How the hell do you get out of low gold?

Let me tell you a story.

Once there was a guy who was stuck in mid to high plat. He played and really did want to touch that precious diamond rank. He tried to improve to reach hes goal. He was stuck in the mid plat to high plat limbo for the entire of season 2. Next season he thought that this season hes gonna try super hard to touch diamond and he did! And it was without an real effort. Why? Because the guy was playing with only 5-6 stacks with hes friends the entire season 2 and season 3 he went to solo que. And that guy was me. I was actually stuck an entire season in plat because the only common nominator in my games wasnt only me because I wasnt solo queing. My team was actually holding me back and season 3 I played only few games after placements and instantly hit diamond (only solo q). I kinda lost interest for the game for a while because I reached my goal instantly and hovered in diamond without will to improve. After a few more season I thought maybe I can touch master? So I started to focus improving and it took a bit more but I touch master. It was too easy as well and lost kinda motivation again. Now Ive been high dia - low master for a long time and every season I wanted to touch master for the comp points Ive been able to. Maybe one day I find motivation to start improving again and maybe I can touch GM?

This is true story btw.

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Why not try ashe? She’s kind of OP right now or least very gold-plat friendly I should say.

If you can manage your bobs to either take points, to snowball second points, to cancel genji ults etc winning in gold is pretty doable.

A couple months ago I would have told you to just one trick Hanzo but since grav and other things have been nerfed prolly go ashe.

Sometimes the climb is fast sometimes not. I’ve climbed out of gold several times…sometimes it’s easy others it can take whole season. I’m not playing any worse…just thats the nature of elohell. Most top players and the game devs acknowledge the elohell is VERY real in this game. Many players just dont understand the factors that cause success and failure and how luck still plays a crucial role.

Boosted players are real thing, i know gold player boosted to mid diamond and silver player boosted to master.

This is the most outrageous lie Ive ever heard. Point me any top player stating this or a dev. ANY.

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I never said they weren’t? I just said you aren’t seeing bronzes in gold with any frequency.

Stick to one or two heroes and play those regardless of the situation. That’s how you climb in Solo Q.
You “simply” need to lose less SR on a L and gain more for a W.
It’s not about that specific match, it’s about the accumulation of all your matches.
Use your avoid slots wisely, like groups :wink:

I soloed up to diamond a couple season ago, started in silver. Stop thinking so hard about how bad your teammates are doing, and think about your actual gameplay. Im sure you are making the same amount of mistakes as them. Obviously try to get a good team comp, but if you end up with 4 dps, a healer, and a tank, then thats absolutely fine. Dont go and throw a tantrum beacause you cant get 2-2-2 every game. Ive won games in diamond with 4 dps. Look over your own gameplay, and figure out how you can improve.

Hey, I am going to give you the most honest and brutal truth. I made a brand new account, went from unrank to diamond, climbed to Masters and I’m only level 40.

You say you play DPS but how good is your DPS? Do you miss shots? Do you warm up before hitting rank? Do you over Ult in team fights that are already won? The heroes that counter you, do you know their cool down timers? Do you know when the enemy has their ult ready and when they are about to use it? Do you pull back when you have to? Do you have good positioning? Do you shot call to your team and tell them what to do because their game sens are below average? Do you focus targets? How good is your flicking or tracking? Have you watch any master guides videos on the heroes you play or the heores that counter you?

I play aim hero and I spend an hour doing the classic and lighting gun routines to help improve my DPS. After that, I hit training to abuse those little robots and get used to my movement for about 20 mins. Then I hit deathmatch for about an extra 30 mins so I can kill different heroes with different hitboxes.

How dedicated are you? I spend 2 hours warming up before hitting rank, are you willing to do that? Are you willing to watch a massive amount of videos learning every hero so you can know what’s what? No, I don’t play everyday for 10 hours+, I only play on the weekends. Finally, this is going to be a forehead statement but it’s true and please believe it: You can literally carry games as a DPS from Bronze to Masters." Overwatch becomes a real challenge around GM. You can easily do it 100%, just put that work in, if you’re not willing to invest, then you belong in gold and don’t feel bad, gold and plat is average.

Instant locking dps pushed me through. Going from 2100 to 2400 seemed a lot harder than moving from 2400 to 2700. The games get less random. Less trickling, less major skill discrepancy, more counter picking. Definitely feels easier to win games once you break through low gold. I guess I’ll see if that holds true next season tho

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the one thing you have to know is that all tanks in this rank suck

so I got really good with tanks (about 60% wr) and the times I don’t play tank, we mostly lose unless its my friends who tank

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I see a lot of advice telling you to git gud, but honestly simply doing that doesn’t help in gold most of the time unless you are severely underranked, you have to play certain heroes with actual carry potential to maintain a high win rate.

I would recommend playing Ana and being able to flex onto Reinhardt. I am a ~3100 average player (I picked up Ana last season, I used to be masters but I suck at 50HP/s Mercy) and I am able to completely carry in gold, my Ana win rate is 75% on my gold account and my Rein win rate is almost as high. I am a better Mercy than Ana but I cannot carry gold games as Mercy, I actually have to play Ana to carry in gold. In diamond my Ana is exactly 50% and my Mercy is 65%. Right now Mercy is only as good as her team and tbh a lot of people say to play Zen to carry but I think he is situational in gold. Play Moira if you are getting picked a lot on Ana because lord knows no one in gold is going to peel.

With a repertoire of just Ana and Reinhardt you can definitely get out of gold. Watch videos of good players examining gold Rein/Ana VODs (that is how I learned Rein and now I can play him in diamond with a 65% win rate)… one thing I noticed is that VOD reviews are way more helpful than just watching some T500 player play, since VOD reviews focus more on what you can do to help your dumbass teammates. Also forget the meta, no one is good at healing in gold so if you are actually an above-gold player go Moira or Mercy when someone picks Ana because 70% of gold Ana players are useless. When you play Rein try to get your OT to play Zarya or D.Va because anything else is going to take up too much healing.

If your Rein is too aggressive, I almost always consider this a really good thing in gold!! Usually they are way too passive. Focus him a lot and let him know verbally (and nicely) when he becomes unhealable. Try to get him a Zarya to “pocket” him. You can make an aggressive Rein work in gold, even if he just ends up losing the next game because his next healer isn’t as good as you.

Just my 2 cents from having an alt in gold to play with friends. If you want to play together in gold sometime (the account is actually ~2550 right now) let me know, or alternatively I’d be happy to look at a VOD.

Good luck!!


You have to win more games than your lose.

You know how I got out of low gold? I played the game as in put in time.

I think the you missed the part where I said “bronze”. I know I’m not bronze the same way I know I’m not Diamond/Masters and all that.

yeah thats real comforting when you’re getting stomped by a team that has seemingly OWL-level coordination, while your own team is playing like people who can’t get dressed in the mornings without help

“but they’re just as bad as us because they’re the same rank!”

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A lot of games come down to a mix of players.

Some mixes are bad, such as 6 Mercy mains (which happened to me in season 5. We lost that one…).

Some are great, such as everybody playing their mains, which happens to form a 222 or other similar line up.

All it takes is one person trying to fill a role, as it is lacking, and being bad at it to make a team lose.

Eg Ana on my team was bloody terrible. We lost. He was 37% on Ana, but was 55% on Roadhog, his main. Just my bad luck in that game that nobody stepped up to main healer role…

Since they try to force an even match every time, and don’t give enough PBSR to get the better players out of low gold… you have to do something unexpected.

Get a 5 man of like minded players, and play as many games as you can in one session. You should win a lot of games.

Next time you log on though, you’re screwed. The matchmaker gets a chance to catch up, find the worst possible idiot for you to play with vs. smurfs, and prepare for unwinnable games for a while.

Or, just group to hit Plat, enjoy your new rank, and quit this trash piece of a game.

What you do, is drop down to Silver, and you are out of low gold.

You’ll also like your games better and generally play with better people. Since you aren’t making money playing this game, you should stop caring about your SR score and actually enjoy the game you bought, which happens best at lower ranks.

Dont die as much, defend your healer, stop standing out in the open, use cover.