How is mercy now "unfun"?

I’ve never played her so im genuinely asking. She got nerfed ,reworked etc but the way she heals and move around is still the same. Some people complain about her being unfun, but isnt her base kit the same as it has always beem but weaker ?


The main complaint seems to be that Valk is too safe and easy that it requires no brain power.

And that Rez is too risky that it’s basically a gamble to see how gullible the enemy is.

Either way, it’s either a loss of control, or making control unimportant. Kinda similar to why people feel Mei is aggravating to play against.

And there’s no big instant impact effect that Lucio/Zen/Ana get, that gives a big emotional payoff.


Wow. Worded perfectly.


I don’t really get it either. Many say it’s because mass rez was a big impact play but even still that makes up for about 5% of the time you are actually playing. At least now she has improved mobility and something to do besides healing and damage boost with rez as an ability.


Well even if it was only 5%, at least it was better than none.
They could have added the bunny hop to old Mercy, but more mobility would just make her survivability raise, making her the moth that she’s now.
And about the E-Ability, i think that the majority of people doesn’t like being a statue for 1.75, draining all of your controll and giving it to your team/enemies.


This post makes zero sense.

"Uhh yeah just make McCrees ult make him shoot faster and hold 2 more bullets for 10 seconds. Fun? Who gives a s**t if it’s fun? Deadeye only makes up 5 percent of your time playing, anyways.

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thank you so much :hearts:

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as the first person said valk is basically the most auto pilot ult in the game, not to mention it doesn’t negate a lot of things which makes you feel even worst.

Her base kit was always boring but the Huge Rez was the incentive to play her, very satisfying. It’s the same reason why people stay in jobs they hate because of business trips and benefits

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This, but I would like to add that it was the loss of mind games, at least for me.

The old ult had quite a bit more thought out into it than valk. I would elaborate but I’ve done it so many times already, and I’m just tired of repeating myself; however, if you want to know just ask and I will elaborate or you can go through some of my post history either way.


Sid Meier once said, “A game is a collection of interesting choices”. It follows that game elements being out of balance and thereby eliminating choices detracts from the gameplay. Ideally, a game should be a series of choices, ending with victory of defeat or some other end condition. Sometimes, some choices will become unquestionably the only choice, or definitely not a valid choice.
If there is only one valid choice at some point, but the game hasn’t ended, there is a play balance problem. - Techniques for Achieving Play Balance

Hold that left click and act like a kite for 15 seconds, reduces the choices for that one player to 1, for an extended period of time.


The rework is unfun for 2 reasons
1 is that the hero no longer has any hell yeah moments that are all on her (with rez being the only thing that could be this kind of moment and due to it’s limitations it feels more like a skill check of everyone else rather then the Mercy.)
And 2. Mass rez was fun to use it had mind games quite often to avoid rezzing a team into a zoning ult that wipes them instantly and things like that

It was replaced with something that not only dosen’t live up to that ults fun power but take away from the fun of Mercy’s base kit
People who enjoy Mercy’s base kit are used to playing a devilish game of cat and mouse with the flankers, having incredibe mobility because that pistol is one of the worst weapons in this game to try and duel a Genji or Tracer wit even if it’s DPS potential is reasonably high.
It’s the kind of dance that means one misstep one wrong GA target and you’re in the corssairs of a team that see’s you as Top Priority kill target (as would any support.)

So why then do you give her an ult htat makes her borderline unkillable and an E that cuts into that fluid gameplay?
That’s why it’s unfun


Current rez just kinda sucks the emotion out of me.

Did I get one off?:

Yes: yay

No: oh…ok


Mercys base kit is fine and has always been if you ask me.

Her ultimate Valkyrie is just super boring since it just does what you already do but better. There is no excitement or burst impact you get from it. Just hanging in the air watching your team doing stuff.

E-rez is a gamble wether your enemy is stupid enough to let you pull it off or a test to see if you teammates can protect you. Either way it is super lame and has nothing skillful about it. You get rez every 30 seconds if you are godlike or just some random pleb doesnt matter.

What Mercy needs is another rework giving her a skillshot on her e-ability and a burst impact ultimate with risk to make her more interesting again. This rework suggestion from Titanium covers that.

What gets me is that Mercy mains can’t seem to focus on implementing a fun version of Valkyrie ultimate, and single Rez.

Oh please stop with these threads.

That’s because Valkyrie can’t be fun without being overpowered.

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Fix her on-fire rate please. :3


Valkyrie is fun to me? Flying around and doing AoE healing.

Well, this is the point where our opinions usually differs. But i am happy to see that you are listening. Again, thank you.

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