How the hell do you get out of low gold?

I feel your pain. According to this ranking system I’m bronze (for now, was silver/gold not long ago). Working on climbing, but it’s way harder than it should be when you play alone.

I’ll group with you if you ever want to play. I prefer to fill since I can do well with at least 2-3 heroes in each category. Just been playing more attack recently since I can never trust people in bronze to get kills.

I’m starting to think the rank system encourages this by design (especially given recent news/rumor Blizzard is having more and more decisions run by an accounting firm).

I understand I’m not top 500 or something, but I started the first 2-3 seasons at high gold - low plat. That felt about right because I’d do well in high gold, but got wrecked in low plat because I wasn’t quite at that level yet. I took a year off and now I’m bronze? What?

Losses in silver/bronze feel much more often like my team is trolling, someone leaves, smurfs, or whatever the case. The losses don’t feel anything like the losses I had in low plat where I felt like “Okay, I deserved that loss because I made ‘X’ mistake”.

It’s made me consider buying another account and starting from scratch, but I don’t see why I need to reward blizzard with more money because their ranking system blows.

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He’s probably not just thinking it. I know for a fact that I stopped carrying dumb teammates the moment I started playing in full master lobbys as the only diamond and was the one making mistakes.
Right now I could go comp and would either roll over the enemies with a cooperative team or get punished for the missing gamesense of my teammates and lose a game I shouldn’t have lost.
Thats just the current state of comp, bunch of players hovering in the wrong rank be it smurf, throwers, luckers or noobs it doesn’t matter. One guy who can’t carry his own weight is enough to ruin a balanced game.


These ‘git gud’ and you belong in [x] rank are not intelligent comments nor are they sympathetic to reality.

Ranked is known to be flawed, as it does a poor job of rewarding individual skill. It’s pretty common in a gold game to see a vast difference in skill between the 12 players. The logic YOU are better and should climb is offset by some other person suffering the same thing on the other team. When you enter a gold game, it’s not 11 gold worthy players + you…it’s all over the place. Some of those players belong in bronze and are protected by the dice roll nature of ranked and other players could be diamond, stuck by the same system. This is not a unique observation. We ALL have seen this.


You just gotta keep grinding.

Diamond friend of mine lost in a 2k game as he got the most trash wood tier tank duo imaginable. His performance was great, but it was 4v8. But he persevered and after 51 hours got diamond.

Issue is whether anybody wants to play comp that much.

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This so much. Its laughable when people keep ignoring the many things that make comp a dumpster fire just to call out the guy complaining about it.

It’s stupid yet hilarious that they’re saying "be good enough in this team based game to carry yourself and half your team when they’re being sacks of flower, despite personal skill being about 25% of winning a game.

laughs into a coma
Diamonds? Trapped in Gold? A diamond could smurf in gold effortlessly. You’re not seeing boosted bronzes in gold either. So many contradictions in this thought process:

1: Smurfs are higher level players that can carry a game by themselves
Also: Smurfs are me as X player belongs in Diamond but cannot climb there

Which is it?
Answer: Zero diamonds are trapped in gold

2: I’m trapped and cannot climb cuz (insert excuse)
Also: My worse teammates coasted outa bronze by sheer luck and the system rewarded them.

Which is it?
Answer: They’re not bronzes falling down. They’re all golds in one way or another. You thinking their trash doesn’t make you somehow better than them.

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You took a year off. You rusted. Meanwhile the rest didn’t and worked to improve so last year’s plat is this year’s gold. The bars are constantly being raised so to maintain your level you have to grow at the same rate as the rest falling.

Actual diamond player here :slight_smile: I played Ana in gold a while back, had gold damage and healing without even trying. I couldn’t stick in gold if I wanted to.


Don’t play competitive for a few seasons. Not even placements. Just watch guides and grind out quick play and you’ll climb easily. That’s what happened to me. I didn’t even place for a couple seasons and then proceeded to climb from 2206 to 2894 in a set of three seasons’ placement matches (2206 to 2477, 2477 to 2710 and 2710 to 2894). I didn’t play a single game of actual competitive between these placements.

It’s a common misconception that placements don’t matter. The reality is, if you’ve made actual improvements, the system will quickly get the hang of this and adjust your MMR accordingly during your placement matches.

The downside if this will be that the games at your new rank will feel terribly fast-paced and you’ll probably never want to play competitive again. This is what happened to me. I played three games after my latest placements and actually managed to win two of those and climb to 2918. But I felt like I was going to die of a heart attack after those games because the pace of the game was just out of this world. I’ve played a single competitive game in 8 months after that and came to a conclusion that I just can’t do it anymore. A video game shouldn’t make a person feel this way.

But if climbing is your one and only goal, this is the way to do it. I basically skipped the Gold rank this way.

Both of these statements are false. Since reaching my career high of 3.0k I’ve fallen as low as 2.1k. I eventually got back out but it was far from “effortless”. I’ve also placed in high silver on my original account and later fell to 600 SR. Several others have posted on here about their similar experiences and that most new accounts tend to place in gold whether or not they belong there.

Sorry but someone has to say it. Of all the shill posters on here, I find you to be the most annoying because even though I tend to disagree with the Kornmeals, Jacquis, and DongQuixotes going around telling everyone to git gud, at least they have a somewhat respectable SR to back up their claims.

Then you didn’t really belong in diamond if you dropped 1000 SR once there. And, oh sorry, I’m bad at this game. I’m working on fixing that but clearly stuff is not sinking in. It doesn’t help I refuse to one trick my best hero and am trying to learn others to be able to fill better. shrugs

I’m not a shill; no one pays me to post here. Or at least every check was lost in the mail and never transferred to my checkinh/savings accounts. And we’re like the same rank rofl; who are you exactly to condescend towards me?

There’s nothing wrong with being bad at the game and I never said that I wasn’t myself. Sorry if you took offense. As for the difference in our ranks, I agree we are not far apart. But you seem to be the one who’s arguing that 1k SR (the difference between gold and diamond) is a world of difference, not me.

Based on the ladder mentioning of myself in your post, I’m assuming you are referring to me as one too.

My arguments generally come up with people not taking responsibility for their own actions. From my own experience, and plenty of others, you can do more.

A lot of complaining comes from one’s self assessment of their own skill, which in most scenarios is going to be biased. Especially with someones own inconsistency in their play.

You have people who say they have incredible mechanical skill, and then they have 30% accuracy on their most played hero.

You have people claiming they placed higher than their main, but then they fall back down.

A lot of the time, these players don’t actual look at their own gameplay and work on improving, and expect to get a higher rank just by playing without actually spending the time to improve. You can even look at myself for example, I’m silver boarder 4 star and am only mid diamond. It’s not because of the time I took, it’s because I finally took the steps to get better.

It’s not blizzard we are trying to defend, it’s the fault in others of why they can’t climb that we point out.


Because they are. My diamond friends could beat me while drunk on 2 hours of sleep or with me having 2x as much life. Diamond to Gold is an absurdly high jump or drop in skill. Even bronze to gold is comparatively a massive one. I could do the same thing to a bronze friend. “The one eyed man is king in the land of the blind” style of logic. I don’t hate you (tbh have we spoken at length before even?) and hate very few here. I come here to chat and learn and firmly believe in sharing what I know to help others if possible.

[quote=“Phantomsky-11875, post:1, topic:275637”][/quote]

You should play with me. I main moira and I focus heavily on healing the main tank. The main tank is like the King piece on a chess game, the King survives you win.


Let me tell you a story.

Once there was a guy who was stuck in mid to high plat. He played and really did want to touch that precious diamond rank. He tried to improve to reach hes goal. He was stuck in the mid plat to high plat limbo for the entire of season 2. Next season he thought that this season hes gonna try super hard to touch diamond and he did! And it was without an real effort. Why? Because the guy was playing with only 5-6 stacks with hes friends the entire season 2 and season 3 he went to solo que. And that guy was me. I was actually stuck an entire season in plat because the only common nominator in my games wasnt only me because I wasnt solo queing. My team was actually holding me back and season 3 I played only few games after placements and instantly hit diamond (only solo q). I kinda lost interest for the game for a while because I reached my goal instantly and hovered in diamond without will to improve. After a few more season I thought maybe I can touch master? So I started to focus improving and it took a bit more but I touch master. It was too easy as well and lost kinda motivation again. Now Ive been high dia - low master for a long time and every season I wanted to touch master for the comp points Ive been able to. Maybe one day I find motivation to start improving again and maybe I can touch GM?

This is true story btw.

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Why not try ashe? She’s kind of OP right now or least very gold-plat friendly I should say.

If you can manage your bobs to either take points, to snowball second points, to cancel genji ults etc winning in gold is pretty doable.

A couple months ago I would have told you to just one trick Hanzo but since grav and other things have been nerfed prolly go ashe.

Sometimes the climb is fast sometimes not. I’ve climbed out of gold several times…sometimes it’s easy others it can take whole season. I’m not playing any worse…just thats the nature of elohell. Most top players and the game devs acknowledge the elohell is VERY real in this game. Many players just dont understand the factors that cause success and failure and how luck still plays a crucial role.