How to fix Mystery Heroes

Hero stacking already exists in “No Limits”.
Why is it in Mystery Heroes? Mystery Heroes is more “no limit”, than the No Limit mode is. At least in “No Limit” there is a way to counter it. In Mystery Heroes, more times than not, if there is a hero stack situation, you’re not getting any counterplay to it. It leads to pointless games, leading into complete destruction.

The idea can stay the same, remove the hero stacks. That’s where the only issue lies. Fairly simple fix to me, that’s where the mode ends up being not fun. For anyone.


How about a “Mystery Composition” so people get to try these fabled “perfect” compositions in the game?

The classic 2/2/2, 3/2/1, Hooks n’ Boops, Pirate Ship, Dive or one of the many the community has and will continue to create.

Then one could be like, does lucio/moira-quad-tank beat the more balance triple 2? And stats could be had.

and please give hanzo more japanese voice lines ty

How frustrating it can be, it’s also the most fun mode. I would not change it .

Only two issues I have with Mystery Heroes.

Getting multiple copies of the same hero on the same team. Just make it Mystery, but if there is already a on the team, when you die, there are still 20 others for the RNG to choose from to assign to you.

Second has to do more with Arcade than anything else. Because playing Arcade is where you get the weekly loot boxes, you get stuck playing whatever the daily mode is. CTF is almost always a steamroll or draw, No Limits is an exercise in frustration, etc. You are often left with no choice but to play Mystery Heroes.

I enjoy the mode just fine when the teams are really random, but when you end up playing “Mystery No Limits” against 3 Mercy’s and 3 Bastions, you might as well just sit in spawn.

Personally, I’d go the middle ground. You get given a random hero, and you have to play that for the entire match (or round for KOTH maps).
I think that mystery heroes is a good way to play heroes you might not normally play, but if you get killed right away, you don’t really get a chance to play those characters.

The biggest problem that needs to be fixed in MH is the fact you can get multiples of one hero on a team.

But that never happens. Usually people just pick whatever they want to just practice

imho multiples of one hero at the same time is not the problem that frustrates me the most. It’s the same hero multiple times in a row. Know that feeling when you finally killed that Bastion (who is of course on the defense side) in a major Team effort, crushed by the realization that the enemy team just rolled another Bastion.

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I personally think one of the main issues with broken comps in this mode is also that different heroes are allowed to break things differently. Like mercy got a nerf to not stack multiple heal beams back when there was no hero limit in QP or comp. But now that’s been dealt with, yet she still has this restriction. Symmetra on the other hand can build multiple shield gens and stack them all.

If the wackyness is going to be maintained, it has to be balanced wackyness. Mercy beam stacking should be restored. Multiple zen orbs on the same hero. Stacking lucio songs. Stacking ana nades. Etc…

But I do agree with you that a “balanced mystery heroes” would be amazing.

I’m a fan of the mystery draft idea.

If someone’s reason is because of the “whacky” comps then shouldn’t they just be playing No Limits when it’s available? :thinking:

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Mystery Heroes is PERFECT the way it is, please don’t change this. I do understand the arguments to “tweak” the spawns but then you will promote people just suiciding into the enemy team in an effort to get a different spawn. I don’t get why people play this mode if they don’t like it. Just go play something else.


Mystery Heroes is the only place where your MMR system and teammates controlling the composition does not visibly interfere with the fun of the game. It seems to be the only place where being able to play a variety of heroes is rewarded. For some it’s the only place where they get the opportunity to play certain heroes without ridicule or dictatorship involved. Would you consider just increasing the number of arcade game types available so these and future designs do not encroach on the availability of others?

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If you guys are torn between whether you should put logic in Mystery Heroes or not, then just make two seperate game modes. Mystery Heroes, which will have some logic, and Random Heroes, which is completely random. With Mystery Heroes, you still don’t get control of what you pick, but the team comps will be relatively safe comps thanks to the logic. With Random Heroes, what you get will just be completely random.

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lol The biggest source of my frustration with this mode is finally getting your Ultimate and then dying before you can use it.

I’d also personally remove all 2CP maps from Mystery Heroes. They aren’t fun on attack, or defense

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One suggestion I recommend.
When you respawn you are allowed to pick from 3 random Heroes. Unless you die within the first 100 seconds from spawning due to an environmental without damage from the enemy team - in which case you are respawned as the previous hero.

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Mystery heroes, needs some kind of control. Sure its mystery/random. But when you get curve stomped to the ground non stop because RNG has no parameters. It’s Frusterating. I dont even call this mode, “mystery heroes” its frusterating heroes.


HI JEff,

How about “Mystery 2-2-2 Heroes” and just plain “whacky” Mystery Heroes. …

My two (and a half) cents:

  • Ult charge percentage needs to carry over to the next hero. It would stop a good portion of the steamrolls (currently the least fun part about mystery heroes). Oh yeah, and dying with your ult up is so painful.
  • Limit respawning as the same hero on a per match basis. I hate it when I get Hanzo (currently my least liked hero) 3 times in 7 lives. It doesn’t happen often at all, but it is extremely frustrating to get a hero one doesn’t like more than twice in a game. This does stop the truly random nature of Mystery Heroes and may be tough to implement, so I could also argue to not do this.
  • Maybe, and only maybe, have a support hero at all times. I mean, a comp without a support will only last a fight or two, so it’s not a must. But this would save about 1 in 6 fights (16.5% instances of a randomized team of 6 will lack a support). This does screw with the randomized nature though, so I’m not 100% sold on the idea. PTR it to see how it goes?
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