How is Smurfing not a bannable offense?

I have heard multiple reasons for why smurfing should be allowed, and is not a problem; however, the negative outweighs the positive when it comes to justification for whether smurfs should be banned or not. One such reason that people give for why they feel a smurf should not be banned: playing with friends at their respective ranks. You’re thinking: “Oh, I just want to play with my friends! That’s it!” How about you play with them in QUICK PLAY? How about you play with them in ARCADE? How about you play with them in CUSTOM GAMES? Why do you have to play with them in competitive?

Oh, right, it’s because your friends are not as skilled as you are and you are using this excuse to carry them to a rank that they should not be in meaning that when they do, at some point, play by themselves: they are going to drag the team they are with down because they are at this rank that they did not earn! Bronze players playing in Gold; Silver players playing in Platinum; Gold players playing in Diamond. ANY variation may come into account that is going to in turn ruin the experience for other players.

How would you feel if you were in a rush to go to work, the light is green, and a whole line of cars at the front refuse to go? They have you completely blocked in, and they are refusing to go? Now your time is being wasted. That is what happens when we are having to deal with these people that are playing on their second, third, fourth, fifth, or even sixth account. They put us at a full standstill because we cannot break free from “ELO Hell” because people apparently have self-esteem issues so need to use the game to somehow feel better about themselves.

People are getting enjoyment at the expense of others. Utter enjoyment. Laughing that they are forcing others to be stuck somewhere, preventing them from ever climbing because they can’t climb any further themselves so why should others? Do you know the definition of a sociopath? It’s sad that a game is being used to mask these personality traits.

It would be like taking professional athletes, and permitting them to play college sports of a sport that they have already been a professional at. Could you imagine Lebron James going back to college and being allowed to play on a team? Kobe? Tom Brady? These athletes would embarrass everybody around them but… they’re enrolled in college. Why shouldn’t they be allowed?

Yeah, it’s just a game at the end of the day. We’re here to have fun. But I don’t find it to be much fun when I’m getting constantly buried because I’m going against someone who is already ranked at Master or higher while I’m in Gold. I have zero problems even losing. I just feel that it would be better if the game were fair, and smurfs make the game unfair.

Then you have the people arguing: “Well maybe you should just get better!”
Newsflash: This is a TEAM game. There are THREE roles that need to be covered that generally cannot be done by ONE player; there are few characters who could do it, more characters that may be able to do 2/3 of the roles but now you’re missing that 1/3 which could be the deal breaker. I can heal everybody, but I can’t kill them while I’m focusing on healing… I could protect everybody, but I can’t heal them. I could even do the top damage to the entire other team, but I can’t protect people now. Individual skill should be assessed, but it’s not a fair assessment to place an individual against higher skilled players and try to judge them based on that performance.

I do not care whether people agree with me or not. I highly doubt anyone can change my mind or create enough of a positive argument in favor of smurfs that would justify me changing my mind. Plain and simple: it’s not fair. There’s only so much an individual can do.

I know I’m going to likely receive some hate for this with the typical: “git gud” response, but I welcome all people to come up with a counterargument that justifies people having a smurf account that would not hinder the game for everyone else?

I do not expect nor demand that I should win every single game. I am not the greatest player to ever grace this game, pretty far from it, but I know I’m better than the rank I’m at and tired of having people try to argue that I’m where I should be when I can’t climb any higher because of either: A) Smurf accounts who…

Another reason for why people have tried to justify it: playing a different role. Back to the point!

A) Smurf is losing, so they switch to their main character(s) played on their other account to take the win. Now they have defeated that purpose to smurf to practice other characters because they could not handle a loss.

B) Losing because a Smurf account refuses to switch to their better character, or refuses to fill a role because they are now playing on their account that is “strictly DPS” (although they tend to have no problem switching to Tank or Support when they are against me).

C) Throwers.

D) Quitters.

Can’t do much against throwers or quitters besides reporting them… not to mention: punishment already does occur to those who are guilty of such deeds. But NOTHING is done against smurf accounts.


Just accept that there’s two games going on in Overwatch currently.

At high levels it’s poker; bluffing out cooldowns, figuring out what your opponents have available, and working to counter that.

At low levels it’s a slot machine, replete with all the bells, whistles, flashing colours and whatnot, all designed to distract you from the fact that Blizzard has created (intentionally or not) a matchmaking system that relegates low level players to victims of circumstance.

And before anyone comes at me with a “git gud” consider the simple fact that there will ALWAYS be players that aren’t good, so saying that as a solution to fixing the gameplay at low level is basically as useful as a fart in the wind.


So how come that some people have no issue climbing out of [insert rank] rank?

I bet that if you uploaded a few vods and opened your profile people would be able to confirm that you are roughly where you deserve to be SR wise and point out why.

I’m afraid it does. Your post says nothing about the countless mistakes you’re making every single game, it’s just making excuses. The truth is you’re terrible at OW, and you live inside your own bubble and cannot accept the fact that you are bad and own up to your mistakes. You will never improve fast enough to climb the ladder if you never do anything to improve and just hide away from the truth like this.

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But I do own up to my mistakes and call out my own mistakes. You seem determined to tell everyone who can’t climb that it’s their own fault, and that if they just get better they won’t have to rely on their teammates on a team game.


People want to learn from the rank they are currently in. They cant learn from being spawnkilled for 4 long minutes. Thats why the MMR system is for. To keep the diamond players in diamond and not in silver for example. They abused it, made life hell for 30% of the players yet everyone acts like that its perfectly fine.

There are countless competitive-based games where the last nail in the coffin was the deranking and alt accounts. OW can have its OWL but if everyone below plat leaves the game because diamond and above milks them, it dies.


I apologize, I didn’t thoroughly read your post. Smurfing (because of the throwing and manipulation of SR) is bannable. Intentionally manipulating your SR does harm other players, and everyone that sees someone who has intentionally lowered their SR should report them.


If you really did own up to your mistakes and you were 100% honest with yourself, you wouldn’t be making excuses about smurfs and bad teammates, because you’d see a much more glaring issue that’s stopping you from winning. If you saw how you really are when you play, you’d feel boosted even in gold, and be grateful that you’re even in that rank in the first place.

Yet this entire thread and every post in it has just been you making excuses. Yeah, really owning up to those mistakes.


And all your replies are here saying that the lower ranked people that are all commenting about the problem that smurfs are, are wrong. Maybe you should take a step back and try a thing called empathy. I even saw someone put into words in no better way than I could. To paraphrase, why are you smurfing? Because you couldn’t climb any higher so now you are doing to us what more skilled players are doing to you, and it does not give us a fair chance just as it does not give you a fair chance. You choose to see things this way to be difficult. Back to what I said: try empathizing.

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Short answer: Because it makes Blizzard money.

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Yes see? That is why it is okay. People are telling you to git good because it is your fault they bought extra copies of the game. Can’t you see that now?

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I don’t agree with the practice, I think it ruined comp in the lower ELOs… but they’re not going to get rid of something that they make a profit from.

I do the know the feeling and i agree smurfs have ruined comp a lot more then any of them are willing to admit. From what i have gathered and from my experience each person has issues with 1 or 2 of 3 skills when it comes to overwatch that keeps them in the rank they are in. And yes smurfs,throwers,toxic players have there affect on it as well but they would probly affect it by may 20-25% of ur games. (Still way to high when bliz can do something about at least smurfs to lower this affect)

The 3 “skills” i said are these:
1 mechanical: this is ur accuracy and consistant accuracy with for example mcgee or widow.
2 game sense: this is knowing were all the other players are in relation to u and/or ult tracking of other players in the game and this would include map knowledge along with #3
3 positioning: this is were u place yourself at any given time so u have either an escape or simply dont die so easy. Or kill easier.

no this is not a perfect list but try to id ur probel areas and try to improve them if u can. I know i lack 1 and a little but of 2 mostly but thats me. Sadly we cant change smurfing cuz blizz isnt yet doing anything about it. That and to many smurfs think they are in the right and its not killing the game…cant change that sadly. But we can inprove our selves and i say dont worry about rank so much just try to stayv relaxed and enjoy the teamwork when u do get it and when u dont just say to yourself its just a game not worth getting mad at it. Unless ur t500 or in owl then ur rank dosnt matter to anyone its just a number. (If u ever want to team up im in na pc relm so feel free to shoot me a friend i always llike playen with decent minded people. :slight_smile:

I’m pretty sure like 90% of smurfs are just people that placed low on their new account… and the fact that you pull the Elo hell argument lol you are admitting that because they can put players at your rank in the bin it means they are a higher ranked player…

Average OWL viewership last season around 100k I believe.

This stage around 80k.

(Could be mistaken).

Umm, let me think…

Because :moneybag::moneybag::moneybag::moneybag::moneybag::moneybag::moneybag::moneybag:

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Report them. The upside of an automated system is that if enough people get sick of it and report the smurfs in question then they’ll eventully get banned.

Besides, you cant say that smurfing ISNT gameplay sabotage…

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ok but you say that its a team game and you cant control the outcome of your game because of that right? well why can a smurf control it when you cant? use it as motivation to see how hard the higher ranks are and try to play like them and you will improve. thats how i got out of “Elo Hell”

Smurfs are good for the game. They clear out the bad not determined players from each rank and make them leave the game or stop playing comp so at one point only the determined tryhards remain

Not on consoles it doesn’t.

Smurf accounts are free to make on consoles.