How is 5v5 ever going to work with 1 tank

  • Give him a passive that reduces the amount of ultimate charge granted (have it stack like Mercy’s if Role Passives go through).
  • Reduce spread on his Scrap Gun.
  • Increase damage reduction during Take a Breather.

If solo Tank goes through, might as well make him a bigger threat to compensate for lack of team protection (single-player body blocker).

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As if a majority of Tank players prefer punching bag duty, over playing Hog/Zarya/Ball/

Realistically your “Tanks” is a small minority of Tank players.

Which is already a small minority of overall players.

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All tanks take turns at punching bag duty. The question is how much of a punching bag with they be in Overwatch 2. I would be okay with Brawly tanks if they can survive being aggressive tanks like heavies in other shooter games.

The live stream even though its not the final product was not reassuring in regards to tanks.

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I wonder how many people mad about 5v5 are just mad because they’ll be more likely to get a support slot to farm passes with instead of being able to just lock Zarya/Hog.

At this point I’m pretty sure it is. A ponzi scheme to convince Investors to keep Investing in Blizzard, that the MAU’s aren’t dropping like a stone (11 million active player losses in just a few years? :grimacing: yikes! 2 million from OW alone in just this last year, during a global pandemic when gaming was never more popular) and that they aren’t losing talent left right and center (like, virtually all the heads of creative departments that MADE Overwatch are gone now, every seasoned Blizzard member that made old Blizzard products have jumped ship) oh yeah and forget that player sentiment seems to be at an all time low.

Look over here, bright and sparkly OW2, announced WAY TOO EARLY back when we didn’t even have a fully fleshed out concept for it (remember that awkward few months when they announced it at Blizzcon but couldn’t actually tell us what it would be?) it’ll be out… uh… SOON!

There’s gonna be a lot more harassment for tank players, for sure.

“How are u not playing rein?”
“Our only tank is playing ball, Gg”

Reducing the engagement time
What does this mean? Getting in the enemy face much faster

Having 1 less person doing damage kinda is a global damage nerf. It’s gonna be like 15% or more damage going away per match.

Simple from now on tank players are going to be told to pick a certain tank or else they’ll be reported for throwing instead of the current system where… that already happens… wait how is this better?

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Because with the new system, you can balance Tanks to really be nearly equal in power, without causing any weird Tank synergies.

And you can do a lot of that with buffs


True but I don’t think we should discount how much damage dps can do plus the enemy tank. I think there was a clip where someone peeked with Winston and was destroyed in seconds with little input of the enemy tanks.

Well that’s gonna happen no matter what, that’s been a thing since the game came out. Playing tank isn’t about just taking the damage, but making sure it doesn’t kill you or whoever you are trying to protect.

Peeking out somewhere the enemy team is looking at without a plan has always been a recipe for disaster. All it takes is one Soldier getting headshots to put anyone down quick, never mind a whole team of people.

Just remember, 500 health isn’t that much more than 200 health whenever most characters can manage 180 damage per second. It’s all about making sure that damage doesn’t actually kill you, that way they are shooting at the 500 health guy instead of the 200 health guy.

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What you say is kinda of true. Its just that when tanks were stronger like in the past they felt better to play than they do now. Over the past year playing tanks just felt worse and worse for me.

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TBH we are not sure, It could either be more balanced or end up as the “Reinhardt” role.

I think that’s another thing: Tanks just feel like bulkier Damage heroes, but with less damage and more team dependent. Damage in this game is scaled towards Tanks, when most of the roster is below 300 HP, which makes for duels between most of the roster lasting less than 5 seconds.

It just feels like Tanks aren’t Tanks in Overwatch: most have little to no threat behind them, and most of their utility feels like slaps on the wrist from my experience.

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It will work, because blizzard will make tanks nearly indistinguishable (that took 3 tries to spell correctly) from dps.

I want to say to have faith in blizzard’s balancing team, but looking at how ow1 is/was being handled do I say to be very afraid.

Which is exactly what tanks will become if 5v5 is implemented. The ow2 gameplay shows tanks standing around doing nothing but being punching bags.

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Depends. Some tanks are better than they used to be. Yeah, people complain about Reinhardt losing 400 shields and lost .5 seconds on an ultimate knock down but that was part of the goal of reducing overall CC and too much shielding in the game. Despite that, he gained speed buffs using shields, knockback resistance, damage buffs, improved charge pull mechanic, improved ultimate ground los detection with raised height. Those are huge improvements for the amount of shields lost.

Roadhog is better, is arguably better, Winston is definitely better.

I don’t know if I would consider later added tanks, aside their shielding, they have also gained in some areas or nerfed because they released OP anyway.

Guys, the era of just standing in front with a shield and blocking forever is gone. You have to play tank differently.

Tanks are bulkier damage characters essentially, they always have been. That’s the way to do it in a first person shooter I’d you ask me, if tanks were totally defensive focused then they would just be boring to play.

Also, how long do you want duels to go on between squishies? The longer it takes for them to duke it out, the so much longer I would take with tanks. I’m not looking for CoD levels of fast, but I’m not looking for LoL levels of meandering either. Overwatch already has a good balance to me.