HOW TO FIX BRIGITTE - from a Brigitte main

2- NO it will be more hard to kill her teammate if she keep giving them armor.
5- punish Brigitte for using shield bash NO.
6- it is buff 150 armor is too much she will be able to turn her teammate into tanks before the fight

Most of this post I can at least somewhat agree with, but I don’t think her burst heal needs to be touched, at least in my opinion. If you ask me, Brig’s main role as a support isn’t necessarily to provide healing, but to provide protection - namely protection from flankers that can prevent backline-oriented heroes from doing their job. I can understand that playing in the backline won’t always mean that you have inspire up, but if you play around midrange, you should be able to react to a backline teammate calling out for help against a flanker, at least from my experience. I could be wrong, but I still think Repair Kit is fine where it is.

These things are not mutually exclusive. Brigitte should be more of a healer and support than a DPS hero hence the buff suggestion for Brigitte’s Repair Pack because then she would be ABLE to out put more healing. She would still be an off healer and would still primarily be backline area denial.

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Or be lazy, just make it so that after she does shield bash, regardless whether she hit or miss, her shield is on cd and can’t be used for a short period of time :man_shrugging:

Ignore me, I’m just talking out of my a**.

Just take off some of her sustain, take some of the power off of her cc abilities, or if you can remove them entirely and replace them with a healing or non-cc ability that would still make her versatile, that would be awesome. Most of her problems come from her massive self-sustain, and cc. Make her slightly more susceptible to roles that are made to dive supports to stagger pushes, like monkey or other flank dps. But I do agree with the health pack cooldown being 5, not 4.

They should really soften her stun.

Make it slow the target 25% and disable all movement abilities for 2-3 seconds. You could reduce it’s CD.

And maybe reduce Armor Pack to 100 health and drop that CD a second.

Hrm. I think this change is the only one on the list I can get behind. Everything else actually seems kind of contradictory to her play style and/or like it would introduce (or repeat) design flaws.

Her survivability is in a good place and shouldn’t be reduced. Depending upon which numbers you look at, her deaths per game are either similar to, or worse than, both Mercy and Moira.

Some of the decisions they made for Lucio really shouldn’t be used as guide. His survivability is poor for a healer and he’s countered too strongly by Sombra. Really, his self-healing penalty and the fact that hack disables his passive healing need to be removed from Lucio, not added to Brig. I can see the reasoning with wanting Sombra’s EMP to disable Brig’s ult, but it’s really putting too many healer hard-counters into Sombra. Which isn’t the right way to improve Sombra or add an armor counter. If the game needs an armor counter, then it should be on a new hero. Not by trying to pile as many counters as possible into Sombra’s kit.

If you want to buff Repair Pack, then an increase in the amount of healing instead of a cooldown reduction would be a better route because of how frontline she plays. If she’s too occupied with Repair Pack it distracts from maximizing Inspire triggers. Personally, this is a skill I would just straight-up nerf by removing the armor overheal mechanic entirely. Her kit is a bit bloated, and the fire-and-forget aspect takes some of the skill out of maximizing her healing. I get why they did it, but I think the overheal mechanic belongs on new ranged healer instead - she doesn’t need it.

If you want players to be more conservative with Shield Bash, then just increase the cooldown instead. Penalizing players for using abilities doesn’t work unless they have an ability to recover the lost resource. Eg, mechanics where you spend health as a resource don’t work unless the character’s kit also has a way to self-heal. A stun is damage mitigation, so trading damage mitigation for damage mitigation is a bit nonsensical.

I don’t think she’d need any buffs to compensate for nerfs, and I think these changes would likely aggravate the issue of being too good in lower ranks and possibly amount to a net buff tbh.

150 armor stack instead of 100 is huge, like is instant +150HP that can overheal on a shorter CD. Damage reduction to 30 per swing is not significant as it changes no damage break points on 150/200 HP heroes.

i believe she needs a shield durability and regen nerf, and once down it should stay down until at max. 400 shields, regen 40/s. These changes benefit mostly those who can’t coordinate to focus Brigitte. Right now breaking her shield does nothing to prevent bash and she wins too many 1v1 matchups. Ultimate, heals and damage seem fine to me as they are now.

How to fix Brigitte:

First finally fix dive, then we fix brigitte.

Unfortunately we have to admit that we only need her because dive heroes are really strong.
The problem is that Brigitte didn’t fix the dive issues, we just added one more issue in our game.

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She needs the barrier durability to block damage for allies. It’s going to be a lot harder for her to push while tanking with only 400 barrier hp. I think nerfing her barrier hp so severely kind of breaks her concept.


Her shield is fine. Shield bash is part of what frustrates some people.

I wouldn’t mind removing stun from shield bash in exchange for health pack cooldown reduction down to 4s.

Pretty sure it’s a bug if she still can’t do this. Sombra’s EMP should be able to cancel anybody’s ult regardless, as well, that is what Sombra’s ult is lol I never understood how some ults still aren’t affected by Sombra’s EMP.

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well instead of a cd, they can always make shield bash be on a resource meter where she needs to fight in order to charge up her shield to perform a shield bash. But the problem with this idea is that she will no longer counters dive. However, if staying within close proximity with a teammate increase that recharge rate might balance that part out. But this only prevent Brigitte from flanking which I don’t think is the main problem. I think most people hate fighting Brigitte is when she is on point with her teammates.

mostly buffs to make her borken as strt and have u abuse her more for sr.

  • shieldbash cd 10sec.
  • shueld regens for 4sec has 400.

she gets to keep her combo but healing is reduced to 10hps doesnt regen her armor :).


The problem is people don’t want their precious wittle Tracer and Genji to actually receive nerfs. The community lost their crap when Tracer’s pulse bomb damage was reduced (literally so it wasn’t a tank buster anymore because any Tracer could just go up and delete the Rein and walk away, now they have to be smart with it)

Brigitte could be in an amazing spot in this game if they just actually cared about their balancing. :frowning_face:

Yes, but there is nothing more annoying or depressing than seeing the person you were about to kill just get instantly healed to near full, then your face smashed in within seconds.

Um, the community perceives Genji as balanced and tracer as a little bit op (certain people), so no, they are not the problem.

If Brigitte was reworked to solely counter dive, and be weaker to people like reaper where close range is the only thing they have, then we would see a bit more positive outlook of her.

Ok but you can say the same about Moira’s orbs, Torbjorn armour packs, Mercy’s beam, Moira’s heals, Lucio’s amp it up, blah blah
I don’t think you understand that there are healers in the game TO SAVE PEOPLES LIVES. That’s the point of a healer. To heal back the damage that they’ve taken.

None of them heals to the magnitude and extent of repair pack however on a single target.

Repair pack can heal you to full, then top you off as well with armor.

Every other healer’s healing can be out-done if you are precise enough and play your cards well, Brigitte is just a straightup max health to any squishy, it needs to take time to heal someone to max, not just be instantaneous.

I mean I’m thinking it’s safe to assume you’re a genji main from your username, correct me if I’m wrong don’t worry.
I mean three shurikens to the face dash melee
dead squishy
Unless Brigitte is constantly staring at the person you’re trying to 1v1 purely to heal them up, there’s a low chance of that happening
Maybe stop trying to 1v1 people who are being pocketed