. triple mei steamrolls cause no one cant kill anything cause they get frozen faster than 1.5 seconds.


Call it “Mystery Teams” as its indicating that its randomizing a team comp vs random by hero

I personally like the chance of stacked heroes. Sure, it can be hard to counter and let’s be honest, not all heroes heroes feel like it is a benefit to have more than one.

The thing I am getting personally frustrated by in Mystery Heroes is tanks. Tanks are strong in MH, especially with supports. Given that you are subject to the whim of random selection, you don’t always have the toolkit of heroes you need to deal with tanks.

On OCE it has become a meme in Mystery Heroes. All Offense has to do is die until they end up with 2-3 tanks and a healer and push to win.

I honestly feel like the mode isn’t even really Mystery Heroes. It feels more like “Your Lesser Used Heroes”.

I play DPS a lot reguarly and every time I play Mystery Heroes, it gives me tanks all the time.

I just stay with normal MH.

It feels like that sometimes. I always seem to get my favourite heroes with these parameters.

  1. It’s preround because the game hasn’t filled yet.
  2. The opposing team has already pushed to the end zone. Too late to make a difference.
  3. I’ve lost 4-5 games in a row and the game starts giving me heroes I’m good at. The only time I seem to get Moira or Soldier is after a streak of losses to get me a win.
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Mystery Heroes is fine as is.

If you’re complaining about the heroes you’re dealt. Or what the team looks like, then you’re honestly taking the mode too seriously.

Rule 1 of Mystery Heroes: DON’T take it seriously.

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The biggest problem with MYSTERY HEROES is that its match making treats you like an idiot. Instead of matching you into fair games, it decides for you if you should be more likely to win or lose in the current game, based on your recent win rate.
Earlier in MH mode I had 50-70 win rate on all heroes in 150+ hours of play time, and it was my favorite mode. But after a recent patch a few months ago, it seems a new matchmaking algorithm had been applied and it decides my win rate needs to be balanced. Since then, MH mode became almost unplayable for me. Most of my games automaticaly lose no matter what I do, I’m talking about 7-9 games out of 10. But then every once in a while, it seems to think I lose too much in a row and decide to let me win a game or two, even if I give up right in the beginning and ask for losing.
Maybe you’re thinking, oh you just suck so much you have no influence on your team. But even in that case, I should’ve been matched with other players who suck as much in order to make a fair match ,don’t you think?


shush Go play “No Limits”

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I’ve always wanted a game mode where both teams get the same hero. Kinda like what 1v1 elimination used to be, but as 6v6 instead and on the regular maps. Payload, 2cp and so forth.

No. You shush.

Are you actually getting upset in a silly mode like Mystery Heroes? Then go play Competitive.

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“I like losing” - everyone, never. Though you’d never know it from this game!

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