How to fix Mystery Heroes

For the love of the gods. PLEASE fix this mode. The Brigitte nerf doesnt affect this mode if you have to face two or more cancergittes, a zarya and a freaking winston. PLEASE put the fun back in this mode and remove stacks.

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The games generally snowball in whichever direction first does well and that is often whichever side had a healer. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Mercy and her rez cough cough. 3 Orisas… I whish they would tell us something new. The last thing i heard was back in may. This mode feels so abandon.


Just popping in again to say yet again that this game is in a desperate need of hero stacking being removed


Actually the only thing I want to complain is how control maps are played. The heroes should be randomized between matches because if enemy team won with 4 Roadhogs, a Mercy and a Bastion, you might feel that your Lucio, Zenyatta, Winston is really not gonna answer the damage needed to rip through all that fat. Mystery heroes is supposed to be wacky but at those situations it becomes depressing.

You can say that again MH + Hero Stacking = Broken...any chance we get alternate version? (game log included)

Ult charge going poof is the biggest issue. Playing safe to charge is wasting time for a payoff that might not even be there.

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Stacked heroes are super oppressive to MH now, with all the changes, stacked meis destroy team, stacked brigs is auto win…

it needs to be fixed

stack everything is ridiculous, like, how about two or more Lucios, yes, even that is hell.

Please, god, yes.

It feels so unfulfilling when someone is their main and just dominating the game, or when you finally kill that pocket bastion, or when you finally kill that Brig that Mercy has been pocket healing all game, just for Mercy to rez them right back, and they actually protect Mercy for once because they want that OP comp.

I get what Jeff is saying about enjoying the wacky/broken comps, but good lord, it’s usually only fun for one of the two teams.

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Thank you Blizzard. Thank you so much for not responding to the problem with the stacks. Its hella fun to face 2 reinhards and a brigitte on a payload.

Just making heroes unique per team will solve soooooo many things.
Yes it removes part of the weird stuff you can see but man … it will be good to see it for a change.

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They did respond, literally in this thread.

It was in March … * 20 *

Completely irrelevant. They responded to it, and said they might try it.

I dont care whats irrelevant for you.
There are so many ppl who are asking for removing the freaking stacks.
You heard nothing since march.

It’s not irrelevant to me, it’s irrelevant to the argument.

Would you really like them to reply again, saying the exact same thing? That they might try it some time in the future? Would you not prefer them spending that time developing the game? Should they just copy + paste replies on every thread they reply to every month or so to show that their opinions haven’t changed?

Strange, in other modes they remove the stacks fast.
But this mode… but yeaaaah im sure they still working on this …

Mystery is not other modes.

And they’ve never said in any way shape or form that they were working on removing stacks from Mystery to begin with. Jeff said he’s considering it, considering both perspectives on the matter, not that he was actively working on changing it. Yeah, it was in March. No, his stance on it doesn’t necessarily have to had changed since then. Prett makes the best argument here when he asks whether or not you’d feel better if they responded with the exact same comment. “We’re not looking to make any changes to the mechanics of Mystery Heroes” - if he came here, today, to post that comment in response to your suggestions, would you feel any differently?

You can always opt to play one of those other modes where stacking has been removed if you so choose.

I’m starting to feel like they are abandoning the arcade modes. Lets see some tweaks here and there or more modes.