How Mass rez was more fun than now and if it was even healthy

Yep. Her ultimate’s nickname before invulnerability was literally “Suicide Res”.

Not more fun that a BAM AND NOW ROUND 2 FOR YOU ALL! It was a blast back even when she was weak. That was the time started playing her. Best OW time in my life.

And they fixed it. If they would add line of sight it would be perfectly fine.

Rez is still there…

Mass rez was a button press with a cost that had to be earned, and involved consideration of many factors to determine the value of the rez and whether or not it was worth using.

Current rez is a button press with no cost that doesn’t have to be earned, and the main factor to consider is whether or not you can use it.

Valk is essentially a spectator mode. It takes away the need for decision making, takes away the need to dodge enemy attacks, takes away the need to balance being in range of your teammates and out of the way of enemies. It’s autopilot. And yet it’s also not impactful, it’s as easy to focus through as her regular healing, making it’s main value surviving (which again, is part of the fun of playing Mercy) and giving your team a worse Orisa ult.

No, it doesnt have to be either/or. If ressing one person is OP, then ressing up to 5 at a time is exponentially moreso.

The problem is the nature at which the ressed person returns. Ot needs to have a cost and an opportunity to decline.

Get ressed? Fine, it costs you all your ult charge and you spawn at half health with your cooldown timers reset. Dont want it? Fine, when you are being ressed a confirmation box comes up, you either agree or decline, waiting for respawn

The fact that the people spawn fully battle ready at full health without consequence for dying is the real problem with Res.

Well, I more or less want damage reduction instead but an LoS fix would’ve made it close to balanced.

Yes but it is pretty boring and braindead now because you die or get value. That’s it. Often times it’s a no brainer.

Mass Rez was weak but a blast to do it in a great fashion. It was pretty balanced but "unfun to play against "

Current rez is only OP because it doesn’t have to be earned, has no cost, and is available instantly. Rez as a mechanic is not inherently OP.

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In a vacuum… Also, let’s not forget that mass Resurrect is an ultimate opposed to a static CD ability.

I don’t want a repeat of current Resurrect on E so no thanks.

Let’s remove the hero while we’re at it.

And let Tracer and a bunch of other flankers get annihilated after getting ressed.

Only time this will be useful is if you get accidently ressed, get ressed in a bad position or if you want to swap hero.

It’s not a problem if mass Resurrect was underpowered even when allies get brought back up with full health, all ultimate charge and all CD’s reset.

All ults are like this. Even the new valk.

The same can be said about valk and current rez. You lose valu by spamming them.

Other than the fact that you aren’t invincible, nor invisible. You still have to move. Dodge. Do stuff.

30% damage boost to an entire team / 50 healing for an entire team?
There are worse ults out there. Nano for example.

I’m not debating the fact that she was weak; she was. I’m only pointing out that tempo rezzing to maintain a 6v6 was seen as optimal practice at the highest levels of play.

As for cheese, there were times when damage boosted 76 was used to clear space during first push of the map before ults came online, and other times when teams relied on discord+boost to oneshot bodyshot dive squishies with Widow prior to the rework and grapple buff.

No Mercy here but if you want an example of pro cheese:

Nano is better than Valkyrie… 50 HP heals will not save you against anything unless you hide behind something, Supercharger is a better version of Valkyrie and Mercy will be as far as possible from the fight simply because enemies will be focusing her since she is a bigger target whilst in the air.

Valk is the most basic and braindead ult to use because you cant use it wrong. You can spam it if you want because now after the healing change its just bad. You can use it when you want or when up to 3 team members are around you. Then you get value. You dont have to to anything to do that in valk.

Nano weak… shure nanoblade and nanovisor are pretty weak… sure…

Nonsense, it was a stupidly OP reset button to edit>undo a failure, totally undeserved, with no consequences. It was the single strongest ultimate this game has ever seen

Everyone has to work at building their ultimates, why should yours wipe out the collective effort of an entire team? Moira’s doesnt, Brigitte’s doesnt, Lucio’s doesnt, Ana’s doesnt, heck even Zen’s doesnt (swap gravdragon with grav/dvabomb, or RIP tire, or biotic grenade and watch what happens). So what makes Mercy so special that she deserves an ultimate that is not only not even heal or protection related, but that is orders of magnitude more powerful than all other supports?

Because you say so? Sorry pal, that ain’t balance, and it ain’t good enough.

Yes, that’s the point. Rez is designed to be an ult, it should have the characteristics of an ult.

It absolutely cannot, at least not nearly to the same extent.

You have to avoid line of sight with the enemy widowmaker and decide whether to left or right click your team. That’s about it, everything else is done for you. You don’t have to prioritize targets, don’t have to keep yourself safe, don’t have to manage your positioning to be able to help who needs it while also avoiding enemy fire. Again, it’s auto-pilot.

Healing multiple teammates in an area is nice, but again, it’s not any harder to burst through than her regular healing. Every other support ult makes it harder to kill your teammates, valkyrie does not. So again, it’s main value comes from making you hard to kill (which is boring) and damage boosting, but that essentially just makes it a worse Orisa ult (which is another ult that’s known for being exceptionally underwhelming).

I dont think your where around back then… rez was normal back then. Not even strong. Dont come with “OP reset button” because you have clearly no idea what you are talking about…

Because she was underpowered with mass Resurrect genius.