How many SR I should get in average?

I play only supports in competitive so I’m curious how many SR is considered ok for this role. I know tanks and dps can get up to 35 SR per match or even more. I get 21-28 SR but mostly 24, is it normal numbers or should be more?

They really don’t. 99% of matches you’ll get somewhere near 25 on every role.


So 25 is average normal. Thanks :slight_smile:

Between 20-25 is average, tho idk how, but I got 31 SR today as Zarya.

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I played and got between 22 and 28

AFAIK the “average” is actually 20pts. Your own personal stats can make it higher (or lower) than 20.

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I see. But 20 is so low considering you lose more for some reasons and it takes more time to get where you were already.

Sub 20 is not average, if you’re consistenly gaining or losing that much you’re either performing much better or worse than normal or you’re not in the right rank.

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I could edit the post to say “i think 20 is baseline.” Would that make you feel better?

I think its 20 pts. You can gain more (or less) and vice versa, based on performance and assuming you’re lower than masters.

If you’re consistently losing more than 20 pts in a loss, you’re underperforming based on your stats.

I’d say concentrate more on not dying above all else. Dying often appears to be the #1 thing to tank your “performance-based” section.

Do they have PBSR in diamond now too? I have been winning games lately in diamond as tank with low SR gains around 16-22. Yes I actually got +16 SR for a win, I think that was my lowest ever and it was in a diamond game. But I don’t mind as long as they keep giving me good teams like I’ve been getting. And I wasn’t in a group or anything.

It’s more a matter of accuracy, not me nitpicking a number because it upsets me. 20 being a baseline is more accurate than saying it’s the average because that’s the lowest you’ll typically get, anything below that is atypical. The average is approximately 25. It doesn’t matter if

because it’s not. OP asked a question, & already got the correct answer. You then came in & are potentially falsely skewing some peoples’ perception & correcting that is the sole purpose of my response.

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I usually have to play a little above average to get +25 but maybe I just suck. I consider +23 or less means I played bad and +24 or better means I did well. So average for me I would say is 23.5. But I’m aware there is also the factor of team SR.

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I’ve played like, thousands of games and have (almost?) never received 25 points on a win. Likewise, I bet I’ve only lost 25 points on a loss maybe twice in my OW career.

I don’t believe the baseline is 25. I just don’t. Is that what you think? Do we have any evidence to base the claim? Obviously my estimate is 20, but that’s based on a ton of games played.

I can lose games (like earlier today) and only lose 16 points. Happens often. But like i said i think i’ve never received 25 on a win. :man_shrugging:

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I’ve played thousands of games as well & almost never gained/lost lower than 21sr per match. 98% of the time it’s 22-28sr & most of that falls into a 23-26 range.
I don’t know where you got

from. Except for original post-placement adjustments, my sr loss has typically been between 22-24 from bronze to master with little variance.

Beyond another well-known forumgoer, a recent frequenter, one rando, & even a troll all being able to agree on a range of about 23-25 before you randomly said 20?

I could ask you as well what your evidence is to base your claim considering you’re the one going against the grain. If you really want proof I could go through the trouble of taking screenshots my next session, it’s really not hard.

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Ok, but doesn’t that imply that (if 25 were baseline) that you somehow consistently lose better than you win? Does that make sense?

Like, for me I don’t win (or lose) 25 points. If I win and gain 22, then according to a 25sr baseline that means i’m underperforming when winning.

But if i also consistently lose 22sr in a loss, that means I’m overperforming in a loss? It just doesn’t seem feasible empirically for that to be possible.

I’m not sure the screenshot would help, but a notepad or a spreadsheet where you (we?) log our SR changes during a season- game by game- would probably be very helpful.

I think i’ll do that.

If we’re talking about defining the average strictly as one number, that doesn’t mean directly one above or below it is good or bad, it’s a range. 25 isn’t some magical number that has meaning, it’s just in the typical range of sr gain/loss.

And yes in most matches you are going to under or overperform. Very rarely will anybody be providing exactly average value.

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Keep in mind the supposed pbsr below 3k & lack thereof above 3k. I’m in a bracket where my sr gain/loss is strictly within that range, where my performance doesn’t adjust the number. So my typical 23-26 fluctuation isn’t skewed by pbsr.

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Just finished 4 matches, not the largest sample size but is still useful. I kept track of sr gain/loss, map, match length, final score, & who I played. If you want to know those specifics lemme know, but long story short I ended 2-2 & gained/lost 24sr each match.