How to defeat Sombra and stop crying (from a Sombra main xD)

This was dropped from her kit as part of hack with the rework, she got more gun damage and Virus instead.

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For soldier, even after the hack, he can pressure on sombra and uses his abilities 1.5 sec just after (and it’s quick)
Cass, he doesn’t care if he shoots on the head
Torb and Sym put turrel before the teamfight and if they put in the good place, Sombra gets trouble when she try to hack or make damage.

You beat sombra by playing close to your team and using your ears.

She is very annoying though and I think she should have a time limit on stealth again (give back her old movement speed in stealth though)


There are just too many people playing her, lol. She’s so annoying. Same with Genji and Tracer. I suppose it’s their time to shine.


LOLOL bold of a “sombra main” to comment on ANYONE’S skill or positioning considering she runs around completely invisible and gets free escapes. Sombra never almost never gets punished for bad positioning or plays.


I talked about tank, not sombra

Actually it isn’t any of that. Just two simple things.

CC. People hate CC. It is known.

Stealth. This mean any bad player can wait at the optimal position to engage without the risk that should come with it.

Her issue isn’t her strength. She just has a garbage design.


Every hero has something that’s “unfair and unfun” (if that’s even a word). Doesn’t make Sombra stand out in the crowd.

Winning or losing vs Sombra isn’t the issue, that’s evident from her winrates. She’s one of the characters that makes the game revolve around her. Same kind of issue with Mauga and Widowmaker.


all complains are about Sombra, not about themselves and they don’t admit it

Her ability lock out is 1.5 secs. (In which you can still move and fire.

Sleep dart is a can be as long as 5 secs. In which you can do nothing. And even waking up after taking damage is a minimum of .5 secs. You are much more likely to die if you get darted than if you get hacked.

Ana doesn’t get remotely as much hate. So, no CC in general is not the issue.

Try playing as Wreckingball against Sombra. If there was ONE hardcounter against WB, it is Sombra. It is utter torture. Blizzard keeps buffing her and making it even harder for Ball. This tonedeaf balancing makes me want them fired.

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I keep seeing this. But ive died alot surrounded by my team as a support to sombre who pops in deletes me and vanishes.


Fair, but how come people complain more about certain heroes than the others? Or do you really think Overwatch development team is so good they nailed every hero design and rework?

ball needs seem kind of counter, if you played OW1 you would know the real pain of not being able to do anything for 7 seconds while hacked, instead of 1 second.

Because everyone has an ego to satisfy and they’ll complain if they ever feel slighted in some fashion. Like you said, there’s a difference between something being annoying to deal with versus something that is genuinely OP. You’ve seen the threads complaining about Moira lately?

The fact that you actually admitted to and enjoy spawned camping and ruining others enjoyment says a lot and not surprised you main sombra since she is the embodiment of that kind of style. Pitiful. Call of duty would be better suited for you.


In those 1.5 sec, Sombra can deal a lot of damage to Soldier with hack, virus and gun.
I love the “if he shoots on the head”. Yeah, sure, “IF” I land headshots consistently, I’ll win… Very reliable :stuck_out_tongue: Also “if they put in good place, Sombra gets trouble”. Same idea.

Usually, every hero has that against a certain number of heroes, and not against others, depending on range, type of gun, abilities that can counter, etc… Sombra has the unfair advantage of stealth against all heroes, and she makes the game unfun for all heroes, whether tanks, dps or supports. There is no hard counter to Sombra.

Ana uses sleep to put you out of the fight. Doesn’t mean you’re gonna be targeted by the team. She generally can’t kill you on her own. Sombra hacks you in order to kill you, and she can do that on her own. That’s why, to me at least, her CC is more dangerous than Ana’s nade. But again, as I’ve stated many times, her hack is not what irritates me. Her stealth is.

It’s not about how to win against Sombra

It’s about her horrible kit

She can disable your abilities, while she can use hers
She can disable your ultimate, while she can always use hers

She is perma invisible, while we are all visable

She can tp, while others can’t becuz of her hacks

It’s a horrible design that should not be in a game like this.
Complete stealth characters have their own type of games as it should, but those are not FPS…


For me Sombra is OP.
And no, totally disagree.
You can not 1vs1 Sombra, thats messed up.
Get hacked, burst and die and as a Support player, Moira is the only one that can instantly do something in that half a second when you hear that hacking sound, just warp and as Lucio pray they cant autoaim after a BooP.

Good Sombras can burst and then autoaim with that SMG.