How greedy can overwatch get?

I mean, they could easily charge 5-10 dollars for every new map/hero they release. They could also keep the game running on a subscription-based service to keep the servers running, providing a free loot box a day and extra exclusive cosmetics to attempt to justify the cost.

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Except it isn’t 50 bucks for the OW team, its 6-7 bucks for them, since it goes to everyone evenly. They would make more money selling the skin for 10 bucks separately.

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Life is full of decisions as to what is worth the investment. Sometimes it’s time, sometimes it’s money, and sometimes it’s risking emotional pain… but it all has a price and it’s up to you to figure out what you’re willing to pay. The thing is you never EVER HAVE to spend any of it. That’s on you.

Y’all just want the thing for less than it costs to attain it. I enjoy when people don’t try to sell me it as anything other than that. Don’t hide behind morals or “it’s predatory” when you just can’t bring yourself to pay the cost.

I’m not sure why this is so hard for you. The extra content they give out are rewards to the people who buy the ticket. It’s a way of providing them with something valuable and exclusive as a thank you for their purchase. You are so incredibly entitled if you seriously think it’s appropriate to demand that they sell the skin separately as a lower price because you think it’s cool but don’t want to pay for everything else. That’s not how it works.

Having the option to get the skin and only the skin is wanting the thing for less than its worth? Having the option to only buy the skin isn’t ok? What?

3 of your points are stuff that can be bought with free in game credits, and your 3rd is something from the blizzcon virtual ticket, wich as its supposed to gives you ingame rewards and a ticket to watch blizzcon at an exclusive perspective.

The only argument was that they should have told players ahead of time so they wouldn’t have spent their OWL tokens.

I’m not getting the skin, I don’t play Sombra, I don’t like the skin, I wouldn’t spend 5 bucks on it, get off your high horse self-servient justice out of this argument, its a matter of principle.

there is an opportunity cost here and you are not willing to pay it. Just say it. Don’t act like they’ve offended your morals.


Then why tf are you arguing so passionately about it? You’re literally making it sound like the evil greedy corporation has ruined your life because they didn’t make it available separately and then you say you dont even care about it and don’t want it. I don’t understand your logic at all.

I wouldn’t spend 5 dollars on it, its just dirty to package it like this.

Why did white people march for black rights in the 60’s? Just because it doesn’t benefit someone doesn’t mean they can’t care.

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Yeah but the more accurate analogy isnt going to the store to buy a specific item and have it bundled with other items. It’s blizzcon, so it’s like going to a concert and the skins/items they give you are commemorative memorabilia

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If someone wants the skin then they have to pay the 50$, if it’s to expensive then skip buying it.

Are you for real?

sounds like you wouldn’t buy it even if it was sold separately. However they’ve incentivized the virtual ticket for the players/fans who tend to drop cash. It’s not greedy, immoral or unnecessary, sounds like they made the right business decision.

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Who’s the one calling the examples extreme now? Funny how the second it doesn’t benefit you its not ok to do it.

My example was actually relevant. You’re trying to compare a free gift to the civil rights movement.

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You guys seem to forget that it’s a blizzard crossover. It fits with BlizzCon

A business decision doesn’t exclude them for anti consumer practises, plenty of people are going to drop 50 bucks for this skin, when its the only thing they want. And Blizzard should feel ashamed of themselves for thinking thats ok.

thought it was 40? and yes people like to experience events and information live, and the goodies are just icing for them. Not my cup-o-tea but I’m not gonna cry about not having a skin for a hero I never play…