How the hell do you get out of low gold?

This place has been hell. The general game sense and knowledge of this elo is laughably bad, and no matter what role I flex to theres always a gaping hole in it we have to overcome.

I play healer: we get a tank who’s more often than not a DPS player forced to fill, doesn’t know how to initiate, and just plays aggro, getting the team killed while shouting at the DPS for his gold damage medal.

I play tank: most of the time (especially on shield tank) I could play as safe as possible, call out a dozen different times I’m going in follow me, initiate the fight get 2 kills, and I’d still need to pray to every God in the Pantheon to get A FREAKING BIT OF HEALING. I’ve just given up playing main tank because I never trust the healers to actually heal me.

I play DPS…yeah okay full disclosure ignoring the times I’m fighting half the team for the “right” to play DPS, my hero pool is a niche of Junkrat, Pharah, Reaper and Soldier so more often than not while I have good games I know well enough when to flex off.

And lets not forget the times I flex for stubborn 1 trick DPS who will continue to try to run Genji even though Winston is destroying the backline and theres nobody for him to easily assassinate and his blades are lucky to get 1 kill, he paid his $40 so hell play Gengu RIGHT UP UNTIL THE DEFEAT SCREEN AND EVERYONES TELLING HIM TO STOP BEING A SELFISH TWIT.

I’m just done. The second I start climbing, one or many of these factors just shows up in earnest. The only way to get out of this hell is to click heads and my hero pool doesn’t fit that. I cant even get diamond friends to help because they say my other teammates are too heavy to carry bo and matter what role I play for them.

Just…how do you make up for all of this heavy weight at this elo?


Play better. Stop thinking you’re carrying dead weight every game and realize you make just as big of glaring errors as these are your equals in aggregate. It’s the current extent of your skills as well as mine so it feels insurmountable but it’s far from.


its basically a coin flip, so pray to a deity of choice and hope for the best.


I am asking myself the same question, 4 instalock dps, supports rather deal dps than heal. MsSysbit your post ain´t helping. You can´t always search at yourself for the problem and thats not how you get out of gold. Blizzard has to start warn or even ban instalock throwers otherwise people won´t enjoy it anymore like they already do. I just lost 9 games by filling in. It doesnt matter what you do, its the community which has to change his thinking. Raise the level requirement for ranked. Don´t instalock straight away and pray for good mood teammates.


people with an endorsement level of 2 or lower should not be allowed to play comp.


Ah, yes! the real solution is it’s Blizzard’s fault not just youe teammates’ fault. We just need to remember it’s never our own. We clearly are all flawless and lose so many in a row due to excuses. Seriously, if any group needs a mass ban it’s every forum poster whining about their teammates. It’s never productive and a signal for everyone to “poor me.” Odds are your five teammates have equally negative thoughts about you too.

PS: @ me bro if ya wanna message me. There’s a reply button for a reason. Or, if you don’t wish to talk with me, don’t mention me.

I feel ya dude, fell from plat to almost silver the past week. Mean while second acct is almost diamond. Its really like playing a slot machine in low ranks. No matter how good u do u can always lose. Add in throwers and leavers and its tough. But heres some tips since ive done it multiple times climbing out.

  1. play heros like zen, orisa, sym. Get very well with them and u will climb.
  2. use mics, make call outs, never ever be toxic. Mute those that are.
  3. record your gameplay and have someone review it with you.
  4. lower your dang mouse sensitivity to aim better
  5. when u pick a hero, do not swap for that match. Below diamond u lose more sr and gain less when swapping. Its based off your average per 10 min stats
  6. most important u must play lots of matches. Even if u go 50/50 win rate but play 600 matches. Just say on average u win 30 sr and lose 20 u will have a net gain of 300sr by the end.

There’s no coordination in low gold, I’ve been there and back many times. I would recommend choosing a hero like Roadhog and try to do a little bit of everything. You can tank, you can dps, and you can heal yourself. Dva and Brig are also good choices. If someone on your team looks like they kinda know what they’re doing try to help them. Like if your Rein has a 3 digit IQ you can reward him by going Zarya to enable him to do more.


If I ever climb out I’ll let you know. It’s either a sharp incline of wins, or a sharp decline of loses. Either I Feel like a healing god, or worthless and impotent with nothing in between. It’s beyond frustrating.

This isn’t to put all blame on my teams as I know I still make mistakes beyond even knowing when I’m making mistakes. But damn, when people are blatantly throwing, or the continuous 3-4 dps picks without a switch until the game is almost lost, is annoying as hell. Right now I’d even take a loss if at least both sides put up a good fight.

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I’ve climbed from high silver to low plat over the course of my tenure on PC, which has been about a year of moderate play (I’m around level 300 now). This is largely as a support/tank player, not as a DPS carry.

My advice:

  1. You have to focus on yourself first and foremost. Check out your win rate for the current season on your most played heroes. Try to stick to the ones above 50% if they fit in your team comp.

  2. Don’t say anything that could tilt anyone, including “please switch.” Even in low gold, most people have a basic understanding of how the game works. You may consider asking for a second healer or tank, but don’t target an individual to switch. As soon as one person gets tilted on your team, your chances of winning go way down.

  3. Looking for group can be your friend. I went on like a 10 game win streak playing GOATS with a group designed for that purpose. This got me out of low-mid gold and I haven’t dropped back since. Sure, it felt a little cheesy, but it worked, and I feel like I’m closer to where I should be rank-wise.

  4. See if you can identify mistakes in your game play. This one is easier said than done, but if you’re any good at identifying patterns, you should be able to pick up at least one or two common errors you’re making and seek to correct them. For example, I play a lot of Rein and I’ve noticed I take charges from the enemy Rein, which should pretty much never happen. So I try now to look carefully for that animation so I can press shift at the same time and disable us both, rather than take a bunch of damage and stress out our healers.

  5. With regard to callouts, try to keep them at a minimum, but do use your mic. Only advanced teams can actually coordinate with a lot of shot-calling, and a lot of ordering around will tilt some more sensitive/ego-inflated players. I’ve found the most success focusing on calling out A. enemy flakers and B. enemy heroes that are low and can die.

I made an LFG to play GOATS and I got out of low gold.

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It also sounds like you might consider focusing your play to a couple mains. It’s all fun and games in quickplay but I’ve had the most success in comp. sticking to heroes I’ve found myself to be good at.

I noticed also what you said about tanking. You may consider trying to pay more attention to using damage mitigation when you really need it. Every tank has some kind of damage mitigation ability whether it’s a shield (r/w/o), defense matrix (dva), or health/armor boost (hog/ham). Knowing how to use those in the right situations (i.e. when you’re actually protecting your teammates/you’re around half health) will lead to more success and less of a burden on your healers. Also helps to be aware of their positioning as well! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve played as Ana and have had tanks run away from me past my L.O.S. or on the other side of a shield.

how is it helpful if only 1 person in the stack of 6 is looking at his or hers own performance and tries to better himself. There’s a crapton more genji’s that think they are better than seagul and will NOT swap even if they are hard countered by 2 or 3 members of the enemy team.

You can preach all you want, but as long as nothing is enforced, its like preaching to the choir, because i will bet most of us here will look at our own stats and performance, but the other 80% definatly wont.

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You can’t have control over your teammates picks and decision-making. You can only make them play better by creating plays with your own good play. If you’re really concerned about not trusting your teammates in solo queue, then give LFG a shot because most people are there because they are looking to coordinate.

If you’re worried about taking on other six-stacks, which typically creates a harder game, then you can always create an LFG for a 2 or 3 stack in which you state what roles you’re looking for.

Your entire post is fixated on your teammates. Your teammates are not what keeps you in a rank. If you want to climb out of a rank, you need to play better than that rank. It’s that simple.


More like 10% here look at their stats. Look at how many whine their teammates or excuse hold em back.

You just have to stop watching your SR/Rank so much and focus on learning as much from every match as you can. When you are ready, you will climb, until then, learn what you can from yourself and others.

You have to get out of the mindset that it’s everyone else’s fault you’re not climbing. If you are truly performing above your rank, the system will move you up by giving you more SR per win and fewer lost per loss.

There are probably a ton of things you aren’t even aware of that goes on in the game because you’re just not at that level yet. Just be humble enough to know that you are still learning.


As a DPS in low gold you just pick your best hero and stomp the other team. IF you can’t do that it’s not your team holding you back, it’s you. Never flex. Never be toxic. If you have to, immediately mute the rest of the team to avoid tempatation. Just play the game, and you will get to Diamond if you deserve it.

The only time so much focus should be on your team is if you are not a good DPS but are good at callouts/strategy and need to ‘talk up’ your team. In which case, you should probably main tank or something like Zenyatta/Lucio.

“Hey guys this totally legit thing happened and I have multiple accounts. Btw private profile and if it actually happened I totally had nothing to do with dropping 1k sr.”


Kill everyone and be the last one to die when you don’t.

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Keep bugging the crap overlords that don’t care about the game to get rid of Smurfs. Till then good luck.