How greedy can overwatch get?

ok first it was the Lucio emo…Then it was the tracer and gengi all star skins…and now the 40 dollar Sombra Demon Hunter skin??? what overwatch i thought if we buy the game you will make it fair for us to get the new skins…this company is getting more greedy…what do you guys think??


Please, do not ask them that question. They will find a way, fam!


The Lucio emote was not 30 dollars, the OWL twitch all access pass which it, along with many other skins and features it came with was 30 dollars.

The new Sombra skin is not 40 dollars, the Blizzcon virtual ticket which includes live viewing of the event and other virtual rewards for separate games comes with is 40 dollars.


Its 50 dollars, and unless someone plays the rest of Blizzards games, its 50 dollars for a skin.


It didn’t start with the lucio emote.

And don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answer to.


Didn’t know about the price.

No, it is still 50 dollars for everything that is included, it doesn’t matter what the consumer does with it, if anything.


All cosmetic items that are only worth anything because people want them.

I don’t see it as greed, its a dang business who’s main goal is to make money. Their prob is tons of individuals that want to make great games that work for the company but the end goal is money.

The fact that these are glorified cosmetics seems the best way to do it without making it unfair to the main player base


What?! If something has no value to me, it should have no cost!



If you walked into the store, and you wanted milk, and you had to pay 50 dollars for the garbage cereal that came with it, its ok as you’re getting 50 dollars worth of stuff? You can’t conviently forget that not everyone enjoys or cares about the rest of the package, its 50 dollars for a skin if its the only part you care about. How hard is it to sell it for 15 dollars seperately?


If something doesn’t have value to you, you shouldn’t be forced to buy it…

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Blizzcon has always had specific items for their games as a gift to those that go, or buy the virtual ticket. OW has had skins for 2 years previously, this will be the third.

This is nothing new.

This is not game breaking.

This does not effect game play at all.


So you would rather pay $50 bucks with no skin? Because they dictate the price regardless of what you see as bundled items.

Yes, Because your paying for the package, not the skin. :grinning:

Bundling goods has been a commercial practice for a long time. If you want the government to outlaw it, vote appropriately.

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Yes. It’s not that company’s fault if all you wanted was milk. They packaged up a bunch of content and sold it at a price.

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Who perchance do I vote for to make that illegal? I don’t recall any representative supporting this notion.

Well then it’s a good thing you’re not forced to buy it.


Thats the thing. One IS forced to buy it as they have no other way of obtaining the skin.

I really don’t understand why people are so surprised by this. It’s a virtual ticket to Blizzcon, with free stuff included as a bonus. You get stuff for wow and such too. And you get to watch Blizzcon live.

It’s not like they’re paywalling content that changes the game. It’s a skin. And the skin in this instance is a bonus “thank you” for buying your ticket.

Will some people buy it just for the skin? Absolutely. Does Blizz know that? Absolutely! They’re a company. They do in fact, like making money.


the skin isn’t 40 bucks, you get it as a bonus to purchasing a blizz ticket