How is D.Va suppose to protect in the "mid field" if D.Va can't even protect players past the shield

But what if Zarya just puts herself in front of the shield or the shield user just drops their shield? That’s always an option

I guess no hero is safe nowadays…
What’s next, zens easy? No cooldown managment just discord lul 4head

Makes me so angry when people like you just dont care about all the hard work some people have done to get good at a hero, and you just say “lol braindead”.

Also to OP, No, Zarya is not a better

I was with you for ages on buffs, but honestly this attitude just puts me off supporting people like you.

Sorry, but the only things that separate a good Zarya player from a bad Zarya player is how often they get themselves killed and the efficacy of their team bubble.

Everything else just amounts to aim good

There is so much more to zarya than that though. I suggest watching some high level zarya streamers. It’s insane how much effort they have to put in to be good.

Also, how is that “braindead” at all? Even if you think that is so. If she requires aim, and efficiency of team bubbles, that is not braindead (Even though i highly disagree that those are the only skills zarya needs).

Zarya has so much less to worry about than other tanks, her mechanics are simple and forgiving. It’s simply put up to the player as to how much they want to get out of the character.

“Forgiving”? Zarya is probably the most punishable tank out there. It’s so easy to punish zarya these days.

Here’s a link to a video explaining why she isn’t braindead.

(The music is a little cringy sorry)

These professional tier tips don’t exactly apply 1 to 1 for most people…

You don’t have to play a near perfect Zarya game to get any value at all. Also, when playing with a Rein, Zarya is only as punishable as the Rein is since they stick together.

If we’re talking about using Zarya with like a Winston or Roadhog, there’s obviously more to her on the positioning and bubble usage fronts. But if we’re talking about the bog standard Rein Zarya at masters and below, that’s as easy as Overwatch gets.

Actually a lot of these tips apply for every OW player. You should watch the video, it goes pretty in depth.

Rein Zarya isn’t even that easy. You still need brilliant bubble management because it’s so easy to mess up bubbles these days, especially since the duration is so short (2s) so it’s easy to mess up, you undeniably need brilliant tracking.

Her ult is actually not the easiest thing to do either. But all that is addressed in the video. I suggest you watch it.

By the way, I play winston, is he an acceptable hero where I won’t be called braindead for playing? Or is he another easy hero.
I mean, you’re totally right, all that effort I’ve put into zarya is actually for nothing, It’s actually so easy! Thanks for letting me know how easy it was!

Ok sarcasm aside, I hate these types of arguments.

Afaik Korea treats it very differently. Large part of why we still have it.

Zarya isn’t “braindead”, but there’s no denying that D.Va has been trashed to the point where she’s 100 times as hard for the same value, and for no reason but what I can only assume is a grudge against her.

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theres honestly no downsides for her enemies if dm range is increased.
the only negative is that it may make her braindead easy to play.

I’m not sure I would say “trashed” ( is my third most played), but she is definitely in need of buffs. I’m just sick of everyone bringing zarya into this. leave her alone!

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the reason people are bringing Zarya into this is jealousy. she’s one of the few tanks Blizzard has not gone out of their way to trash, she’s one of the few who’s still fun, and it feels unfair. now I agree that instead of nerfing her they should buff the others, but if blizzard is gonna continue ignoring tank balance you can see why people would turn on Zarya

1 Like, Mei and Sombra desperately need buffs, to their peeling and damage especially. So sad 3 of highest skilled tank/dps are not allowed to be good.

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Yeah I do hate what they did to I used to play her all the time, but she feels so clunky right now.

Hopefully they can buff her to a state where she feels good to use again, but I genuinely used to love playing her.

I can understand the “jealousy” thing as well, but no need to take their anger out and basically say that all the work you put into x hero was for nothing because they’re actually braindead. it just sucks.

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Bubbles may be short lived, but considering they protect you from anything and everything they’re pretty forgiving. Not to mention, they can even discourage people from trying to break them, so you either get free damage or more damage.

I’m not going to accept any arguements in favor of grav. It’s a cheap ability, period. You may need to aim it, you may need to time, but anybody that gets ensnared is as good as dead unless it was just a very poor grav.

I’m not trying to attack you or anything, I just hate the character. She’s cheap and requires a basic skill set.

Keep in mind bubbles only have 200hp, so they don’t exactly protect you from much.

Grav, despite what people think isn’t actually this free win. You have to keep in mind matrix, sigma grasp, and just the mere fact “are people split up?” it makes it so much harder if they are. Also her ult sucks without followup.

Listen, I’m not trying to say she is the hardest hero (she definitely is close though once you are higher up), but goodness it just makes me sad that you think she’s “braindead”.

Keep in mind I AGREE DVA NEEDS BUFFS, I even play her a good amount (not as much anymore), but stop taking it out on zarya!

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I think zarya is balanced.


I don’t even play, I just hate seeing people employ the “walk forward to win” strategy

I always tend to see Rein Zarya comps. The more often I see them, the more resentment towards it I get.

Fixing Dva would be the thing that makes me go back to play this game.

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