How many endorsements do you give per match?

How many endorsements do you give per match?

And feel free to discuss as well.

I’m particularly curious because it will help me estimate a better guess for the active number of players. (See this thread: Estimating playerbase count and minimum number of Overwatch games played based on BlizzCon game fact sheet)


It depends on the team. From 0 to 3.


0, and I don’t communicate or switch or do anything helpful, and I’m level 3.


If I want to level up, all of them. So, during this event, I have been handing them out like candy. Otherwise, I try to give it to the most worthy.

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I like to stick around with my LFG groups so I wait to give them out as much as possible. I don’t want the first game to be like “yeah he was good, here’s your endorsement” then next game have that dude turn to a massive butt. If someone is a good shotcaller, I’ll give them that immediately, otherwise I’ll wait to see if they stay good

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It depends. Usually one for tank and one for my fellow healer (if we had one), if they did their job well. And then one for pure positivity, if there was any.

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Really depends on the players and their attitude. I never give endorsements to players who aren’t in the voice chat during a competitive match, regardless of what they were doing or how helpful they were, and this is my rule number one. Then, if I see someone tried and kept on communicating throughout the match, I’m likely to give them an endorsement.

I try to give out 3 every match. I endorse those that did an amazing job and/or were friendly and chill. I never give any to the Red Team. F**k the Red Team.

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almost always 3.
two to my team and one to the opposing team most commonly.

though some matches that leave a bad taste, i can’t bring myself to endorse anyone. Even though I know it is basically irrational to not take the 50xp per, as this form of “reputation system” is basically meaningless.

But that is rare, most every match at least someone on my team appears to be trying, and at least one person on the opposing team would have called a gg or some other polite thank you at the end of a round.

Oh and also if i notice it, i tend to not endorse anyone that insta bails at the end of a round. Just as i will not vote for anyone on the commendation cards if they bailed before they could have cast a vote. i presume anyone insta bailing at round end is not bothering to hand out endorsements, so really should get none in return i feel.

I do wish that the endorsement level was reduced faster for rounds played in which the player gave no endorsements. So that anyone that just leeches 100% no give back, is stuck bouncing between lvl 1 and 2 at best.

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Depends on how many players earned it. Nothing free from me.

Mostly it’s all 3, but there have been some games where I gave none.

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Summer games is always 3. 150xp is a must for lootboxes! I want all the skins.

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3, always. I believe it helps your endorsement level. I have been at 5 pretty much since endorsements started.


I always endorse. Anyone that stays throughout a losing game gets sportsmanship at the very least. I’m not giving you anything if you say “thanks” after a loss though.

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I always endorse healers and tanks, prioritizing my team, unless they were toxic. People who don’t give out endorsements unless you really “earned it” are kinda obnoxious imo. It’s just a nice thing to do.

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I never do. Its a waste of time, I’d rather just be queued into the next game or checking my phone than wasting the time.


If it is QP, then I give 1 endorsement per role (unless they locked from prior endorses).

If it is Comp, then I only give it to those that I feel deserve it.

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It varies, but averages seem to be
~1/3-2/3 in qp
~1 in comp
~2.5 in arcade modes that allow them

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All of them. Unless we lose.

Then I give 1 to 3 to the enemy team.

Supports then Tanks. DPS never get endorsements unless they hard carried or I’ve already endorsed people in my match from previous matches. lol

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A story time.
One game, my temates told to everyone to report a player in our team for a play he did (that wasnt even reportable, just bad game sense) so i told them not to report cuz there no real reason to (they were stack of 6)
At the end we lost and one of the enemy said “ez” so i said that does deserve a report, they should respect their opponent even if it was easy and left
I got 6 endorsement from the enemy after that game :joy:

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Either 0 or 3. No middle ground.

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