How many active forumers?

It’s definitely nice that one-shots are restricted to the power weapons in Halo. Another FPS to play that has a longer TTK is welcome as far as I’m concerned. I burnt out on CS over a decade ago and Battle Royales bore me.

im still here. i was FBIAgent6942 for a very long time till that account was lost due to my xbox getting banned. and im here now.

speak for yourself
speak for yourself
speak for yourself
speak for yourself
speak for yourself
speak for yourself
speak for yourself

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lol clever girl

I’ve been playing Halo since launch. Destiny has the perfect TTK, less grenade spam but supers are annoying.

It’s almost impossible to win a 2v1 in Halo with how slow the TTK is and how much value body shots get. You legit have to hold hands all the time.

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The power weapons are also restricted by skill and ammo. If you miss you don’t get the kill and you have limited tries. The weapons have times they respawn and you may have to fight someone else for the right to even use the weapon.

This is how one shots should be balanced, and they should never ever be on huge AOE in an fps game.

Now that one shots means something again, it feels extra good to actually get one in Halo. The best part is it doesn’t feel AWFUL dying to them.

I think dying to Hog hooks, DVA and junk rat ults, and Genji blades is about the worst experiences I’ve ever had in a video game, no exaggeration.

Playing this game and thinking it was good was the lowest point of my life.

I’m not really that active anymore.

Sadly nerfs to heroes that don’t deserve it plus the lack of content (I personally don’t count skins" as content as they add nothing to the game apart from a cute costume for some lucky mains of those heroes)

Also OW Archives for 2 years has also been the same 3 events, nothing new added because they are saving them for OW2 to make it look like we’ll be getting “more for our money” even though some of the maps (e.g Paris) are being reused for it lol.

I also sat back earlier and wondered if they’re quick to abandon overwatch 1 (they only announced in 2019 they were working on OW2, so how long were they REALLY working on it?) then whose to say they won’t abandon OW2 for OW3? lol.

People are not excited about the upcoming events because of the same, boring mini games they just are excited about the skins, and that means like a week later nobody is hyped anymore and everyone is just annoyed that they are being forced to play a certain amount of boring event mini games to get the epic skins.

Also hate the burst rifle. Sounds like a bunch of horses galloping around the map.
CTF isnt implemented as well as arena shooters of the past.
The blatant copy of CS:GO/Valorant type maps like Dust2. Which leads to some games feeling like wall/camping hide and seek like the Val/csgo.

Aquarius CTF is solid, not a fan of CTF but Halo does it right. Besides on Behemoth…terrible map can’t believe it’s in ranked.

Are you talking about Bazaar being like a CSGO map? I just sit rocket side but yeah that maps not the greatest for slayer, CTF is okay on it.

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Do people really stop and think before they post stuff like this?
I dont know if you missed the thread a week or 2 ago i made about Blizzard spoiling its players with its generous way it has released free content for years after release.
Heroes, maps, cosmetics, reworks, multiple yearly events, etc.
They didnt have to.
90% of games that sell at a retail price (non free to play or subscription games) dont do this. Be glad OW did it.
And people are angry that they are releasing a part 2?
Every studio makes sequels. They dont just add everything to the first game they ever released and stop making sequels.

Lets look at a few FPS games that came out in 2016 like OW did:

Titanfall 2 - (Moved on to Apex)
Gears of War 2 - (Sequels, there is a Gears 5 now)
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare - (There are a million sequels after this game)
Battleborn - (DEAD, as in completely dead not like salty people say OW is)
Destiny: Rise of Iron - (Sequel was released)

How many of those games are actively releasing new heroes, maps, cosmetics, reworks, multiple yearly events?

All those games have either moved on to a sequel or are completely dead.

Saying all that, I do feel the lack of content is mostly do to Covid and the legal issues Blizzard is having.

Talking about CTF on Quake or UT. And a few others im forgetting.

Where the person that takes the flag can still fight back. They are not handicapped by them holding the flag and being only able to walk/run.

Oh, that would be way easier. Idm CTF the way it is in Halo. You have to slay 2 pretty much before you can grab flag.

Come to think of it OW does that too. But OW CTF feels off somehow.
Not a fan of how long it takes to return the flags.
And not a fan of you being able to capture flags when your own flag is missing or not on the base/stand. Also i think there is delay to grab the flag now as well. I forget.

IMO, CTF from past games felt way better to play.

Few active accounts, thousands of alts, to flag spam people that disagree with them.

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based on how many people clicked that link…at least 222 this afternoon

Idk man I have some pretty controversial opinions.

Game isn’t balanced, when it is the playerbase might return.

It might not be perfectly balanced, but it feels less fruatrating balance-wise than it has ever been, at least to me.