How many months to see the soldier nerf?

really this hero now is a tank buster… blizzard stop making hitscans heros with no weaknesss. we needs some reasons to play other heros.

stop balancing the game around double shield.


If he is a “tank buster” now then he was before. His ~5% dmg increase was more impactful vs non tank heroes as it took 1 less bullet to kill and they have much smaller health pools. With the dmg increase it takes 1-2 less shots depending on the tank.

Also he has weaknesses, he is very susceptible to being dived.


lol??? he can run away and selfhealing with a massive dmg… HE IS BUSTED. same than mccree, roadhog and hanzo


All he needs is:

Helix +2 sec cd increase

Tac visor: Revert fall off buff


Eh, over time, they have done a lot to improve him. The helix cooldown and clip size increase are a huge aspect of his tank busting which is mostly just barrier busting, if you ask me.

I am pretty pro hitscan, so I am biased. But I feel he was bad against tanks before, and after a lot of changes, he is moderately strong against them currently.


The damage buff on top of the recoil change put soldier a little over-the-top, but I would prefer they nerf hanzo and bap first, those are the much MUCH larger issues.

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Another new thread about the same thing from the same group of posters, flooding the forums when there are already similar threads.

See you tomorrow when you’ll make the same thread again.

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Considering Cree has kept his extra 25hp a year later, despite everyone saying how busted it was 2 weeks after it dropped, I’d say never.


Well he can’t be running away and healing at the same time. So pick one. And when something jumps on him, it’s not like he is instantly out of their range. Hence him being weak to being dived.


Soldier does too much burst damage to be weak to being dived. Soldier can hold his ground and outright beat winston and dva. Hammond can then roll away and there is little soldier can do about that, sure.


Hitscans in general need nerfs. 3 of the 4 top picked dps in GM are hitscans, #1 always being tracer of course


just bait out field. Once it’s baited out he’s a free kill for any dive character.

If Winston and D.Va players are letting Soldier beat them “outright”, then neither of those players are good at all.


More like if soldier dies to the winston or dva outright, then they should not be playing dps.


more like the point of dive isn’t to 1v1, but to coordinate pushes onto isolated targets and take them out quickly securing an early advantage.

Which soldier IS weak to. If a Winston, D.Va, and Genji jump onto an out of position Soldier, the soldier WILL JUST melt.

almost all heros are weak to this combo and coordinate push… IS NOT A SOLDIER WEAKNESS! you logic is the same thing when someone says that mcreee weakness is widow and ashe on logn range xd


McCree’s weakness is being forced to fight outside his optimal range though. If you aren’t willing to actually counter the opponent, you shouldn’t complain about them being overpowered or needing nerfs.

An overpowered character is one that is good despite being countered, or has seemingly no counters. Soldier is not that.

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IS NOT A WEAKNESS… mcree have better effective range than the majority of heros on the game…

He’s forced to fight in a weird mid-range though. Up close, all he has is flashbang and fan (the former of which has a long cooldown and can easily be baited/blocked, the latter leaves him horribly vulnerable) and from far away, his damage falloff is severe. A D.Va can easily destroy a McCree in a 1v1 no problem if she can close into melee, and a Widow can do the same by staying too far away.

He has pretty much the same fall-off as Soldier, and because of his hit-or-miss primary fire, means he can’t track like Soldier can.

man you logic is like says that junkrat weakness is the damage because bastion have more dmg xd…