HOW TO FIX SYMMETRA - from a Symmetra main

You could say that about spelling and punctuation too.


does it really matter? if there’s haven up above?

Heaven does not exist. When you die you go into a permanent black out coma that you will never wake up from. You will cease to exist and in time everyone you know will also cease to exist. Unless you are Jeff Kaplan then you will live on forever as a god.

we’re all entitled to our opinions. That’s why they’re called opinions and not facts.

heaven exists and i have proof

u can clearly see his soul leave his body

there you go. :wave:

I agree with most of these ideas. However, If all the changes were made, she would be too good imo.

I would say return her photon barrier, but with a faster cast, and it deploying in front of her instead of about 2 meters out

Definitely give her the old beam back, even a tweaked version of it. She needs to be able to punish flankers, as it is, she is just food for them.

Keep the tele the same. With a fixed version of the photon barrier back, having a tele with a quick deployment would be too much, but keep the tele, just make it less buggy to deploy.

Definitely take away the splash on secondary fire and replace it with piercing. Piercing was unique, with splash Sym is just Pharah lite.

Turrets need about a 2 second CD reduction, and possibly 1 more to use, but would need the damage to be lowered per turret to compensate.

The ult does need something to make it better. Right now it is kind of “meh”. However, if the rest of her kit is fixed/improved, I can live with a weak ult.

I do not think Sym needs more hp. Not if her kit is fixed. More hp is a cop out to avoid fixing the major issues with her kit. If she has a tele and a photon barrier, she is going to be a force to be reckoned with. She doesn’t need to be more tanky on top of that.

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ahhh I didn’t state it but yeah I mean for these changes to be like, pick one, not all of them. (Though I have no problem with Symmetra becoming overpowered >:D)

The only thing she needs is a buff to the level 1 beam.

Coming from a Sym main since launch.

She’s fine.

:woman_shrugging: :tipping_hand_woman:

Damage ramp is one of the things that makes Sym being Sym.

If you give a set damage to her primary fire it has to be lower than her level 3, Zarya already does more damage than Sym let’s not bury her.

The drawbacks for her carry potential with her beam are already big enough let’s not make it deal no damage.

And a 180 dmg/s all the time is not balanced.

I emphatically disagree. She has no survivability right now. No way to deal with flankers that is not “place turrets and hope they stand in them and not kill them”. She is too much like other picks now, and needs to be more unique. Really my suggestions aren’t even major reworks.

Give old beam back
Give photon barrier back, but improved
Slightly buff turrets
Replace orb splash with piercing

That is it. It would go a long way to giving her a unique play style again, while making her strong enough to be viable, and keep her consistent which is what Sym 2.0 had issues with.


I just want my barrier piercing orbs and my photon barrier back :frowning: like of all the things I want the most thats it :frowning:

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I want everything back haha, but I need my old gun, photon barrier, and shield gen back and I would be fine.

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Yep, I am okay with the ult changes and tele change, those are more window dressing, but the lack of survivablity is crippling, and I hate playing a character whose attack is almost identical to Pharah’s. I still want the old beam back as well, because it was core of what Sym was, and it made Sym a strong Genji counter, which there are not a whole lot of in the game.

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I legit must be the only Sym main who didn’t care about the shield gen honestly xD but yes plz give the gun and my photon barrier back Q_Q

That is EXACTLY one of the biggest reasons why people didn’t like Sym 2.0. Because she was a flanker counter. It’s why people don’t like Brigitte, it’s why people don’t like Moira. Tracer and Genji couldn’t just constantly dive your back lines anymore.

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I’m really neutral about this, I like both versions.

But I really think she’s fine, the rework overall made her great.

Her orbs are really good against flankers.

I think shield gen was the better ult, but if Sym was buffed appropriately, I think having a weaker ult is better. Also the new ult is interesting, and has lots of potential uses, and keeps the game from getting stale, but a lot of the other changes were just bad design choices

Not really. They are okay. Her beam was great against flankers, except for tracer who could easily blink out of it, then back in to deal damage. Her orbs are not nearly as good against flankers as flanker dps is good against her.

The only time I ever used Shield Gen was when we were on like, the last point and our spawn was closeby like point B volskaya or something. Whereas teleporter was a game changer and the closest thing we had to mercy rez except it was easily avoidable by simply killing the tele.

I love the big wall, for damage mitigation and playstyle I like it plus, like I said in the post, I love the voice line that comes with it :heart_eyes: but yeah that’s about it xD

Shield gen was very strong on attack on certain map. Kings Row in particular was an easy win with shield gen backed payload pushes.