In the top 500 right now, YZNSA has 5 accounts in the top 100, maybe more.
I assume that multi accounts is perfectly acceptable and the norm?
He must have trashed a fair few games to get each account to that level when he first started off, this is perfectly acceptable I assume? I mean, the guy is using the same name for each account.
I am not that close to the T+C’s, is multi accounting normal? I made masters for the first time this season and it gets tough. I feel like getting a new account and starting in silver and trying to climb back up again.
Judging that the guy is blatantly doing this, and they are ok with it, what does everybody else think?
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Having multiple accounts is not against TOS. Only account sharing and the likes.
You can have as many accounts as you want.
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Oh, I didn’t know that, thanks for sharing. I’ll get straight on that then.
I don’t know why they would promote multi accounts, I would imagine that it would kill any monetisation. Why would anybody buy anything if they were going to make 5 accounts?
…but who am I to say what works for them.
I’m guessing they buy stuff on one account as their ‘main account’ but leave the others F2P only.
why he needs 5 accs? one its not enough?
I, personally don’t get it either. I think it’s just a way for them to camp t500.
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It’s okay to have multiple accounts so long as you try to win every game. But when you intentionally remain at lower ranks for easygames that’s a Smurf issue now.
That still feels off to me. Like I know I can get to a decent level, if I get a new account and start in silver and play my best, I could spoil 20-30 games until I get back to my previous level.
And that’s perfectly fine as long as you try and win every game? I just thought I would ask the community before I actually do it.
I’ve got about 5 accounts from the OW1 days myself.
- Main
- Alt Main
- Smurf Tester
- Off Role
- DPS practice
One account, why waste money on more? I know you can have multiple on console at least, smurfing seems pointless to me though.
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once you get to top 50 or so, especially top 10, the games take really long to find people to play against you. So he just made a bunch of accounts, there was a point where he had a bunch of them all in top 50. They almost always place diamond and end up in gm games, almost instantly.
Ethically speaking. 2 at most. There will always be times where a person can forget a password and lose an account. Which is okay.
If a person is approaching 4-5 accounts. It is dishonesty.
37 for each hero to otp in ranked
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With the exception of very popular streamers who might want an account for when they aren’t streaming, I really struggle with why anyone needs more than one.
I assume people spin up new accounts because they’re toxic and need to hide who they are once they’re recognized as a toxic player.
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I have two. But I only been using my one main for years now. Before private profiles- I played on my baby account to practice dps namely Ashe.
I have two. My main one and then one I play Widow on.
I needed to hide the fact that I clocked in 100h on Lucio back in 2016. My now-main account is frog-free
Why hide? I love a good Lucio.
I love Lucio players period.
They are the embodiment of freedom and just not giving two shts lol.
Ye I ain’t qualified for that lol I wasn’t gonna stay a phony. Now I can take things as personally as I want