How is Smurfing not a bannable offense?

It’s still rampant on PC due to how many times the game goes on sale, etc.

They made most of their $$$ via PC sales, I’d wager… so I don’t see them fixing the issue for either platform

because it not against the rules…

now throwing to maintain a lower rank IS AGAINST THE RULES and if you see it report them.

but simply having an account at a lower rank isnt against TOS.

My main is currently ranks 3300 something but i have another side account ranked in gold some where i cant remember the actual rank but i play other heros on there that i dont want to play on my main.

smurfing is annoying, yeah i hate when i get destroyed by a lvl 25 but its not against any rules

According to the reporting system, anything that affords an unfair advantage is cheating.

A normally high rank player on a low rank smurf account most certainly has an unfair advantage over other players actually at those low ranks, thus smurfing = cheating per the definition in game of same.


according to jeff it not against the rules so no its not cheating

I like your icon and we both know what that icon is used for. Instead of flaming posters on here how bout you and your brethren stop road to bronze lobbies.

Nice smurf account too rofl. you are part of the problem.

I bought a new account to play with my friends in lower brackets without purposefully losing SR on my main account as many other people do.

Just as you will be playing against smurfs… you will have smurfs on your team.

People in lower ranks don’t tend to notice the smurfs on their own team. Believe it or not, the MMR system is actually pretty good at making it a 50/50 chance of each team winning. The first few games i played on my smurf were faceroll for me but after a little while the MMR system kicked in and started placing me against other smurfs. I started to see the games more like (1)5 vs (1)5 as opposed to 6v6. I feel this is why STATISTICALLY smurfing isn’t a problem.

it’s not fun to play when there is a smurf in game (no matter which side they are on). u stomp or u get stomped. super fun, right?
(1)5 vs (1)5. both teams look how smurfs kill entire team and having intense battles with each other. must be awesome to watch, but i wan’t to PLAY this stupid game. and not entire team pocket this person.
P.S. i always report smurfs on both teams as cheating (“having an unfair advantage”)

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Everyone is a smurf… are you playing your main or are you filling?

Smurf vs fill this game philosophy is broke

Ofc you being a smurf yourself lmao

Same reason multiboxing in WoW isn’t against the ToS. Money.

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Didnt read but stomping players lesser skilled than you is the fun part of multiplayer PvP games :wink: if having fun is a crime, arrest me bruh!!!

Because it makes Blizzard money.

You really think they give an F what you think?


We’re just low ELo scum.

Nobody cares what we think.

It’s all about GMs and OWL.

If some GMs get their rocks off killing noobs then so what?

And don’t bother reporting them when they throw on the way down either. Reporting does nothing and is a waste of time.

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money >>>>>>> the players

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In a game where the matchmaking pairs up teams so its fair…

I would love to see it, and report it, but private profiles hide the fact that someone could have a SEASON high SR of 3500 and is currently in my bronze comp match.

a mercy main of 2000SR is not equally skilled compared to a s76 main of 2000SR.

I don’t know what this is supposed to mean. Are you insinuating DPS players are more skilled than support players at the same SR?

did i stutter???

You are entitled to your opinion.