How to fix Mystery Heroes

Don’t change mystery heroes it’s random and fun if I want to play balanced I play quick play. If I want to go against a random team comp and it works its fun.


If people want broken comps with multiple heroes why would they go to Mystery Heroes instead of No Limits? I personally think class limits would be an amazing addition to Mystery Heroes.

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But really broken comps #feelsbadman

I’d love to see an alternate ‘less broken comps’ variant of mystery heroes added.

Well IN MY OPINION Mystery hero is the best mode (despite its flaws) and I never ever touch No Limits because it’s always cheese comps by choice, rather than the random ones you get in MH.

Also last time they took away mystery hero, the outcry and demand for its return was MASSIVE (across the forums and twitter/facebook) it had to brought back almost immediately, which is why its a permanent fixture of arcade.

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Something I’m seeing a lot of is “if people want cheese comps, they can just go to No Limits.”

I want Mystery Heroes to stay random, but not because I “want cheese comps”. I want the variety and the strategy. If we’re fighting two Orisas, then okay, now our top priority is to take out one of them. If we succeed, we can turn the match. Whereas, if we’re fighting multiple Orisas in No Limits, then that game is just gonna suck.

Mystery Heroes is a respite from the strict meta, and an opportunity to get creative and to work with the strengths of whatever heroes you happen to have, and to exploit the weaknesses of whatever the enemy has. It means that sacrificing two or three of your people to get a single pick can be a really good trade. It encourages me to play aggressively if I’m on a hero I’m not confident with, because if I can manage to take someone down with me, that’s a win/win. You can’t just run on the rote memorization of what works; you have to think strategically about what’s on the field right now and what your best options are.

To me, the most frustrating MH games are not against broken comps, but against balanced, synergized comps. And I think if the RNG was reined in, that’s mostly what MH would turn into.

Imagine a forced 2-2-2, where one team has a Winston and D.Va, with main healers and all-around DPS, and the other had two snipers for their DPS (who would instantly be pounced and destroyed). Or a 1 tank - one healer, but one team has no ranged hitscan and the other had Pharmercy. You’d still run into frustrating, unwinnable matchups, but now there wouldn’t even be anything weird or goofy happening. It would be just like playing QP except you can’t choose your own hero.


i call bs , you did this crap with total mayhem, you increase cooldowns in a mode where it shouldn’t have it

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really the only thing mystery heroes needs is to remove hero stacking. If you want to stack heros, there’s a mode for that. It will still be fun and you wont get the 2 orisa/2 sym/2 moira mode.

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Agreed. This is the funnest mode for my friends and I to play.
The “brokenness” is what makes it. Sometimes you’re going to get steamrolled , but that’s any game type.
It’s fun to try and make your garbage comp work and/or try to challenge their godly one. I think making it more balanced would take away a lot of what makes it unique.

People seem to forget that every mode is not going to be for everyone.
If you don’t like mystery heroes, don’t take away from those that do, just go play another mode.


What if you tried using custom games to serve these niche players instead of leaving most of the game’s primary gameplay modes in hilariously broken states


After a ridiculous game where my team had three Moiras, I now really enjoy hero stacking, personally.

If there was 2-2-2 mystery heroes, I would only play that.
I don’t think it should feel like a flipping coin joke every time you enter a mystery heroes game. We have unlimited heroes for that.

I think a better solution would be making 4 class to choose and heroes from that class pools would be randomized.

There would be limit on classes, f.e. 1 Support, 1 Tank, 1 Defender and 3 Attackers.

Overall I dont like Mystery Heroes as it is right now, but making it more oragnized like in example, would make it really good.

Anyone who says they actually have fun trying to attack into a huge gaggle of Bastions, Torbs and Orisas is a dang liar


maybe mystery hero’s could be like this

if you die 5 times in 1 minute you can CHOOSE between 3 random heroes (like 1V1)

Another way would be

+> dont lose ult charge each time on death

you lose maybe half . That way you could still have comeback potential ,even if the her you get is random

but you should still lose SOME charge as you would then die buy choice to get a good hero

Well I say “Mystery Heroes” doesn’t imply “broken and/or useless comps”. It just means you don’t know exactly what hero you’re going to get. If people want to play 5 mercies and a bastion they should go make their own private game. But ideally people pick mystery heroes to have a drama free mode to play heroes they might otherwise never get to play. While also getting bonus lootboxes for their trouble. Nobody can complain you’re playing Hanzo in Mystery Heroes unlike any other mode in the game.

If you actually tweaked MH to be better balanced it might end up being the superior mode to QM. Which IMO is way more unbalanced the majority of the times. A mode where you’re lucky to get even 1 healer or tank. Even MH as it is now forced people to play roles they might otherwise not pick. That is the strength of that mode and it should be refined to be fun for both teams in all games.

Having broken comps ruins the game for one team and when 50% of your players are suffering then it might not be the best mode to have in your game.


You slap them. You slap them until they can no longer feel pain. Until they no longer cite an incredibly low chance thing occurring as justification for the majority of the time it failing.

Add “mystery” heroes as a custom mode people can set up. Deleting it would be a mistake in my opinion, but it has no place in the arcade. If the core goal is to destress and have fun, it fails, as it almost always presents one team with an impossible stack. Give the core mode logic to encourage slightly more balanced teams.


As long as you don’t replace the actual Mystery Heroes.

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I think the biggest issue is the duplicates, or having more than one of the same hero, and this is where it doesn’t become fun for me. Having several Torbs, Symmetras, Mercys, Orisas etc, can easily break the game with little to no chance to counter such comps because we are subject to the Mystery Heroes roulette. We have 26 heroes to choose from, and a 27th coming very soon live. Mystery Heroes can easily give us one of the unpicked heroes.

Another point to make, I play arcades mostly for the loot boxes each week, so I do get this mentality that I have to work for my loot boxes, making it more frustrating when a game mode like Mystery Heroes just doesn’t feel worthwhile.


I am ok with getting 6 Offense heroes, 6 Defense heroes, 6 Tank heroes, and 6 Support heroes, as long as we dont have 2 of the same hero im happy.

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Because the ones who like it “wacky” and unbalanced are also the immature, obsessive ones who start the most forum threads complaining about things they don’t like, probably.