How to fix Mystery Heroes

go play and get a 4 orisa on enemy side and 4 mercy in your side!

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Yeah for sure. People have talked about this for a while. There are problems with this exact method – I don’t know if 100% of Mercy’s ult should necessarily carry over to Reaper for example, but maybe only losing a percentage of your ultimate charge on death would be acceptable for this kind of a mode.

I’m with you both on wanting more balance in team comps, and the hesitance to mess with Mystery’s foundation. I wonder if something could be implemented that would greatly increase a team’s chance of spawning a healer, when the other team has a healer. This could allow for crazy 6v6 DPS/Tank games and still balance out when a team gets Moira or Mercy.

I’ve seen this suggested a few times in the past month and I’ve really liked the idea. In a way it feels very Blizzard-- playing off of Hearthstone’s Arena mode, but also introduces a little bit of balance into a game that can be very frustrating.

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And even more than that – watching your teammates play uber passive playstyles because they’re so afraid of losing their ult charge.

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I’d take either a percentage cut, or the ability to keep up to 50% of the charge. As it is now, staying alive until you get your ultimate is almost more important than playing well when you are ult-less. Cuz with your ultimate, as long as you net a kill with it, you’re also enabling your team to stay alive longer and get their ults. It’s a positive feedback loop that’s almost impossible to break, particularly when the attacking team has the advantage.

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Mystery heroes is all about not knowing what you are going to end up playing and that changing upon every death, there is no reason there can’t be limits on what gets selected for you, it is still a mystery to you. At best you can rule out getting a 3rd hanzo.

Even looking at the comments the biggest qualm is hero stacking. That seems like a simple thing to put in that shouldn’t negatively affect the experience, I don’t see a lot of folks out there going “ahh I wanted us to have 4 of this one hero” and for those that are wanting that 
 there is no limits.

In my eyes I see mystery heroes as a way to make myself play a hero I normally wouldn’t touch in a way that still makes sense in the game. It’s hard to gauge that if the comp is broken in ways that are not possible in QP or Comp.

Total Mayhem still follows normal hero selection rules and it is my favorite non qp or comp mode. (Other than I don’t think Total Mayhem is quite the best name for the mode. Maybe something like Maximum Overwatch) :stuck_out_tongue:

I play Mystery Heroes almost exclusively, please don’t change it. The wacky comps and not knowing who you will get is what makes it appealing. With MH I don’t get yelled at to play a healer or that Mei isn’t meta, all the headaches that comp and now QP seem to bring to the table are tossed out. I mean this with as much sincerity as possible, if you " fix " MH, I’ll probably uninstall the game.


How about a Team Difficulty setting?
Easy = Broken
Medium = Random 2-2-2
Hard = Counters

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I play Mystery Heroes almost exclusively too, and it needs some adjustments. Any reasonable fixes shouldn’t ruin what you love about Mystery Heroes, just reduce the frustration level for many others. For example, if you got to keep a percentage of your ult charge after dying and getting a new hero, how would that ruin MH for you? Or if they toned down the hero stacking, you’d still get wacky comps but perhaps see less double or triple D’va.


Thank you, Jeff :smiley: The pure randomness and goofyness of the hero compositions in Mystery Heroes is what makes it so fun and not serious to me (perfect for arcade). Unless my friends want to QP, it’s the only game mode I play these days :slight_smile:

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Mystery Hero is fine except for the ult charge discussion.

Stacked heroes adds to the random feel of the mode. Getting that far into “balancing” the random game mode is just silly. Why not just click Quick Play if you want a balanced team? Oh wait, you probably won’t get that there either. So I’m guessing people want to excuse their DPS pick and force someone else cause controlled RNG will make someone else their healer.

Also you’d have people suicide into the enemy team cause they don’t want to be the healer or tank. Then what would happen? They’d reroll another tank or healer? Wouldn’t that just trap them in that slot?

nah. put single hero limit on mystery heroes. Nobody likes being pubstomped in any sort of matter due to chances


yup, quite annoying when you get team killed defending point A then the enemy team comes in with 3+ ults on point B and you’re like “screw it”

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I can meet you half way with transferring a percentage of ult on death to the next character to prevent snowballing, but if RNGsus has you fighting against 3 junkrats 2 D’vas and a Lucio that’s just how it is. I understand the frustration of how dumb the stacking can get ( multiple Orisas is hell on Earth) but it’s one of the few times I can get on comms and have people coordinate a focused attack on one hero with almost zero complaint.

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You guys have already made this decision though. If you cared about maintaining the whacky aspect of arcade modes, you wouldn’t have nerfed certain abilities in total mayhem like Ana’s sleep. You did because clearly you don’t want broken matches, so why have it any different for Mystery Heroes.


Its not fun
 jsut had a game with 3 orisas, then 4 tanks the entire time on the opposing team. ITS NOT FUN to play against somethign you have no chance to actually break through.


Even if they did force it to give you one support. What happens when that support is Symmetra? She won’t be healing anyone. It’s a flawed concept.

It would have to go with Symmetra being moved to the defense hero category (whether officially or just behind the scenes). In her current iteration, she’s built for defense, just like a Torb with mini Mei turrets. She doesn’t support her team at all when her ult isn’t up.
If they do change her up so that she supports her team like she used to, then the story could change.

cough just replace it with No Limits? Caters to Both the whacky lovers and the peeps who like it serious. They could even work together and find good, yet still whacky comps that aren’t destroyed by a single lucky kill by the enemy.

_limite 2/héros max with a maximum 3/class alive on a team. So that limite support or all other class to 3.

And for me, a spécial option to kick 1/heros/class (like never have to play sym/hanzo/orisa/Df for example)