How greedy can overwatch get?

You’re trying to compare olympic gold medals to a couple of pixels, whats your point?

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That’s not an anti-consumer practice. It’s a free gift. An exclusive bonus incentive to purchase an existing item. No human being on Earth has the right to be sold everything they want.

Yeah those seeking basic human rights have got nothing on you my dude :unamused:

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Funny how there is only one way to get this free gift.

I’m comparing an exclusive reward to an exclusive reward as a way to demonstrate how something can be devalued by allowing anyone to get it.

I never said they did, don’t put words in my mouth, its an example.

THe gold medal means nothing, if Jonny McSteven wins the olympics for fastest runner, and gives his gold medal to a 6 year old, the value isn’t in the medal, the medal itself is meaningless.

It’ll be available separately next year though? So… theres isnt just 1 way to get it

And there were few choices in poorer taste you could have chosen as an example but I’ll bet that’ll be settled before the end of this thread lmao

I gave an example I thought would be easy for others to understand, don’t put too much thought into it.

The medal still has value even when given to someone else. It just means less to that person. It’s still symbolic of something. To someone who cares about Jonny McSteven, it is a rare collectors piece.

You’re right, I need to follow your example

Can we get beyond the examples thing, holy crap,I care about something that doesn’t benefit me, can you at least understand that?

Absolutely. I 100% get that. I’m just trying to explain why you it’s not some anti-consumer practice from an evil greedy corporation to give their customers an exclusive bonus gift and then not just turn around and sell it to everyone else.

So you can feel wronged by the company based on what actions they took? We agree!

Frankly I see it as them rewarding/thanking those who support the event and keep it alive and well.

As many pointed out, they could easily make this into a real money grab but they aren’t.

This is a money grab, its just an inflated one.

lol everything is a money grab. Every service, entertainment, event, show, game, is a money grab

I get that you can care about something that doesn’t benefit you. I disagree that Blizzard has engaged in any actions that wronged anyone.

There’s a fair money grab, and an unfair one.