No hero should ever

be as easy and impactful as Soldier 76 currently is.

Wild how strong he is and feels absolutely unstoppable with a Mercy pocket RN.

Low risk+high reward, low skill+high reward heroes should not be a thing, yet here we are.

I’d argue the equivalent would be if Moira was the best support in the game.


100% agree. Soldier is too good atm. Don’t gut him though, just remove 1 point of damage and give healing back.


Soldier is overtuned, but at the same time I’d rather him be meta than 90% of the DPS roster

I remember back when widow was meta (for 2 years), and only 1 game against a competent widow borderline killed my will to play


You can’t complain about Soldier when Bap is in the game.


Soldier is D.Va food


Soldier is overtuned, above average, but he is still not as ridiculously impactful as a lot of other heroes.


Dva, Winston, genji, doom fist, tracer, basically any flanker eats soldier.


PHARAH is a lot eaiser and get value than soldier. mccree to. anyway now soldier with the BUFFS is too low effort and high rewards to

Doom and dva I agree. Winston depends on positioning. Genji is more up in the air, and id say soldier has the advantage on tracer, if not it’s a close fight. She certainly doesn’t counter him.

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Winston does not eat soldier, the self-heal gives soldier a lot of leeway to burst down the winston or gain space.

Winston can force soldier from his high ground and put him in bad positions. Especially if he tries to solo flank. Tracer wins every duel if soldier misses his helix, if he manages to DH tracer and she doesn’t recall he deserves the kill but it’s not as hard a counter as DF who you’re just dead if he lands on you

They should either revert the damage buff or the weapon spread. Cause both the current damage and having zero weapon spread at the same time is too much.


No not at all. Soldier is destroying genji, doom, and winston right now.


He’s literally the tutorial character,he made to be easy

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Honestly I don’t think Soldier is all that bad, it’s the fact that people still seem to think Cassidy is good and Hanzo is super prominent that you often will taking a lot of damage as Tank that makes it very frustrating to play if your Supports are sub-par

But I personally dislike when hitscans are the top DPS because they’re the easiest to get value out of, projectile heroes take a lot longer to master and currently aren’t really worth playing apart from Hanzo who I think is just too luck-dependent to be any good without having Storm Arrow to melt down Tanks (which is why he was seen as a “throw” pick before SA, though his jump ability helped improve him too)

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Problem is that Soldier is a jack of all trades…that is one of the best DPS in the game. Removing bloom on his firing was honestly great for him, but was probably too good (like, if you can slightly move your aim down, you practically have a beam).

Maybe a bit of a tube down, but also I acknowledge that I think the game is the most enjoyable when hitscan isn’t the dominant force in DPS…which has never been the case, lol

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you have to be joking i clapped a soldier on busan today as

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Hitscans take longer to master than projectile.


How would you guys feel about reducing damage and increasing the attack speed?

I was thinking about 10 rounds per second up from 9 but reducing his damage to 18 from 20. At 18 he basically does the same overall damage but is about 5 damage weaker (per second) against armor. There are also more chances of missing shots per second, spreading out the damage but still useful to those who are quite consistently accurate.

I also suppose due to losing about 1 bullet sooner each second, his reload time comes up sooner (.3 seconds earlier). Which could give you a slight break against his pressure.

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Thats real funny coming from You of all people. Dont bother with come backs. Ill press E and survive everything with 0 risk and 0 skill and all reward. Bye.