How to defeat spawn camping sombra?

I genuinely have no clue on how to stop this.
I was in comp yesterday and got cussed out because I was being held in spawn by a sombra who kept going invisible and hacking me. Usually I have no problems with sombras but it was like AS SOON as I left the spawn door I’d be hacked and killed. My team was up by the payload but I couldn’t get there. It wasn’t until I had to swap to a tank in open queue to defeat her.

This character is almost broken. I hope she gets nerfs to her invisibility and gun damage or something.


The only advice I can give you is to try and improve your aim.

When I do this as Sombra, I usually pick a target who proves to me that their aim is terrible- it’s not usually a specific hero that I pick on. There have been plenty of Widows and Zens that I’ve tried to spawn camp, but their aim was good enough to force me to retreat or kill me.

If improving your aim isn’t an option, pick heroes that compensate for aim issues. Mei can reveal the Sombra because her weapon is like a spy checker, same goes for Symm but she doesn’t have the self-heal. Moira, Brig, Winston all pretty solid options too.


I think you were playing support, yes?

The answer is Brig. Turn it into a “Call an ambulance, but not for me” situation. Brig can absolutely take that 1vs1 and win.


It was open queue but I just chose Zar :wink:


Keep making new topics about Sombra. It’s not a joke. I hope Blizzard will finally listen. If Sombra counters you, you need help from the team, or you have to switch.


I don’t think it’s fair that she can be a counter to just about everyone


That’s the neat part you don’t -Omni man


A nerf probably isn’t on the table because despite the last patch, she’s still below average. Sombra needs a rework back to what she was in OW1. It’s not hard to understand that you can’t make something invisible and then let it deal such high damage. The OW1 developers understood this, which is why Sombra didn’t have good damage back then. However, the OW2 developers seem to be rolling dice for their patches!


No, thanks! I like to play the game using my buttons


If Sombra is spawn camping you, your options are to let her camp you or swap to something that can more easily fight her off.

If you are getting camped then she is out of the fight and it is like you traded 1 for 1 with her. If your team is winning the 4v4, letting her camp you keeps her out of the fight and your team doesn’t need to worry about getting hacked or assassinated. If they are not winning the 4v4, then just wait in spawn for the regroup.

Alternatively you can swap to a hero that can better fight back. Any tank, Cassidy, Brig, Kiriko.

The one thing you should try to avoid doing is calling for your team mates to come back and rescue you. If you do that, your team has to give up their positioning and at best leaves them in a 3v4 at the objective.


Check both directions before crossing the road.
It’s harder in higher ranks, but shoot once or twice into all directions before exiting the spawn. The locations differing per rank. Near corners and dead angles is good.
In low ranks, even out in the open you might find the sombra.

Heroes with mobility are a good option, self cleanse abilities work on every rank.
And always be ready to turn around and start shooting.

Hero choice helps, but it’s down to practice and reflexes.

The alternative would be that you can’t play at all because you’re constantly teleported back to spawn out of nowhere by a mini nuke! There’s no other option. Either a DPS-support Sombra like in OW1 or a DPS-assassin Sombra.

She’s not existing in the match to kill someone worse than her, so she’s indirectly losing value for her team.

If your squad is on the payload then it’s a 4 vs 4, it doesn’t matter if you get spawn camped by sombra. Just play counter sombra, hide until she comes out and as soon as she is trying to kill off your healers you hack her / kill her and teabag her. Takes 3 times to do that before people switch off Sombra. That’s genuine advice.

You tell your team “win the 4v4 in my honor”


Nah. Her speed prevents that happening really. I kill the weak link, help my team for a bit, then my internal clock says “that weak link should be respawning around about now”. If I’m not desperately needed in the main fight, I’ll head to enemy spawn and kill the weak link somewhere midway trying to walk back to their team. Then speed back and help again.

everyone wants her to be useless - she is easy to counter by swapping to tank or just prevent her from getting you, dont come out of spawn alone either.

gg ez

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i mean, considering they just added wave respawn, i’d be willing to bet the issue could be much better avoided if you positioned well with your team in the first place and didn’t get picked off creating a 5v4

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Tracer can be a decent counter if you know how to play her. You can Blink out of the hack and, at that point shoot her in the face. If you get Virus’d, hit a recall to cleanse it.

It sucks, but it’s the only viable solution I’ve found. I’ve actually legit bullied someone OFF of a Sombra pick by using tracer and taking them at every duel.

By leaving the match.
Let that be the next players problem.