How many active forumers?

according to low post count users we are all mercy mains. might be true heh i play her quite a bit

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I am pretty sure I am not invited to the echo-chambers that formed on this forum. I have been made aware I am in the dog house, so to speak.

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I think it has more to do with a shrinking player base.

I still enjoy the forums though.

I notice that i found games faster during the normal hours. The MMR swing in QP is still insane though.

But no match makes me feel like ragequitting because of some heroes.

I am still very active.

Probably 100 or so users who post once a week

Probably 30 or so people who post once a day

Probably 12 of us who post every couple of hours

Probably one guy around here posting every 20 min, like forums are permanently pulled up on his 2nd monitor


I mean, Mercy is my second most-played hero, but I don’t feel like I play her that much to be slapped with the Mercy Main label across my forehead!! :sweat_smile:

(Ah what the heck? Who do I think I am fooling? :joy:)

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I’m guessing there are at least 3.


These days that’s the truth. Devs left the game to stagnate and die and the same is happening with this place. It’s really just a place to chat and vent now. We’ll give actual feedback when a new patch is being tested but outside of that…this place reflects the grave dug by the developers.

approximately exactly 22 by my count.

The Forums has always been a small community for as long as I’ve been here, which was around 2019. The only thing that’s changed is who those people are, save for a small few.


Stop the cap. The game is a dumpster fire atm just most people have completely lost faith.

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As far as people who actually post at least semi-regularly? 69.

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Games dead, so many other games that get content.

Games that you don’t have to deal with double shield or way too many sustain heals.

Been playing the heck out of Halo. It’s nice having skill recognized. It’s nice not dying to one shots OVER AND OVER.

It’s super nice not having to chase ultra mobile skinny lines of pixels down anymore. Its freaking awesome that I heal myself after a few seconds.

It’s quite possibly the last shooter i’ll play for the next decade.

I think alot of people are realizing that OW was just not fun to play. Some people say shields made it bad, for me, it was constantly getting one shot from stuff that seems so stupid now lol. Aoe one shots, jeez I actually played this game and liked it.

They should have never removed a tank, should have just made them raid bosses and nerfed the shields and gave healers more defensive tools if DPS are allowed to be so mobile.

Man just thinking about this game cracks me up… and that’s why nobody’s here.

Whats there to discuss anyway. You say “DVA NEEDS MOAR NERFS” and then you’re false flagged to oblivion for trolling lolololololol what a joke

Halo has the slowest TTK of any shooter, it’s actually boring how many shots it takes.

Body shots get too much value also. 3 shot body, 1 shot head with the BR.

If the BR 3 shot head, Halo would be the best game though.

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Maybe boring to you young kids, but me at 33, Halo is peak perfection.

I like that my opponent has a chance to fight back.

There’s less luck, more skill and patience.

Also halo still feels fast despite how long it takes to kill because of the addition of equipment. Shields, grapples, and boops add a major skill element. You have two sets of grenades and different weapons to swap to. This game feels complex.

The game just feels fair to play and thats what i’ve been missing all these years, FAIRNESS

I think about the amount of times I died to aoe one shots after just getting back to the fight from spawn and I laugh… Seems absolutely ridiculous after playing Halo for any amount of time.

speak for yourself lol

TTK in Quake is slower, but that game is so incredibly fast paced that you can’t compare, despite the two being arena shooters. Watching Halo is like watching a game in slow motion.

I estimate it to be 700-900 if every acc is really a person. If you go to bad topics, you will see upvotes from users with 0-5 posts who only upvote those kind of topics (inflammatory, toxic posts).
Some users you may only know from looking at the upvotes. There are users who have like 4-7k upvotes but only 3 posts themselves.

I consider them active forumers. It does not mean they are active posters.

And recently there are many accs here with 1-500 posts like u.