How many months to see the soldier nerf?

So you agree he needs the 25 hp then? Perfect as do I.

Whatever it took for McCree is a safe bet.

Not only does he need the 25, he needs more. He’s underpowered.

Can you show me how do you bust tanks as a soldier somewhere around gm pls? I wonder how would you bust double shield in a semi-coordinated environment.

Soldier is a lot like the ashe case, small microbuffs while nerfing competition shows how strong he is.

When ppl said ashe sucks, I said shes strong and going to be horrible to play against (and she was), when people said soldier bad I said its only because other hitscans are too strong, but he is very strong himself and has been for a while.

Clip size buff, helix buff, dmg buff, visor buff all while hitscans around him are nerfed, while having superior movement ability (thats never on cd) and consistent dmg output.

Ive been playing a lot of soldier now and as long as u can track u can just melt someone. Saw a monke jump on me and die before landing, was funny but painful.


You are on forums solely waiting for hitscan nerf threads to comment about them. At this point, you ARE the minority.

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Yes, as i have already pointed out before. In these forums which represent a very small minority of the whole player base.
These forums are filled with tank and support players that non stop complain about dps heroes everyday. Complain about the game not being a more of a moba. Complain that the game is and is tweaked as an FPS. Complain that they want tanks to never die. Complain that they want supports to not die and to heal even more than they do now.
Complain about the direction of OW2.
Pretty much a huge circle jerk of a certain group of players that non stop 24/7 complain and don’t represent the majority of the players. Active and non active (non active are the biggest group of OW players).
Most players that have ever played OW don’t even know these forums exist.

And all the complaints and whining are about a game that doesn’t play they way they envision it in their minds. They cant accept the fact OW isn’t the type of game like the one in their head cannon, and never will be.

You got to understand that most people making these threads over and over are silver or at most gold players that have little understanding at how the game works.
They think heroes are busted because a Soldier player killed a tank that was probably out of position. Like if 76 isn’t allowed to ever kill any tanks or else he is viewed as a tank buster.

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And you, being a minority on the forums, represent an even smaller minority.

That rule applies to all, not just to those whom are against hitscans. If you’re a minority inside the minority, you are still the minority.

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Spin it however you want to spin it.
The fact of the matter is that the millions of OW players that left OW that have similar mindsets as me.
Players that left for games like Apex, Valorant, Warzone, Fortnite, etc.

Those are the players Blizzard wants back. Blizzard want to make money above anything else. Makes no sense for Blizzard to try to cater to a small dead community that lives in these forums that think OW is some sort of moba.
They want OW 2 to sell million of copies not just a few thousand like they would if they would cater to the small group of daily complainers in here.
Which is apparent in how they are changing the game for OW2. and their constant comments in AMA’s , interviews and videos.

I understand this, but I want them to understand, I want them to start thinking instead of complaining and trashing this forum with their unreasonable claims. It is just painful to watch that topics like this prevail here. I wish we had complaining policies also in a line with ToS. I wish there would’ve been rank icons or peaks right next to the player’s name. That way it brings up less confusion to an actual image of the game. Imagine a new player goes here at the forum having no clue of what is this forum be like, and then he sees this topic and he will apply this complaining/victim mentality for no reason, just following the crowd, that misleading. That is just sad.

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Yeah i still remember when they buffed mccree because ashe was meta… instead nerf asje and mercy combi, they decided to buff mccree.
Latrr they decided to bufff soldier instead of nerf mccree and pharahmercy

As almost every DPS hero? :no_mouth:

If the forums are the minority, and u are the minority on the forums, what does that make u?

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The fact that Blizzard is following my way of thinking about the game, it makes me correct.

You mean the same blizzard thats currently falling apart thanks to sexually harassing women and threatening to murder their employees? Im glad you feel like you resonate with their way of thinking.

Are you mentally slow?
Clearly in my post I said “about the game”.
Since you are not clever enough to come back from what I said in my last post you try to come back with dumb nonsense about things that have nothing to do with the actual gameplay of the game that we are talking about.
Jesus Christ sometimes I forget I’m dealing with middle school kids in these forums.

Ah yes thank you for barraging me with insults for pointing out that what devs think has been, for the most part, not something very welcomed by the community.

You think resonating with their mindset about the game makes it better? These are the same people that released brig, left goats and double shield, and failed to fix them so they gave us role lock and 1-2-2, u really think that having hitscans is why they went 5v5? Lmao, they do it because they consistently fail balancing something so they restrict it instead. They failed to make tanks appealing for players to make dps queue faster, so they removed one instead.

But Im glad you gave me something to flag you over with roughly 5 insults in this one post, because you really only serve one purpose on those forums, being a loud minority who calls everyone around him the minority, and believing the devs are following his mindset when this company is in shambles all over.

Also, while I think age contests are utterly pointless (woohoo Im born earlier), Im 24 and got my bachelor’s, so that “middle school kids” classic argument falls over easily.

Yes, of coarse , you are now playing the victim card. Hypocritical much.

Not welcomed by the small community that lives in these forums not the overall player base. Especially the ones that have already left OW for other games.

Something that the devs have stated was a mistake on their part multiple times. And from that point on have made it their mission to make/tweak OW like old OW. Like the original idea of OW was always to be. Fast paced exciting FPS team shooter.

Probably the best change the game has had. I would be long gone if role lock never happened.

lol what? If anyone should flag someone is me for your post saying im agreeing with sexual harassers and people that give death threats.
WTF. We are talking about a game not anything else. You are the one trying to lump me into whatever drama is going on because you thought you were being clever. When i said nothing that ties me into that drama.
Also im not like other forum delicate flowers that cant take any type of insult or criticism and that has to flag or block people for any little thing. Never change OW forums.
But you do you. Which is to be a hypocrite because you tried to insult me first with nonsensical accusations.

Your purpose is to cry and complain all day if they devs don’t make the game the way you want them to.

Then start acting your age. Your post accursing me of things that have nothing to do with what we were discussing are the epitome of childish.
Grow up.

“Playing the victim” “Stop being hypocrite”

Ironic much

It’d be nice if helix and clip size were nerfed. Or helix and the ability to cancel his ultimate. Currently it feels like if you’re a squishy, all he has to do is sprint into an off-angle, take a couple shots with his generous falloff range, then fire a helix and what do you know, dead already.

Or hey, maybe if we can cancel his sprint with damage like sombra and hack then he’s at least susceptible to being dove by anyone that isn’t doom