How is bunker the new meta?

So a lot of people have been saying bunker is the new meta.

Let’s look at the stats:

Bastion: literally the least picked hero in competitive with a 0.5% PR and a 50% Wingate

Baptiste: 2nd least picked support, only 0.2% above Brigitte in pick rate. Also has a 47% winrate

Orisa: 3rd least picked tank, but has a 54% winrate.

And I bet a lot of people are gonna say: “Stats don’t mean anything!”, so let me tell you how to counter bunker comp.

Sombra. They’re all tightly packed so use EMP and they’re all screwed.

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It’s not meta but it’s giving people ideas. At least in my rank, it’s becoming a thing and seeing more play.

Sombra can only get her EMP so often when they’re bunkered. The challenge is getting EMP up to break it…

My personal preference is to break Immortality Field and then put an Ice Wall underneath the Bastion to expose him.

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Most of the time it’s run on 2CP so all you really need is one EMP, even if it takes 3 minutes to get it

Where are these stats from? If its from sites like overbuff then they aren’t accurate enough. But yes , above masters, bunker is the comp to play


bunker is pretty common on paris… it makes the map even worse.

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so far ive noticed its pretty common on EU… NA is still on the goats trip lmao

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According to this place brig is op and goats mirror matches everywhere

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Usually Orisa uses Halt! to the above of opponent’s Orisa’s shield then proceed to hook one with Hog.

the term bunker is just being used loosely. its basically just hog and orisa+whatever. usually hanzo since he is excellent at shield breaking or widow or both.

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as it was with dive… people already complain about dive when a winston jumps on a zen…

meta means " i saw it twice on owl" or " a youtuber said so"

ya agreed why bunkers always break in lower elos, like my own. GM games though, think about it. They roughly know when hacks available so all they need to do is play super aggro to get kills before hack can be used or retreat bait hack in a favorable place then reset the bunker.

but in higher ranks, supports will know to get out of sight (zen lucio) while still healing or whatever. so it becomes a 50/50 if the emp is gonna work or not. plus its boring so people wont play it and goats is still good. so its basically if u wanna press W and play the game or if u want to let 1 person play the game while u just sit there.

Even Super was wondering what happened to the meta yesterday. It shouldn’t be meta yet it is. Ladder is just weird I guess.

Hey lets have zen or lucio not standing with everyone else, guess they aren’t screwed anymore :woman_shrugging:

Maybe the game is finally balanced.

Honestly, I am starting to wonder if balance is good enough where you can run different stuff and team work can prevail without an extreme difference in skill where one composition just wins out for how good it can be.

Meanwhile at nearly all other levels the game finally has enough synergy across multiple cast members and character buffs that while some characters are not optional they are not poor enough either. Other factors are bigger issues than character selection now such as poor ult usage, teamwork, and aim.

Bastion sucks… Suddenly you can release Baptiste and you have a team synergy that can help remove a weakness of his. Reaper while not the most ideal tank buster can actually do it and be pretty scary. Hitting that Dva for like 140 damage is healing 56 dps. That Dva needs to be spot on to kill that Reaper.

That’s what I feel. The game is pretty darn balanced on ladder, that’s why these recent balance patches kinda make me mad considering that meaningless balance patches takes away from time on features that ranked actually needs.

It’s becoming meta at higher ELOs right now, especially on 2CP maps

All the games I played today (high masters/low GM) had Orisa Hog on at least one side. Also Sombra does not always counter bunker at higher ranks since supports know to hide before EMP

isnt a new meta, its a new cheese, and sombra totally destroy it, or 2 timed ults wipe the bunker comp due they rely you never destroy the Immortality Field or you ignore it. beside due they are relying on IF they always clamped together, so a sombra’s ult hitting the full enemy team is near 90% secured thing, same with the timed 2 ults.

Bunker is not yet the main METa for the game, but it can damn well easily become one.

First of all, let’s just point out that it is really effective in almost all ranks, as it generally requires little to no objective skill to pull off and in lower/mid ranks it can a lot of times be simply unstoppable. On the other hand, it can also be very effective in higher ranks, as Baptiste now is able to cover almost all of the weaknesses of the previous version of Bunker with his Immortality Field, which was the main factor why that comp and of course Bastion used to be garbage in those ranks.

So, as it for once in recent memory is a comp that literally everyone can pull of and requires more than objectively double the skill and communication the other team needs to have in order to counter Bunker (something that is also non - existent in lower/mid ranks), it can easily become on of the most consistent (and the most frustrating by far) comp ever in all ranks.