How many months to see the soldier nerf?

Soldier has an insanely easy to hit hitbox. Soldier may have mobility but a doom would easily melt a soldier, a widow can easily snipe a soldier, a hanzo can get a free headshot if the soldier decides to play around the healing. Soldier seems fine to me, he has his moments where he can wreck and other times where he is just useless. I don’t think he melts tanks, it only looks that way because you may not be running shields so its really easy for him to charge ult and punish.

A bit late to this one but w/e. I’ve said it before and I think we agree, Ashe never needed a buff and then got nerfed too hard, especially with the general hitscan nerf. But there’s been a general consensus among even dps players that soldier is overtuned and has been for months now. But tonight, since my usual Ashe (1300 hrs) was taken, I decided to give soldier (2 hrs) a spin and yup, ez mode OW. It’s so stupid how much damage he can put out, like how can the devs let this happen? It’s probably somewhere around a 1k SR difference, that bad. OVERWATCH DEVS, WHY ARE YOU LETTING THIS HAPPEN?? /endrant

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soldier, mccre and hanzo are busted. and mercy makes the problem a lot worse… but they cant just nerf the dmg with no remove double shield. BUT THEY WASTE A LOT OF TIME ON A JOKE EXPERIMENTAL LOL