How to fix Mystery Heroes

I like the pure rng aspect.

  1. But what’s wrong with a six healer comp? That sounds really fun to me
  2. I like it when you get rng. This is casual overwatch we are talking about
  3. I think they are only overpowered because you’re playing heroes you’re garbage at
  4. I don’t think they should make an algorithm around one hero. Either make the algorithm around ALL the heroes or NONE of them
  5. That sounds fun
  6. Okay this one I agree with
  7. No thank you. The mercy rezzed you because she thought you were good at that hero or your hero is very important to that match
  8. okay I agree with you on that
  9. If you are jumping off the map, you should keep playing the hero until you die to an opposing player. That way we don’t keep jumping off the map until we get our mains

I detest Mystery Heroes the way it is now but I still play it because it’s usually one of the best two options for me to get my weekly boxes. Sometimes deathmatch is a better option, depends on the map. I like playing JR and if it’s Eichenwalde or something forget it, Pharahs for days and I can barely get any kills lol.

If you are jumping off the map, you should keep playing the hero until you die to an opposing player. That way we don’t keep jumping off the map until we get our mains

I think they were more talking about getting the same hero 4 or 5 or 6 times in the same match. That’s how it usually works for me. I’ll generally get the same 3 or 4 heroes over and over in a match. It doesn’t really seem random so much as it’s a random selection of a few heroes then I get those few over and over again.

The respawning as the same hero if you suicide is a good mechanic to keep people from suiciding repeatedly trying to get their preferred heroes. They still do it some, run head long into an entire team just so they die and get kicked to something else, but it’d be far worse if they could jump off a cliff outside of spawn.

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push Had to face 3 lucios… 3 hanzos and all in one round. This I S N T fun to play against. Hello?! Blizzard? Something new? Or do you sh*** on the players who dislike this?

“for them”
whacky is subjective and is not limited to getting extremes like 1 DPS and 5 supports. The golden rule for me so far with Mystery Heroes is “the first team to get 2 orisas, supports and DPS characters win”.

This gets worse depending on the map and your luck because sometimes when you have to go up against a team with “the best” composition you need to get some counters and not lose that counter because “50 layers of barriers” are not going away any time soon unless you’re a big fan of banzai rushing a choke until you get something better.

No limits should be a game mode for that unfiltered whacky stuff because players are in control to counter a whacky composition with their own…
or in other words “counter cheese with more cheese and if you don’t counter cheese with more cheese you will lose and it’s your fault for not being smart”

In Mystery Heroes you do not have control over the characters you’re selecting so if one team gets the best result and the other team does not then you have a game that’s one sided and not fun.


Thank you Hank.
I remember this. It is from march or mai?

Thats the way i feel it too.
I really like this game mode but the stacks make it worse and worse.
Mercys rez…? No one focus her, or she fly away with 1HP left. Pray for god that there want be a second one.
Phara? Good Luck shooting her down and or getting a counter.
Two Brigittes? Uff …

It makes me really sad that blizzard is now silence about this mess.
There are no new statements about the state of a patch/fix/second game mode or whatever.

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Still surprised Blizzard hasn’t adjusted this mode that borders on being an unplayable mess. It wouldn’t even take a whole lot, just adding a hero limit restriction.

The fun of the game mode is not the “whacky” comps, it’s playing as a bunch of different heroes during one match and working with what you got. When what you got is an impenetrable wall of health and healing there is no working around it for the other team and you might as well leave the match and queue up for the next one in hopes of having a better experience.
It’s not fun for multiple Mercy’s to be able to res each other every time they die.
It’s not fun to have 3 D.Va’s flying around and practically unkillable.
It’s not fun when you’re constantly being shield bashed by multiple Brigitte’s.

This game mode needs a hero limit ASAP


This. As soon as I see the other team has multiple shield tanks or mercies, I just leave. There’s no penalty and I get another match right away. Hell, I’ve left 5-10 games in a row because of this.


Mystery Heroes is nothing but steamroll heroes now. Rarely is there ever a game that is actually fun. Its pretty much… one side getting nothing but easily rolled over picks.


I think it depends on how you play, and can force the team to come together.
The other day we were playing on Illios and had 3 Bastions.
And we were able to get all the Bastions down by working as a team.

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In the last hour I’ve had:

  • Our team had 3 torbs and 2 Sombras on Junkertown offense.
  • Someone saying “Sombra’s behind us!” on Eichenwald p3 before me replying “Which one, they have three of them!”
  • Them then getting two Bastions on defense.
  • Us having 2 Junkrats on Lijiang Night Market and just spaaaaaaaam.

Literally the only thing I would change about Mystery Heroes is to force everyone to change heroes at the end of each map on Control, and that’s only because quite often I’ll have games where I have zero deaths because I’ve landed on a hero I’m good at, so it ends up destroying the other team, and I’d like it to make the game just a bit harder so that doesn’t happen.

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I am a follower of the “fix the arcade matchmaker” religion. I hold a very strong belief that the broken matchmaker is the sole source of the frustration I have with Misery Heroes. I pray for the day when Papa Jeff descends from the heavens and heals the matchmaker bringing peace and prosperity to all.

But for now I have to live in the dark times where wicked monsertrous machines mow down my naive, inexperienced but eager teammates. A world where fate plays it’s cruel hand by blessing the enemy team champions that will wreak havoc to any overpowered comp that we may have. Where time does not seem to move forward as battle, after battle, after battle ends like the one before it (the same team a routing the same team b over, and over and over again).

So spread the word of what ails the matchmaker and the land we call arcade. Make the communities voice rumble and thunder with discontent so that Papa Jeff and the dev listen from high upon they’re magnificent thrones. For one day they will need to listen, for if they do the dreams of god’s and prayers will eventually dry up.

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I love how you can have character like, Mei, Symmetra, Torb, Bastion, and your team will do anything to protect you in Mystery Heroes.
But if you play those outside of Mystery, prepare for the hate.

Your suggestions would ruin Mystery Heroes. If you want real comps without RNG or hero stacking then play quick play.

The whole reason I play Mystery Heroes is because it’s basically random and it’s fun to get an OP comp. If they did your suggestions I would never play it again.

Thankfully it seems like Jeff has the right idea.

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IMAO the only one change will make this mode more fair and more fun and crazy. Just let players keep their ult charge after death.

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Would love to see this happen, a balanced random mystery hero. i dont see why a lot of people seem to think the mode needs to be either completely unbalanced or completely balanced. its not hard to just make it less random while keeping it random. there is absolutely no reason to make it to a strict 2/2/2 just because you want it to be less random. you could for example make it less likely to get another tank/healer when you already have one, without making any strict limitations. you would just have a better chance for balance while keeping whacky compositions fully possible.
or you could make it so that your teams composition has higher chance of becoming similar to enemy team, both teams would over time end up with somewhat similarly broken/stable composition if people keep dying on one team. theres a lot of different things that could make the mode more balanced.

i love mystery hero, but it sure can be a frustrating game mode. some games the enemy team just has such a good team composition you can easily spend several minutes trying (losing) to take out any of their healers but then they get another new healer after dying. RIP, another healer after spending so long trying to catch up with their luck. some games you just cant win without luck. at least if enemies are attacking you will lose fast. its worse if you are attacking and not able to match their luck. just becomes a drawn out game of hoping for better luck. I cant help feeling that a game mode where outcome is often completely decided by luck or bad luck is a poorly made game mode.

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IM actually fine with the mode the way it is. It’s a “fun mode” to me. Anything arcade shouldn’t be held to a serious light. As it’s really just hilarious the combos the system comes up with. I interject my own opinions often. But to be honest. Its a fun, all-out mode with a much more relaxed setting. There really should be no reason someone should tilt about it. I’d just leave it alone and not even worry about changing the settings or dynamics in this mode.


Its that relaxed setting i like but in a more balanced game, i like the way you can play any hero without ruining the game for everyone else. in quick play if you pick a dps when theres already 3 dps you are setting yourself up for a loss. kind of forced to pick healer/tank. i actually prefer mystery hero over quick play because of that, except for the fact that mystery hero is so much based on luck.

For the love of the gods. PLEASE fix this mode. The Brigitte nerf doesnt affect this mode if you have to face two or more cancergittes, a zarya and a freaking winston. PLEASE put the fun back in this mode and remove stacks.

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The games generally snowball in whichever direction first does well and that is often whichever side had a healer. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: