How to be a Sombra main

Harsh, lets just call it… “inconsistent”. I really don’t care about the outcome because whether you win or lose is out of your hands. I can have an epic time pwning everyone and still lose the match, i can be getting pwned the entire game and still win. It really doesn’t matter how you do. :slight_smile:

On my other heroes, if i’m doing really well, i can tell if it’s good enough to win the match. On Sombra, how well you do doesn’t correlate to what you see in the end screen :smile:

I once accidentally hooked an invisible sombra while trying to hook a junkrat tyre

Step 1.

I mained her from release to about when they added infinite slow invis. She’s so dumb now, the first thing they said about her is that they don’t want her to be an assassin but that’s literally the only way to get value now - using infinite invis to spawn camp supports and weaker dps while your team fights a 5v6. I loved the way she used to be and how you actually had to plan what you’re doing and play with your team instead of running around slowly fishing for easy picks.

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And that’s where you’re wrong. Blaming things that are supposedly out of your control is reason you’re in silver

idk… i found walking around the enemy team spamming “boop” while invisible to be a very good disruption tactic.

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That sounds more like a healer main PoV more than Sombra.
Oh wait, they are both the same reasons the suicidal Genji one trick flame the team for not “helping” him while he 1v6.

So i guess this only happens if you main sombra? because this never happened in any game i ever had with a sombra since her update

I main sombra way before she got her hack buff and after that I haven’t received any complaint about me playing sombra yet.
I’m an asian who understands english and always play in asian server, and asian always welcome a sombra in team.


-Take the blame

-Get flamed constantly

-Combo EMP a ton with a lot of offensive assists, single handedly making space for your team

-Get told you’re abusing an overpowered character by people who can’t play her

She got nerfed pretty hard tbh and her bugs at times render her entirely useless. Of course, the most recent change is technically a buff, but the destructible translocator is in itself a big enough nerf that it becomes a net negative.

While having the enemy team complain about being hacked all game

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On the EU server i get flamed all the time. Sometimes they start right after you picked her and sometimes they start when you are not instantly winning the match. You can hard carry and they still **** on you.

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Care to elaborate?

Example that happened literally just last night. Last point on attack Gibraltor. We had it inches to go and 2 pushes left (at most). I had EMP and was cloaked while in position up on that catwalk to drop down and hit it.

I had mic and saw DVA had her ult. I literally sat there and said to combo ults. I looked at the silhouettes and watched DVA come up the ramp. I hit EMP on all 6

Followed up with nothing.

Dva starts fighting the team and as she is about to de-mech sets off her ult way after.

This is why Sombra will never work as she is. She has nothing of her own kit to contribute on her own. Every single hero has an ability that can cause damage or a turret to fire or something. Sombra’s kit, including her ult, all require the other 5 to work

Until human coordination and interaction aren’t an essential part of Sombras kit to have anything work she will sit useless in Charizard tier.

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Interesting i was in silver with sombra now im close to plat with this hero reason i was in silver was becuase i wasnt playing her correctly you need to understand how to play her and if you say you do and you still stuck then you really dont. Sombra skill set is in her gamesense and awareness its your job to 1 build emp 2 ult tracking is essential to climb with this hero because its your job to hack those targets at the right time to stop them getting max value from there ults. This is why no one picks her becuase you can just have it simple and go for kills with a genji or tracer but sombra all about gamesense and stratagy and this is why you struggle to rank up becuase you havent got those skill sets yet.

No room for well rounded heros in this meta. EXTREME EVERYTHING!

Tons of sheilds, tons of healing, tons of damage. No mobility or utility needed.

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“Only I want to play the game.”

I’m correct right? (testing my Spanish)

Plays hundrets of hours to learn the hero. Start to accomplish something.
“God Sombra is so annoying, they better nerf her again or rework her.”


-Explain that statistically with proof she’s the worst DPS character in the game
-Explain that she has the worst DPS of all characters in the game INCLUDING most healers
-Explain that even at a professional level she’s useless and proven to be that way statistically

-Then ask Blizzard for some sugar.

Blizzard, “Hold my beer…”

-12% ultimate charge nerf

Thx Jeff.