Recently Spilo interviewed the devs behind the 6v6 Adjustments workshop gamemode, 7HSKW(<-- the code of said gamemode). Interview can be found here for those curious →
There are some really interesting and valuable things you can take from this interview; I think the overwatch 2 devs could stand to learn a lot from them for when it comes time for the 6v6 playtest.
Keep in mind the workshop is very limiting, and not all the changes they wanted to do are possible(still waiting on that workshop update, blizz!), for example, you can’t change weapon spread, you can’t do much against certain status conditions, fall-off damage is hard to work with, hitboxes are hard to work with, you need scripts to work around the passives, all the workshop sliders are percentage based so you can’t make exact changes, and also some things just straight up don’t work, a lot of compromises have to be made. Despite all this, they’ve managed to make a pretty competent 6v6 game mode.
Season 9 health pools reverted
It was found that with 250 HP squishies, securing kills became too difficult in 6v6 and thus the health changes from s9 were reverted. Tbf, I don’t know anyone who likes the season 9 changes in 5v5 either, you could argue it has a place in 5v5 though or that it was due to 5v5 that this change was made, it could be gutted from both formats if you ask me, it barely accomplished anything and just made things worse overall.
Role passives reduced, removed (also toggable I’m pretty sure).
Role passives are contentious even in 5v5, but in 6v6 they don’t have nearly as much reason to exist, and heroes don’t have to be balanced around them.
The tank passive was heavily nerfed, it doesn’t need to be as strong in 6v6, I wonder if it could actually be removed entirely actually.
The DPS passive was removed
The Support passive was removed
Global regen passive reduced to 10 HP/s, the least contentious of the passives and is agreed by many to be fine
Ultimate % retention removed, I’m not sure if this removed for any balance reasons, but this feature is contention, even in 5v5.
Hero Balance
Balance patch notes can be found here
and here
The roles are now more equal in strength and the heroes aren’t balanced around passives anymore.
Let’s look at some interesting examples of getting the heroes ready for 6v6 in the patch notes
Tankfist apparently was a bit too strong in 6v6 compared to 5v5, the best hero and apparently 2 to 3 times as strong as every other hero. This is mainly due to all the AoE tankfist, he had to be nerfed a whopping 12 times to be balanced. Honestly, I would love it if they reduced his AoE for more single target damage(I also just hate how I can end up getting hit by his punch not because I got hit, but because my teammate got hit and launched into me), they don’t have to revert him back to dpsfist or anything, though I long to play that hero once more… I know tankfist is considered more healthy for the game, and is an actually fun tank that got people to play the role(though against the will of some) and doesn’t increase the chance of someone saying a slur in game by 80% like dpsfist did, at least not to that degree I think?
Mauga Cardiac overdrive is just straight up busted in 6v6 and thus the damage reduction for allies was removed, pretty obvious that this would have been broken if they just put it in 6v6 as is.
Kiriko actually ended up underperforming in 6v6 and was buffed, this makes me wonder if kiriko was originally balanced for 6v6 and that that was the main reason she was busted in 5v5 for forever.
(not mentioned in the interview, but I noticed there were a lot of changes to the character in the patch notes) Venture ended up being extremely powerful and needed a lot tweaks, this makes sense considering when the character was released and the kit design.
AoE Healing heavily nerfed(Baptiste & brig)
AoE healing was very problematic in OW1 and was never properly addressed, ladder king baptiste ran rapid heavily sustaining the front line. It’s nice to see that these devs actually addressed this problem and didn’t leave us fend for ourselves like what happened end of OW1.
We see baptiste’s biotic launcher single target and AoE heals get flipped almost and his shift almost.
Brig inspire is slightly, nerfed, though repair packs buffed as compensation. Maybe we would have seen a sport lineup not be zen brig in owl if these changes were implemented in ow1.
Feedback they would give the overwatch devs:
The most valuable information they have gotten is from the top ranked players grinding the mode and they highly encourage the overwatch devs to listen to their top players.