How Many of Y'all Are Planning on Watching OWL?

I’m watching until I can get pink Reaper. Maybe Lucio’s emote.

No. After so clearly pandering to pros and sacrificing this game for the sake of OWL. I hope it crashes and burns, I know it won’t but one can dream.

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I’m watching Geguri play and that’s it.

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me!! theres lots to learn from

I’ll watch through short clips that make it to the the front of r/Overwatch. Which is incidentally how I watch all OW content, if any.

I’d love to watch it but time zones :frowning:

I love getting junk food ready and all watching it with friends

I have watched exactly 3mins and 49 seconds of nascar. And in that time 12 cars crashed due to a tire falling off durring the final lap. Rip expensive cars. Some how no one was hurt.

I certainly hope so. If we’re left in turmoil, so too can the pro’s and their frivolous OWL.


I plan to leave my phone muted playing owl while I sleep to get tokens.

I’ll check it out to see what the team comps are. I doubt I’ll finally see Symmetra though.

I think I’d prefer playing a good game than watching a broken one.

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Not me.

I am, I have missed it a lot as well because I like watching high level of OW play because it’s hard for me to experience myself. Watching OWL reminds me of what OW really is.

I actually feel it’s the opposite, I’m watching an amazing game but playing a broken one. And the reason it being broken is due to the people playing it mostly.


Oh I meant a different game entirely, but I do see your point.

Oh, I see.
more characters

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I might check it out with these changes, since the game itself isn’t playable anymore in casual gameplay… :thinking:

Just like the great Chris Jericho once said “neverrrrr, everrrrrrr againnnnnn”

How are we in europe supposed to watch? Its in the middle of the night? Until there is a european league… there is no overwatch E-Sports!

On Sundays i believe the matches will start on eu friendly times (not perfect, but better than last season

Oh and I will watch OWL, i like who they started to balance for the pros now.

I will not be watching OWL. I couldn’t care less about esports.