How to balance Resurrect (Rework idea)

Resurrect in the state of an E ability will never be balanced and will neither be as an ultimate. It needs to be reworked or completely deleted from the game.

If we really want to keep Resurrect in the game, then I suggest you to change it, it doesn’t work. Mercy should not have the power to deny first picks nor to fix an ally’s mistake.

(also Mercy is incredibly unfun to play)

I came up with a solution that gets rid of the unfun fix button.

  1. Doctor's enthusiasm

A brand new secondary ability which enhances Mercy’s beam rates for 4 seconds with a 16 second cooldown.
Mercy lacks midfight potential, she’s played only because of Resurrect. With a burst healing ability, Mercy doesn’t need another main healer by her side to help her with healing tanks in fights. Healing is increased from 50 hp/s to 75 hp/s. Damage boosting is decreased from 30% to 20%, boosts your target’s fire rate by 20%.

  1. Pacifist beliefs

A brand new ultimate ability with an 0.8 cast time and line of sight requirement.
When Pacifist Beliefs is activated, every ally in a 15 meter radius, who isn’t behind an enemy barrier, recieves one Halo buff. This buff prevents your allies from dying. When their HP status reaches 0, they’re given 50% of their max HP back. Every time an ally gets saved by this buff, all targets around that ally within a 10 meter radius recieve a 10 hp/s uninterrupted healing for 2 seconds.
This buff is active for 10 seconds and Mercy has to be in constant line of sight with her allies. When Mercy breaks line of sight an ally, she has 2 seconds to make a line of sight contact with the ally.
This Halo buff can be removed by Ana’s biotic grenade or by eliminating Mercy.

Simple. Make Rez only available during Valk, make it single-target only. Boom, Rez ain’t an issue anymore.


By making it earnable instead of cooldown

finished editing the post

But now you have an unusable ability just sitting there until you ult.

During Valk, you could cast Rez by pressing Q. That would leave the E key free, thus allowing Mercy one or two new abilities to replace Rez. A cleanse, 1 second of invincibility for a teammate, or any of the ideas TC has given : you name it. I just want Mercy to have a better mid-fight, cause it’s pretty bad right now.

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that’s why I suggested a rework without resurrect being the core of Mercy’s kit

Also, here’s a concept with Resurrect tied to Valkyrie

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Love this idea A*. Blizzard needs to let go of rez being core to her character and look at this suggestion. Thank you for trying to better our hero and make it fun for other supports and heroes too!

and she can also keep the animation and “Heroes Never Die”

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Thank you!

I’d also want Valkyrie’s first voice line “Amplifying biotic stream!” or the next voice line “I will watch over you!” for Doctor’s enthusiasm.

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Can you guys stop with this Mercy thread spam, every day the same threads about the same topic the same discussions the same suggestions.

It won’t help, Mercy is there where the devs want her to be and there are a LOT other heroes who need more help (implying mercy needs help at all).

I think “I will watch over you!” is perfect because the beam healing is increased and fire rate is increased so it’s like mercy is FOCUSING on that person like really watching over them

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Rez is boring to play with and against, it needs to be removed in order for more options for mercy to be introduced


Interesting idea…

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She’s a complete bore to play, literal healbot who occasionally resurrects someone who made a mistake.

Valkyrie feels like an E ability with ult charge meter, if you don’t use it for damage boosting, it’s completely useless…

Honestly Blizzard should stop placing ultimate abilities on E. They did that with Symmetra, Mercy and now Torb…

2 individual Rez charges seems a bit much, imo ; the other ideas are pretty great though. I think Mercy should only have one Rez during Valk, because of how difficult it is to balance it. At the same time, I wouldn’t remove it entirely, as I think it’d be odd to have Mercy without any Resurrect. 1 Rez during Valk only, tied to the Q key upon activating Valkyrie, seems like a good compromise.
I’d also make Valkyrie a bit more engaging. Reduce the beam’s range to give Mercy a reason to stay closer to her team (~10 meters or so) instead of staying right under the skybox for 15 seconds.
That would free the E key for the abilities you’ve proposed, or a cleanse/castable invincibility.

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Mercy in the state of right now is balanced

no she bad
Even in the lower ranks, if you can play Moira, then you should play Moira a lot more often than Mercy. In Plat and above, the other healers are straight-up better than 50 hp/s Mercy can ever dream to be.

Mercy is as balanced as Ana before she got her damage, piercing, ammo and nano buff.


Or just make the current solo rez into huge rez.

  • Can be killed during/after ult
  • Has a cast time
  • Must have LOS (so if she turned 360 degrees, she could see all the souls

Only thing I would do is decrease the cast time. Or just have old rez and increase the ult charge so it takes as long as Zarya’s ult to charge.

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Now, let’s leave Mass Rez in the past, shall we. Mass Rez is too hard to balance, imo ; it’s either no value or huge value, no in-betweens, even with all the changes you can think of. I want Mercy to bring something to the table other than “press Q to allow half of your team a second try”, and I know the devs are capable of coming up with other ideas.