How many endorsements do you give per match?

Dayum son, so cold. Let me get you some ear muffs.

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That poll isn’t very helpful for me, because I don’t endorse unless I feel people on the team actually deserve it. I don’t just endorse others for ‘xp’ or because it’s polite. That isn’t what it’s there for, it’s meant to be a real incentive for people to behave better so that is what I’m using it for.

If there was an option:

“I will give 1-3 based on the performance of the team” that would be my vote.

Lol you have no endorsements. I’ll add you ingame and give you one.

I give out all 3 for the extra 150xp.

yea i think so too…

It isn’t actually asking about your habits game to game. He’s just asking for a estimated average to use for some very rough math he wants to do. An average of a small sample of estimates won’t be accurate, but it will be better than the entire range he’s calculating in his other post.


I give 0. Why? it’s pointless. Like the levels of this forum. Just another ploy to troll the fan base.

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It depends on the match. I spend 99% of my time playing Mystery Heroes, so no endorsements there, but occasionally I’ll do some QP and my endorsements there are determined on how well players participated in the win/loss. I would say I endorse AT LEAST once per match.

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I don’t give any endorsements.


3 for the XP - as long as they’re not buttholes in the chat.

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Thats not how it works. I havent earned any. If I do something deserving then you can endorse me but dont expect the “endorse for endorse” thing. Unless you impress me beyond belief in any of the 3 categories, I wont endorse.

I only suggested it because I feel sorry for you that nobody out of 40 million players would give you a single one.

Thanks so much for all the responses, everyone!! Appreciate the discussion and effort, definitely did not know that people endorse that much generally–do understand perhaps it is confounded by the ongoing event. Either way, thanks for taking the time!

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