HOW TO FIX BRIGITTE - from a Brigitte main

Regardless of who mains who, this is a discussion on Brigitte.

(Plus Genji landing 3 perfect shurikens in the head followed by a dash is probably once per game, twice at most, if we really are to get technical)

Case being, any other method of healing is not instant, and can be out-done if enough damage is put into them.

Repair pack is a free instant heal, Brigitte does not even have to really stop fighting, she just quickly flicks to whoever needs it, then throws it, back to fighting, any other healer has to stay with their team-mate and bring them up.

Plus who says the person in said case was pocketed? Brigitte just saw a team-mate in a 1v1, while she was with say, her tanks, then just quickly flung a repair pack and continued the job, that isnt a pocket, that’s just an outright insta-heal turning the tables of a 1v1.

Ok then I bring up this argument to you


Literally I can just negate any damage people do in any kind of fight, regardless of team or 1v1 because of Ana with her grenade and with her PRIMARY FIRE.
You saying you’d have this many problems about an Ana using her literal primary fire to burst heal your target back to life?

Repair pack heals 150 heath and is on a 6 second cool down. Assuming that your target was nearly dead, unless you’re 1v1’ing a Tracer, they’re not getting back to full health and getting armour (because I assume you mean 50hp or less which is what I would count as ““nearly dead””)
Even if it DID, you have 6 seconds to quickly kill your target before Brigitte even gets her cooldown back up.
So, maybe the problem isn’t Brigitte, maybe it’s your ability to put out damage. :smile:

it actually got travel time when you throw it. the longer away the target, the longer it takes to reach. only the cast is intent. just saying.

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Ana has to completely focus that target with her primary fire to do any significant healing to them, while Brigitte just has to press repair pack and then she can continue the fight.

Ana in this case also has a lot more limitations to her kit than brigitte, she has no shield, her only defensive ability is a skill shot, and her only self-heal she has to choose wisely when to use, she is played with a lot more risk.

The average health pool for the majority of the cast is 200 health, in any scenario where a 1v1 is occuring, said person is guaranteed a burst heal of 75% of their total health back essentially.

Now, this would not be a problem if it healed over a short duration, but in this case it does not.

Allow me to bring up a scenario

A soldier is fighting a zenyatta, he throws maybe 2-4 bodyshots and a helix rocket, zenyatta is 30-50 health at this point, brigitte takes notice then throws a repair pack, zenyatta is now max health and proceeds to kill the soldier in a fight the soldier probably would have won had brigitte not instantly healed the zen for 150 health.

You can attempt to bring up the argument that other healers can turn the tide of 1v1s yes, but the factor that changes this is once the healer decides to pocket/help them take out the attacker, it now becomes a 2v1, with the case of repair pack, it is a 1v1 but one person gets a heal to instant essentially.

I speak of the heal itself, if we really are to get extreme into details, you could argue mercy has “travel time” to heal someone as she has to use GA to them.

This is decent

This is not a small buff. Repair pack is insanely good, 150 burst heal. She can litteraly turn any losing 1v1 of her teammates to a win just by hitting E in their general direction. For how good this is, it should have a higher cooldown.

The only thing this really does is lower her ult charge from swinging. Not really necessary if they just make it so Rally armor also has a time limit.

This doesn’t really do much tbh. It’s just an illusion of adding risk to it, the only time this is really applicable is when people have actually taken the time to burst down her shield which isn’t a matter of not wanting to but rather having the time to do it.

Is this a joke? Like I’m genuinly baffled that you suggested this. 150 armor is ridiculous, there is a reason why it was toned down. The point of Rally isn’t to be a life saver, it’s to make everything more durable. If you bring it back to 150 it literally just makes everything on the team that isn’t a tank a tank.

A bit insignificant.

After looking at your profile I can confirm that you are indeed anything but a brig main.

sorry for flexing this season :frowning:

Flexing? support mains are the hardest to come by why do YOU need to flex DPS slot which is the most common ???

My second most played is, literally Orisa, followed by Brigitte, then, then Ana.
A main tank
a healer
an off tank
and then a main healer
Im not… quite sure why you’re having a go
I played Brigitte for 31 hours in s10, she was my second most played in s11 i think, and now she’s my third in s12 purely because I’ve been trying to play more Symmetra.
Brigitte is one of my mains, and that is NOT for you to decide. Shush.

In order for a character to be your “main” you have to have them played the most in season. SOrry but you have 5 hours of briggette play you need to log in on comp and 18 more hours for quickplay in order for her to be a main.

I main Brigitte, Symmetra, and, you can main more than one character, your argument is moot.

You are wrong I googled main and here is what the Merriam dictionary said on the definition.

-a pipe, duct, or circuit which carries the combined flow of tributary branches of a utility system

goshdarnit you’re right, my ducts are made from Hanzo, I just googled, sorry my mistake :frowning: