How is D.Va suppose to protect in the "mid field" if D.Va can't even protect players past the shield

Ain’t that the truth? Never been so easy to maintain a high beam charge with Zarya.

  • Defense Matrix to 12m

  • Bring back her bug of being knock back resistant while firing as a Mech passive.

  • Booster damage to 25

  • Slight reduction in spread to extend her lethal range past 7m.

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i feel so lost when playing dva
like how do i manage peeling and helping my other tank :((

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Which nerfs/buffs are you referring to specifically?

As far as I remember, only DM range and Lucio’s speed remain to be fully reverted. Lucio’s speed was partially buffed and Blizz has been trying to compensate for Dva ever since with various CD buffs.

Also Tracer’s falloff.

DM is far more important than shield gamesense wise, it blocks the most lethal abilities like Firestrike and biotic orb, and helps well against spamrat, but you need a good player at the controls to do that.

I never played D.VA until they balanced her to where she was no longer a bully (not trying to add to the problem.)

Her kit is so fun, and she’s a blast to play, but without a pocket healer or a shield tank in front of you, it’s a death sentence. You’re only job is to matrix while the other tank’s shield is down to charge. Sadly, that’s about it.

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Not a goats change.

Pulse bomb damage maybe, but even that’s a stretch.


My mistake then.

That still needs to be reverted tho lol

See people say this but then leave out the fact that most of the things that actually win the fight are barrier exclusive blocked. Moria for an example spray heals and base weapon are blocked by barriers not dm and that’s where she gets her charge and big healing. Reinhardt’s big game changing play is shatter which also is barrier exclusive for blocking. Also firestrike and Orb are minority ability you want to know what is on far more heroes and do get blocked by barriers and not dm? Beam damage which is the entirety of symmetra’s damage (except orb which is blockable by both dm and barrier), Zarya, Echo, and Mei freeze (its not perfect but at least resists the freeze a bit which is better than what happens if you try to dm it by a large amount). Oh and you can’t get hacked by Sombra behind a barrier where as dm doesn’t do anything to stop hack.

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