How to be a Sombra main

-Literally take the blame for everything bad your team does.

End of story goodnight


Try getting moaned about before the game even starts too.

Also hack a healthpack and no one touches it.

Hack their shield tank and your team does nothing.

Try to assassinate someone and they receive 1 point of healing forcing you to back off.

Have your escape plan teleport either camped or destroyed in the middle of your ambush.

Have an enemy chase you entirely around the whole map even ignoring the objective just because you annoyed them.



Seeing a triple support and realizing you still want to play Sombra.

Spooking enemies saying hi by replying back. Lol

Laugh at bad sombras not preplacing their escape teleport, throwing it during an escape and dying anyway.

Realize you did it yourself because your escape was blown up/ you forgot.

Getting blamed for playing Sombra but you didn’t even pick her yet. Your cursor was just over her.

I think I play more Sombra than I realize.


If only these teammates would want to use your hacks more often, that would be lovely xd

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Every play of the game keep hoping you hack their play intro.

See a weakened enemy through walls and ambush them just as they reunite with their entire team and heal to full instantly. Promptly die.

Fire an entire clip into an enemy to try to kill them but they live. You get hit by a few and either die or have to back off.

Seeing that one in a million teammate who actually used your health pack. Looking at your healing done and feeling proud.

Uncloaking to ambush and hack an enemy but get hacked yourself and die.

Hack doomfist, tracer, and genji in the middle of their dive and bust out laughing.

Hacking Hammond and literally seeing his virtual tears. Feel kinda bad.


Being stealthed and hit by a stray bullet.
Worse when it’s a Widow headshot…


And your tp blows up…


Ulting and your team doesn’t take advantage of it. They run away like they are the ones that got hacked.


Then the enemy team unleashes all their ults and gets a team kill.

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  • Get trash talked for not killing
  • Get trash talked for not appearing on the kill feed
  • Get trash talked for not hacking the right health pack
  • Get trash talked for not EMP’ing at the PITCH PERFECT TIME
  • Get trash talked in general

Harass the enemy from behind and force half the team to turn around and focus on you and hear your team flaming you to switch after they lost the 5v3.

EMP 5-6 enemys, cancle 1-2 ults, delete all shield and watch your team still lose the teamfight and tell you they didn’t have enough damage.

Watch your team pick a ridiculous we-are-basicly-throwing teamcomp knowing in 30sec they will start to flame you.

Let a pro teammate tell you that a Sombra can’t counter Phara.


Oh hey! Looks like Symmetra and Sombra have a very similar skillset!


I always wait for my team to flame me to switch to any other dps and than swap to Sym to watch them going berserk :joy:


Play Sombra for 230+ hours and never climb out of Gold.

checks profile

Oh sorry, just dropped back into Silver after almost 900 hours in the game. Only game in history where you can’t actually climb in higher ranks after putting almost 1k hours in because you don’t hop from hero to hero every update.


Glad i’m not the only one. Almost 250 hours on Sombra. Still in Silver :rofl:

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What do you expect when you main the hero that remains consistently the worst across all ranks? And solo queue on top of it? \

You can use the most expensive mic ever manufactured and hoping people in Gold have the awareness to act on hacks/emp call out is a futile experience. I’m sure if I had 250 hours on Rein I wouldn’t be here.

How to be a Sombra main, get your character buffed while other characters haven’t seen light since the beginning of the game and still call your character trash

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Relatable… :smiley:

If you think infinite translocator and stealth are a “buff” then my friend you’re playing an entirely different game than us Sombra mains.