How many active forumers?

My guess is very few … would be interested to see the stats.

This echo-chamber is getting pretty small!


Maybe the game has reached a somewhat balanced state? Not a whole lot of outliners or things to complain about. Hopefully?

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I rarely log in to play the game, the forums are dead too with so little news.


It reflects the population of the game.



Considering how quick people reply, I’d say it’s pretty decent


Yes, the same small group of people reply very frequently … just wondered how small is all.



Me I am decently active.

How is it an echo chamber? People disagree about all sorts of stuff all the time.

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Maybe echo-chamber is the wrong term - my point is that there are very few, very loud, very active users.

I just wondered how few. Remember, Andy said less than 10% engage in forums at all and less than 10% of that small amount are active.

Screaming into a void may be a better description.

Or maybe this is just a nice place where a few people discuss a game without any impact on the devs or the rest of the world.

Just wondering.


You’ll need to define what you mean by ‘active’. Does passive reading count? The forums are usually an excellent place of information if anything weird happens.

I would love to see monthly logins, so including browsers, and monthly posters.

But, since Blizz doesn’t do stats, I’m not holding my breath!

yea i visit here every now and then and its gotten even worse

saw a thread a couple weeks ago where something took chipsa mumbling under his breath and acted like he wanted to delete the whole support roster

Several hundred…if not a few thousand

At least like 4

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There’s like 30 at any given moment I’d say

It’s not the same 30 obviously

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This is exactly what it is.
There is certain type of players that these forums attract that dont represent the majority of the player base. Especially the ones that dont even know these forums exist or the ones that have already moved on to other games .

Yet the small pocket of hive mind “regulars” seem to think their views of the game is what everyone wants.

The concerning thing is that sometimes the devs do listen to these few loud people that constantly complain in these forums.
And they have made some questionable nerfs/buffs. All because of the constant crying in these forums by the same people.
Its the same old group of 50-100 posters (probably less) that group spam threads, group “like” each others posts, that spam the same nerf and complaining threads of the same type of heroes for years.

Its never ending.

They just rotate to the latest flavor of the month witch-hunt (mostly hitscans) and then the circle back to complaining about the same heroes in a few months when their pickrates rise again.

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Maybe 100 or so. A few hundred more that view posts but only 100 or so active comment/posters


I agree.

That is why the “forums” don’t represent community sentiment and should be used for what they are - a place where a few dozen regulars get together and vent or chill or whatever.

Great for what it is, but

iT iZ wHaT iT iZ

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I’m sure someone could find that number if they really wanted to. It would require decent effort to pull off, and definitely a time investment

Looking at the number of views on popular topics I’d say a few 100 and no more.