How to fix Mystery Heroes

I understand what you’re saying, but it’s stop being chaotic when there are restritions to it, in my opinion

I was all for chaos and madness. But after a recent match where the enemy team had 3 mercys 2 pharahs and a soldier, while our side got defenseless healers, heroes that can’t deal with heroes high in the air and other nonsense. I no longer agree with it. If I wanted to deal with 3+ of one hero, I’d play No limits, where I at least can have a fighting chance and not get spawn camped at the door.


Broken comps argument is silly isnt no limits the mode for that. I love the idea of a non hero stacking version of mystery heros its certainly one of my fav modes its just a shame its got hero stacking. As for the logic i think making it so you have at least one healer is fine.

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Just call Mystery Heroes -> Protect the mercy. Mercy is broken in a game where everybody loose ult charge when dying but one team just completely deny this with a mercy, and if they get 2 mercy or more it just become “the human centipede”

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1 Hero limit and keeping the “ult” even changing heros. Will fix most of the issues.

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Maybe the issue is less with mystery heroes, and more with the Arcade in general.

It’s SUPPOSED to be a dumb fun mode where you go to just kick back and mess around, but since you need to win games to get boxes, it’s frustrating when you lose.

Maybe the trick to fixing mystery heroes is to make it so you don’t have to necessarily win games, but just play a certain number of them (probably an increased amount, say between 11-15)

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I love Mystery Heroes, I play it when comp gets to tiring and overwhelming. Or when I am frustrated, it is Mystery Heros that make me relax and I laugh. Sometimes the other team gets way better comps but thats what makes it fun. Its super whacky and fun, its not annoying like no limits can be. Maybe make a more balanced version but please don’t get rid of mystery heroes, leave it the way it is. Seriously tired of how many people complain when things don’t go their way. At least if u don’t have a good counter to the comp in mystery heroes just die and you might come back with a better comp, which has happened to me many times before.

A Mystery Heroes mode that doesn’t have No Limits also applied would go a long way to resolve that situation. Even a Bastion and 5 healers is manageable if they don’t all have res. It would also make for an easy split. Mystery Heroes and Mystery Madness.

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You don’t need to add balancing mechanics in mystery heroes.
You need to remove stacking. You know very well how much stacking messes up every game mode (No limits doesn’t count) and mystery heroes is no exception.

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Can Overwatch team balance the MH regime according to ranks? We are so tired of playing against the masters, when we ourselves have a rank several steps lower. We can have a platinum team, but opponents of platinum + 2 masters, etc. You say that you yourself play your games, but looking at Mystery Heroes I do not think so. Machine translation used.

I see your point, but I think the risk of swapping a hero you play well for one you don’t is sufficient for the purpose you mention. After all, it’s not like you can always not die. If you’ve gone long enough to get an ult you’re already doing pretty good in MH.

Also, it would eliminate the concern people have with the snowballing as well. Ok, it wouldn’t “eliminate” it…

Because no limits is not always there but mystery heroes is l

Please Keep it fully Random

I mean the arcade is supposed to be a place you can put wacky modes that aren’t perfect, right? It seems like the perfect place to try out a new version of a mode.

I don’t know if you’ll see this, but I really enjoyed Smite’s versions of random heroes lane push because it forces you to play someone you’re not used to in the same way Mystery Heroes does, but it also changes up the game mode (you can’t back to heal or buy items) so poke is extremely effective and healers and sustain is valued a lot higher than normal.

I ‘like’ Mystery Heroes in overwatch, but I don’t love it. And I wish that could change and that you could make a mode that was similar but that I could fall in love with.

This post is ironic.

It’s fun up until other team gets stacking heroes that make the rest of the round pretty pointless…

Get rid of hero stacking and it would be the perfect mode

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Sounds like it’s time to run an A/B test


I’d be in favor of the system being as random as possible but still giving each team a fighting chance. As long as each has a tank and a healer it should be better.

The “whacky” comps are “fun” to think about in theory… but actually in-game when you’re getting stomped because the other team got lucky and has a viable comp while yours is completely unworkable… is not fun. It’s frustrating and annoying.

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How about try a balance-adjusted variation of Mystery Heroes for a week or two, and see how it goes?

See if people like it more or they prefer going back to 100% random. Not like you have to make a decision and then it’s set in stone forever. Can always revert it if people don’t like it (it’s arcade, after all).

Fun whacky comps are for “No Limit”. You can’t even duplicate heroes in “Practice Vs. AI” so why do it in Mystery Heroes. The game mode states: start with a new
Hero every spawn. Not start with the same hero as 5 of your teammates and hope to win. Is it mystery heroes or no limit? Maybe I have the game mode description wrong just saying.