How many people purchased an extra account to increase their SR rank?

Dude, I’m only a high plat player and I can stomp in gold. If you truly believe you’re a GM level player but need to complain about throwers etc. in gold, you’re more delusional than Trump.


Bull. Either you’re just straight up lying, or you have an account boosted by another player just like what this player did (clearly had his account boosted by someone else playing on it, he lied about getting carried in a duo):

The most common reason people buy an account, isn’t to smurf, but to increase their rank. There’s a reason the MMR and SR are the way they are, so it’s very hard for you to grow and there’s just enough mystery for you to believe you’ve been wrongly judged and can increase your SR by buying a new account. The only reason so many smurfs popped up in Season 12 is because they sold the game for $12… yes $12. What did they expect?

Seeing as the game tends to place most new accounts toward the middle of the SR distribution (most seem to be between mid-silver and mid-diamond, regardless of if they’re a potato or a GM) I’m going to assume it works something like:

If your real ability is:
Low (<1750) - You place higher than you were before and move down
Mid (1750-3250) - You place about the same as before and don’t move much
High (>3250) - You place lower than you were before and move up

Those numbers are made up but I reckon that’s roughly how the pattern of new accounts goes.

sure … i got boosted when i was literally carrying almost every game one tricking hammond. why do people like you always gotta be on here talking trash ? dont you have something better to do ?

Mind posting on your gm account?

I posted this on another similar thread, but here’s a tiny compilation of my friends and their alts. The gold and silver player bought their alts specifically to escape ‘elo hell’.

Main on top, alt on bottom.

And each of these accounts except the diamond one has been played across multiple seasons with at least 50 games on each total, but I some of them weren’t played too much this season and the last.

If you are stuck at a rank threshold, for example, high gold -just need 1-2 wins for plat, or high plat, and need 1-2 win for diamond. That’s where alt account will be truly useful.

Generally, if you are diamond and want an alt to get to master, you’ll still likely gonna get diamond.

Alt is more useful for lower rank players.

So you can carry in GM, but you’re stuck in gold?
That makes zero sense and is impossible unless you’re throwing games.

I’m sorry but that picture shows nothing really…
Everybody can create an image like that, just take some profiles and get their SR tadaa

I don’t really care if it shows anything or not. I just thought I’d offer some data points. This thread doesn’t show anything either. Anyone can lie and say they have an alt that is two ranks higher than their main and tadaa.

And really it shows two accounts that actually maintain a little higher SR than the main accounts; if I really wanted to lie to suit my agenda I’d grab accounts of all the same rank.

I was just about to create a topic about placement after finally yesterday finishing the 25 level grind and completing my placements when I saw this so might as well post here instead.

To start things off I didn’t get an alternate account to place higher as I am well aware that I am a typical mid plat player at the moment. My issue is that I have been way too nice lately and ended up taking the support role in too many games (because I’m pretty strong at it and because I want to win) but I really want to learn and play McCree right now without playing him in an SR range where I might ruin games!

So I got an account and even named it IamCowboy and it was meant to be my McCree one trick account! Then came the placements and when I started getting 4 dps insta picks game after game I fell back on filling using my stronger heros in more games than I wanted. Needless to say the first 7 games were gg ez and then game 8 I was put in a 3.1k game which was just brutal and though the next 2 games were a bit easier I still lost the last 3 of my placements.

Anyways - when I finally got to the placements complete screen I realized that I had just wasted 15-20 hours on levelling my alt as my final SR came in at 2816 - a mere 67SR higher than my main. And now I can’t play McCree on this account either as I would feel like I’m throwing :frowning: Might as well have named the account IamZenandAna

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I think because of the way the first placements work, if you are Bronze or Silver you will increase your rank by getting a new account because you have very high chances of placing in Gold.
But only temporarily until you reach the SR you are meant to be in (if that means to stay in gold, cool, but usually, from the people I know, players dropped back to silver at least if that’s where their original account is at).

My current SR is 37xx on this account (decayed to 3000) and my second account is at about 36xx (also decayed to 3000). The second account first placed at 23xx and then I played until Diamond, did only placements for two seasons and was at 36xx where I still am now.

Also works the other way around. :smile: it was originally meant to play with a friend in silver but due to the back then performance based sr and winstreaks I sometimes gained over 80SR for wins so I quickly left the grouping sr range and then played alone from there.

Now I only very rarely use it to queue up with some Platinum/Diamond friends after I decayed enough to play with them while my main account I play only solo on.

The first time I placed was on this account. I got 2850ish or so with Brig. I played her exclusively because I was nervous to play comp (I had been already like lvl 100 just playing QP) and wanted to know what was good and not too difficult to rank with. So my initial comp was done through Brig and I placed high plat without even knowing the maps inside out or how to play at a decent level at all.

When I was forced to swap by composition (either our team or theirs) I quickly realized how inadequate my game knowledge, map awareness, and aim were compared to the players I was matching with. I fell into a pattern of feeling useless when I didn’t play Brig (despite being a dps main before trying to rank) and then going back to Brig.

Pretty quickly I just felt guilty about the whole thing and went back to QP. Eventually I learned a lot more about the game and decided to make a new account. I placed 2400ish and am still around there. By this time I knew the maps well and had much better aim and awareness. I don’t feel like a burden to my team and flex whatever role is needed and enjoy the game much more. This is why I’m extremely critical of Brig’s design tbh. It required nothing from me to be like 75 percentile when I was actually a below 40 percentile player at the time.

Two thoughts come to mind here:

  1. It shows how Brig is sort of an enabler in comp and qp both, she’s too forgiving still… I suspect many folks are using her to ride around in comp now.

  2. You are being unfair to yourself about comp, it’s just that comp. People throw, act like idiots, have no clue what they are doing, and are generally just acting like mindless rabble in 70% of it. You should feel no guilt for going into it to learn to do better, just the attitude alone separates you from half the player base outright. Most of the “lack of awareness” extends to your teammates, don’t interpret raw mechanical skill as anything more than that… I’d rather have a team of people who want to improve and actually care about those things than a bunch of people who think they are far better than they are because they learned to aim in COD or CS:GO.

I appreciate that but it still felt really dirty. I’ll try to keep improving all elements of my play holistically. That way I can feel I’m in the right tier at least.

I’ve definitely noticed what you mentioned about mechanics and game sense tho. Some people with really good aim or combos play way out of position, get picked constantly and rarely if ever switch. I guess that’s how you can have good mechanics but not climb.

say and think what you will… youre 100% wrong… nobody has ever used my accounts but my 10 year old son and my niece who i gave the new accounts to after placing them… i made them to prove a point … no longer need them
the system is a broken mess and it will be changed before long

They start at exactly 2500. Me and a group of friends experimented quite a bit to come up with this. That changes VERY quickly over the first few placements though.

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It’s not possible to get placed in GM, unless they’ve changed that recently. You can be placed in high master and face GMs only to be promoted pretty much instantly, but you can’t be placed there.

I’m the best DPS player in the world. Even better than London Spitfire’s Profit.

See? I can make up bull stories too.

Main is 2100 alt is 2867