How is bunker the new meta?

Then they’re an easy picking for the sombra, lol.

But what if you aren’t playing in bronze then they have 1 other dps next to the support so the sombra can’t solo the zen or lucio? :thinking:

If you look at pickrates and winrates in gm alone. Orisa is most picked tank with hog in second. widow is most picked DPS with Hanzo second. And it’s ana and zen iirc.

whenever i play mei i just do that. but i never have a roadhog on my team to hook the bastion…

I expect Mei’s pick rate to go up if Bunker Comp actually becomes a thing considering she has more impact against bunker than Sombra without needing so much time to setup.

look at GM, my friend

If you cant kill me, you are simply too slow!


Orisa is the second most picked hero, and the hero with the best win rate in top 500/GM, and Hog is not far from her in both. These 2 are the base components of bunker, so you can play many other heroes with them, and still call it bunker because more than half the team is camping behind the Orisa.

Since when people play meta in comp???

EMP+Calling of said EMP+teammates ready to actually followup+no ennemy sneaky Zen / Lucio to ult = maybe they all screwed.

You can play bunker with torb

You dont need baptiste to play bunker

Pickrate doesn’t mean crap

Sombra can counter literally any comp, so thats not really a soulution to bunker as a meta.

If you like bunker, go ahead, no one can stop you from liking it, but don’t act like everyone should enjoy it and that it is not an extremely common comp.

You don’t need bastion or baptise for bunker.

Bunker is typically the following:

1.) Orisa
2.) Hog (mostly for the Orisa synergy), or alternatively Dva
3.), 4.) DPS #1 and #2 (insert characters that function well behind static shields here, like Torb, snipers, etc.)
5.),6.) Mercy, Ana, Zen. Generally the obvious synergies apply – Mercy works well with snipers, Ana is a solid general pick, you probably want Zen on defense at least for trans.