How to defeat spawn camping sombra?

Pick Zenyatta and kill her just to drill in the skill differential and tbag for max disrespect


Cracking dez nuts on Sombra’s as the nutcracker never gets old. Get Crackin I say

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In match chat (orange so your blind teammates can actually see it among the sea of blue) say “sombra spawncamping. help lol”. Then wait a few moments for a team member to reach spawn/respawn so you can be escorted safely to the fight.

Sometimes giving a warning in match chat is also enough to scare the Sombra off. Sombra players don’t like a fair fight. If she thinks her tactic isn’t gonna work anymore, she’ll change methods.
Even if you manage to escape spawn, Sombra will STILL target you. If you’re getting picked off constantly by an enemy Sombra, you need to ask your team to bodyguard you, or swap to a hero who can handle Sombra solo.
Stick close to your teammates. Spam “I need help/healing” pings whenever you think you’re in danger.

Spawncamping sombras are a carcinogen - especially now that a lot of squishies just got EVEN MORE squishy. If we didn’t stand a hope in hell of defending ourselves a few weeks ago, we’re just playing respawn simulator now. I hate Blizzard devs so much it’s unreal. I wish there were an effective way to send a message rather than “stop playing”. Because the game is really fun when she’s NOT in the match.


You were playing Mercy?

I was playing Ana and then started switching

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :man_facepalming: :v: have a nice day.

That can help

If you’re struggling with this version and think she’s broken, you would have never survived the older versions.

As DPS, any hitscan hero, junk cheese combo is an instakill, torb, hanzo but can’t think of all off the top of my head.

As Support, Simply don’t go Mercy or Zen is the easiest advice I can give.

In Open Queue, you should be 4 tanks and 1 support most of the time anyway.

by remembering there is more than one door.

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Just relax in spawn, until she gets bored and goes away.


I crack my nuts on ppl all the time then I get arrested for s3xual assault

Wow! What’s crazy is that I’ve been playing since 2015 beta

Cassidy hinder grenade and double hs. Kiriko Suzu and double hs.

I’m assuming a true 1v1, as in no one is peeling for you or her.

When she does it to me when I’m on support, I either go Kiriko to headshot her and kill her/cleanse myself, or I go Brig to disrupt her hack/block hack.

If I’m hitting my shots, Illari as well since she can outdamage her, and keep herself up longer with Pylon. Or Ana to sleep her and get her to go away. If nothing else is working, then Moira to just piss her off and basically win because of orb (whether you heal with it or damage her) + Fade to escape hack and damage her.

I would not go Zenyatta, Juno, or Lucio.

If you’re on DPS, Cass, Hanzo, Ashe, Tracer, Soldier, Venture are all good choices. Echo can work if you’re really good with her. Bastion is also fairly good, as are Mei, Sojourn, and Torbjorn.

On tank, Orisa, Mauga, Zarya, and Junker Queen are pretty good. Doomfist and Hog are probably not unless you get the first hit on her, which isn’t likely. D.Va can work, too.

In order to defeat spawn camping Sombra, you start by closing Overwatch, and come back in two weeks to see if Devs are playing the game

Then you just repeat the process


Sounds like you have a bad team. They’re using a communication tool to berate you when it should be used to help…communicate. If you can’t tell your team that you’re struggling without them yelling at you, they’re at a loss.

So what can you do to better help yourself out? Switching was good start. If your team won’t help then you can’t be expected to help them. Also try the alternate spawn exits instead of using the “common” exit.