How is implementing an abusive ban system not illegal?

Surely this will be looked at in the future right? Banning individuals for no real reason in hopes they create another account to purchase their product a second, third, fourth time.

“Wow you asked that guy to use his ult? Prepare for banishment you criminal scum!” Doesn’t sound like something that would hold in court, when clearly something like this was implemented to supplement the fact that the community is dwindling.

Seems like a bold move to make more money by farming what few people actually care about the game.


I highly doubt this is what actually happened if you somehow ended up banned.


You will only get banned for being reported repeatedly over a large number of games.

Show a pattern of bad/disruptive behaviour.

Assuming this about you, based on how tilted and toxic you’re being, I’d suggest chilling out and learning to control your emotions and how you speak to team mates.


It should be. The automated flag system should probably at least be EU directed over here considering that you might lose your rights to play the game for conducts they can’t even proof to be accurate based on subjective feedback that has absolutely no control for sincerity. As a veteran player I’ve seen multiple friends of mine revoke their bans/silences through the ticket system multiple times and even I’ve gotten 1 silence and 1 suspension revoked through it as I got falsely reported for saying “gg :slight_smile:” to salty losers who got outplayed by our stack and whatever the gameplay sabotage one was for (I ruthlessly flex to pick the best hero for the situation always so this baffled me)

So it’s not like there’s no trust in the system here, but the fact that you can still get locked out of your account for 48 hours (this happened to me during the start of covid so they were short-handed and it took a bit of extra time, very understandably) regardless of the fact that the action gets revoked afterwards. At least they could compensate for it somehow or at least reassure us that those players who keep falsely reporting others will get banned :frowning:


Every online multi-player game bans people for inappropriate behavior, nowadays.

This is not specific to this game.

The systems works as so.
Group of 5 players, mainly your team all report you for playing the game “how you want” and not how they want. All report it as throwing.

Do this a number of times with same number of 5 random players and you be up to a lot of reports. You will be then banned due to the number and no real “look into the matter” it’s a video game not court.

He said she said deal. Numbers don’t lie apparently. (Same with the forums. A number of people report you because they don’t agree and your msg is blocked/removed)

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I agree that something needs to be done about this. If this is still happening then really some kind of legal action. They can’t refuse to supply you the product that you bought on falsehoods. And clear rules need to be in place rather than vague terms. If one tricking is allowed, then it is allowed full stop. Nobody should ever be banned for it. No matter if the community disagrees. Blizzard should have the spine to uphold their own policies.


I’ve gotten warnings in the game after being reported for…


Speaking my native language after other people spoke their native language to make a point that we can’t understand each other if everyone is speaking their own language.

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Report weight is limited to per match and not per report. The key statement is being reported a number of times (over a number of matches).

give me proof of this happening. u won’t

I’m pretty sure this will become a class action lawsuit some day. It undermines the existence of having rules when whether or not you get banned is just based on the whims of players. Just because most of the time banned people “probably” broke a rule that doesn’t mean there aren’t false positives and that the system works. It is deeply flawed and only kind of works because people believe it should.

People are already started to wake up to the fact that the whole thing is automatic and can just get people banned.

I very much doubt that. You’ll have been obnoxious in games weeks earlier. I takes A LOT of reports to get actioned.

Unfortunately, this isn’t illegal. Most service providers have a right to revoke your right to usage whenever they like for whatever reason or no reason at all and are not required to disclose the reason, if there is one.

You agree to observe their right to do that when you sign up to play their game.

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The problems in the system are to me three-fold and it needs reformed.

  1. Reports, etc. don’t “age” out - you literally just accrue offenses, they never leave your record and even if you played in 2016, you can be banned in 2021 due to them slowly piling up.

  2. You have no feedback on reports until the hammer falls outside of endorsement level. No warnings, or rare ones, no meter that should show say green all good to yellow to red as an indicator, nothing.

  3. You often are not told what the “offense” even was, you have to open a ticket, plea and ask and even then you may not know exactly, the “judge” just looks randomly I think in the chat logs from the match where the report occurred.

Its just poorly thought out system designed to make people over time lose accounts and need to buy new ones.

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Nope, try playing on EU yourself and speak your native language if that’s not English. People will report you.

I am on EU.

No one reports for language.

Also, side fact. English isn’t in the top 3 most spoken languages in Europe.

Yeah, they do. Plenty of people do.

Some guy speaking french on voice, I start speaking Swedish and they just increasingly get more and more agitated when I’m speaking Swedish.

I’ve come across Swedes telling other Swedes to report everyone that doesn’t speak Swedish.

If this is what truly happened to you and they won’t unban your account, don’t buy another account?

English is the most well-known language in Europe, it might not be everyone’s first language but over half or Europe learn it as their second.

Also, English is what you mainly hear on EU servers.


You see. The stats are based on languages spoken. So me, I speak 4 languages so my 1 person would count under 4 different languages.

In short.

English is just in 4th place (behind Russian (1st), German and French). French is now the official language of communication in the EU too since the UK left, so governments decided all communications should be in French from now on.